module SimpleCalendar module ViewHelpers def calendar(events, &block) selected_month = Date.civil((params[:year] ||, (params[:month] || current_date = range = build_range selected_month month_array = build_month range draw_calendar(selected_month, month_array, current_date, events, block) end private def build_range(selected_month) start_date = selected_month.beginning_of_month start_date = start_date.sunday? ? start_date : start_date.beginning_of_week.advance(:days => -1) end_date = selected_month.end_of_month end_date = end_date.sunday? ? end_date : end_date.advance(:days => 1).end_of_week date_range = (start_date..end_date).to_a end def build_month(date_range) month = [] week = [] i = 0 date_range.each do |date| week << date if i == 6 i = 0 month << week week = [] else i += 1 end end month end # Renders the calendar table def draw_calendar(selected_month, month, current_date, events, block) tags = [] content_tag(:table, :class => "table table-bordered table-striped calendar") do tags << month_header(selected_month) tags << content_tag(:thead, content_tag(:tr, I18n.t("date.abbr_day_names").collect { |name| content_tag :th, name, :class => (selected_month.month == &&"%a") == name ? "current-day" : nil)}.join.html_safe)) tags << content_tag(:tbody) do month.collect do |week| content_tag(:tr, :class => (week.include?( ? "current-week week" : "week")) do week.collect do |date| tb_class = [] tb_class << not_current_month = (date.month == selected_month.month ? "" : "not-currnet-month") tb_class << ( == date ? "today day" : "day") content_tag(:td, :class => tb_class.join(" ")) do content_tag(:div) do divs = [] concat content_tag(:div, divs << day_events(date, events).collect {|event| } divs.join.html_safe end #content_tag :div end #content_tag :td end.join.html_safe end #content_tag :tr end.join.html_safe end #content_tag :tbody tags.join.html_safe end #content_tag :table end # Returns an array of events for a given day def day_events(date, events) { |e| e.start_time_column.to_date == date } end # Generates the header that includes the month and next and previous months def month_header(selected_month) content_tag :h2 do previous_month = selected_month.advance :months => -1 next_month = selected_month.advance :months => 1 tags = [] tags << month_link("«".html_safe, previous_month, :class => "previous-month") tags << selected_month.strftime("%B %Y") tags << month_link("»".html_safe, next_month, :class => "next-month") tags.join.html_safe end end # Generates the link to next and previous months def month_link(text, month, opts={}) link_to(text, "#{simple_calendar_path}?month=#{month.month}&year=#{month.year}", opts) end # Returns the full path to the calendar # This is used for generating the links to the next and previous months def simple_calendar_path request.fullpath.split('?').first end end end