function hideUnhide(field) { var allSources = $('body').find('.export-source-option') hide(allSources) if (field.length > 0) { var selectedSource = $('.' + field) unhideSelected(selectedSource) } if (field === 'collection') { initCollectionSearchInputs(); } }; // hide all export_source function hide(allSources) { allSources.addClass('hidden'); allSources.find('#exporter_export_source').addClass('hidden').attr('type', 'hidden'); } // unhide selected export_source function unhideSelected(selectedSource) { selectedSource.removeClass('hidden').removeAttr('type'); selectedSource.parent().removeClass('hidden').removeAttr('type'); }; // add the autocomplete javascript function initCollectionSearchInputs() { $('[data-autocomplete]').each((function() { var elem = $(this) initSelect2(elem,'autocompleteUrl')) })) } function initSelect2(element, url) { element.select2({ minimumInputLength: 2, initSelection : (row, callback) => { var data = {id: row.val(), text: row.val()}; callback(data); }, ajax: { // instead of writing the function to execute the request we use Select2's convenient helper url: url, dataType: 'json', data: (term, page) => { return { q: term // search term }; }, results: function(data, page) { // parse the results into the format expected by Select2. // since we are using custom formatting functions we do not need to alter remote JSON data let results = => { return { id:, text: obj.label[0] }; }) return { results: results }; } } }).select2('data', null); }