module CouchRest module Model module CoreExtensions module TimeParsing if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9.0" # Overrwrite Ruby's standard new method to provide compatible support # of 1.9.2's method. # # Only supports syntax like: # #, 4, 1, 18, 50, 32, "+02:00") # # or #, 4, 1, 18, 50, 32) # def new(*args) return super() if (args.empty?) zone = args.delete_at(6) time = mktime(*args) if zone =~ /([\+|\-]?)(\d{2}):?(\d{2})/ tz_difference = ("#{$1 == '-' ? '+' : '-'}#{$2}".to_i * 3600) + ($3.to_i * 60) time + tz_difference + zone_offset( else time end end end # Attemtps to parse a time string in ISO8601 format. # If no match is found, the standard time parse will be used. # # Times, unless provided with a time zone, are assumed to be in # UTC. # def parse_iso8601(string) if (string =~ /(\d{4})[\-|\/](\d{2})[\-|\/](\d{2})[T|\s](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}(\.\d+)?)(Z| ?([\+|\s|\-])?(\d{2}):?(\d{2}))?/) # $1 = year # $2 = month # $3 = day # $4 = hours # $5 = minutes # $6 = seconds (with $7 for fraction) # $8 = UTC or Timezone # $9 = time zone direction # $10 = tz difference hours # $11 = tz difference minutes if $8 == 'Z' || $8.to_s.empty? utc($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_f) else new($1.to_i, $2.to_i, $3.to_i, $4.to_i, $5.to_i, $6.to_f, "#{$9 == '-' ? '-' : '+'}#{$10}:#{$11}") end else parse(string) end end end end end end Time.class_eval do extend CouchRest::Model::CoreExtensions::TimeParsing # Override the ActiveSupport's Time#as_json method to ensure that we *always* encode # using the iso8601 format and include fractional digits (3 by default). # # Including miliseconds in Time is very important for CouchDB to ensure that order # is preserved between models created in the same second. # # The number of fraction digits can be set by providing it in the options: # # time.as_json(:fraction_digits => 6) # # The CouchRest Model +time_fraction_digits+ configuration option is used for the # default fraction. Given the global nature of Time#as_json method, this configuration # option can only be set for the whole project. # # CouchRest::Model::Base.time_fraction_digits = 6 # def as_json(options = {}) digits = options ? options[:fraction_digits] : nil fraction = digits || CouchRest::Model::Base.time_fraction_digits xmlschema(fraction) end end