# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class RailsDataExplorer # Responsibilities: # * Add rails-data-explorer view helpers to ActionView # * Render rails-data-explorer generated content # # Collaborators: # * RailsDataExplorer # * Exploration # module ActionViewExtension # Renders the entire RailsDataExplorer view # @param rde [RailsDataExplorer] def rails_data_explorer(rde) content_tag(:div, class: 'rails-data-explorer') do [ rde_toc(rde.data_series_names, rde.explorations_with_charts_available), rde_explorations_with_charts(rde.explorations_with_charts_to_render), ].join.html_safe end end # Returns a url that can be used to reset the Filterrific params when # rails-data-explorer is used in combination with Filterrific. def reset_filterrific_url(opts = {}) url_for( { filterrific: { reset_filterrific: true } }.merge(opts) ) end protected # @param ds_names [Array] the names of the data_series # @param explorations [Array] def rde_toc(ds_names, explorations) reversed_ds_names = ds_names.reverse num_cols = 2 + ds_names.length content_tag(:div, class: 'rde panel panel-primary') do content_tag(:div, class: 'panel-heading') do %().html_safe + content_tag(:h2, "List of data explorations", class: 'rde-exploration-title panel-title') end + content_tag(:div, class: 'panel-body') do content_tag(:table, class: 'table rde_toc-matrix') do # render uni-/bi-variate analysis column headers (with reversed data_series names) content_tag(:tr) do content_tag( :td, link_to( 'All Univariates ⬇', url_for( rde: { univariate: ds_names.each_with_index.inject({}) { |m, (e, idx)| m[idx] = [e] m } }, anchor: 'rails_data_explorer-toc', ), class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs', title: 'Load univariate explorations for all data series.' ), colspan: 2 ) + reversed_ds_names.map { |ds_name| content_tag(:th, ds_name, class: 'rde_toc-col_header') }.join.html_safe end + # iterate over data_series ds_names.map { |ds_name| content_tag(:tr) do uv_expl = explorations.detect { |e| e.dom_id == RailsDataExplorer::Exploration.compute_dom_id( [ds_name] ) } encountered_bv_with_self = false # row header with data_series name content_tag( :th, ds_name.truncate(12), class: 'rde_toc-row_header', title: ds_name ) + # cell with link to univariate analysis if uv_expl tooltip_suffix = "univariate exploration for #{ ds_name.inspect }." if uv_expl.render_charts? # Link to anchor on current page (chart is currently rendered) content_tag( :td, link_to( '⬅', "##{ uv_expl.dom_id }", class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs' ), class: 'rde_toc-currently_rendered', title: 'Jump to ' + tooltip_suffix, ) else # Load new page content_tag( :td, link_to( '⬅', url_for( rde: { univariate: { '1' => uv_expl.data_series_names }}, anchor: uv_expl.dom_id ), class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs' ), class: 'rde_toc-available_not_rendered', title: 'Load ' + tooltip_suffix, ) end else # show that no exploration exists content_tag( :td, 'N/A', class: 'rde_toc-not_available', title: 'There is no ' + tooltip_suffix, ) end + # iterate over reversed data_series names reversed_ds_names.map { |r_ds_name| bv_expl = explorations.detect { |e| e.dom_id == RailsDataExplorer::Exploration.compute_dom_id( [ds_name, r_ds_name] ) } bv_ds_names = [ds_name.inspect, r_ds_name.inspect].sort.join(' vs. ') tooltip_suffix = "bivariate exploration for #{ bv_ds_names }." if encountered_bv_with_self # blank cell ''.html_safe elsif ds_name == r_ds_name # intersection with self encountered_bv_with_self = true params_counter = '0' # Link to anchor on new page (chart is currently not rendered) content_tag( :td, link_to( image_tag('rails-data-explorer/multiple_bivariate_small.png'), url_for( rde: { univariate: { '1' => [r_ds_name] }, bivariate: ds_names.each_with_object({}) { |e,m| next if r_ds_name == e # skip bivariate with self m[params_counter.succ!] = [r_ds_name, e] } }, anchor: 'rails_data_explorer-toc', ), class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs' ), class: 'rde_toc-available_not_rendered', title: "Load all bivariate explorations for #{ ds_name.inspect }.", ) elsif bv_expl # bivariate analysis exists if bv_expl.render_charts? # Link to anchor on current page (chart is currently rendered) content_tag( :td, link_to( 'X', "##{ bv_expl.dom_id }", class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs' ), class: 'rde_toc-currently_rendered', title: 'Jump to ' + tooltip_suffix, ) else # Link to anchor on new page (chart is currently not rendered) content_tag( :td, link_to( 'X', url_for( rde: { bivariate: { '1' => bv_expl.data_series_names }}, anchor: bv_expl.dom_id ), class: 'btn btn-default btn-xs' ), class: 'rde_toc-available_not_rendered', title: 'Load ' + tooltip_suffix, ) end else # show that no exploration exists content_tag( :td, 'N/A', class: 'rde_toc-not_available', title: 'There is no ' + tooltip_suffix, ) end }.join.html_safe end }.join.html_safe end end end end def rde_explorations_with_charts(explorations) explorations.map { |e| e.render }.join.html_safe end end end