Voom::Presenters.define(:icons) do attach :top_nav attach :component_drawer page_title 'Icons' helpers do def small_card(&block) card height: '100px', width: '100px' do yield_to(&block) # Special method that yields in the correct binding context end end end grid do column 1 column 10 do body 'An icon is commonly used on a menu, button, chip, list or card. They can be used standalone as well.' headline 'Plain' title 'Material design icons' body 'By default the icon name will be assumed to be [material design](https://material.io/icons/).' icon :thumb_up title 'Font awesome icons' body "[Font awesome](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery) icons can also be used."\ 'You provide the font awesome class.' body 'For example: `fa-thumbs-up`:', level: 2 icon 'fa-thumbs-up' body 'You can also optionally add the font awesome style prefix, if not provided it defaults to `fas` (solid).', level: 2 body 'For example: `far fa-thumbs-up`:', level: 2 icon 'far fa-thumbs-up' headline 'Color' title 'primary' icon :thumb_up, color: :primary title 'secondary' icon :thumb_up, color: :secondary title 'custom' icon :thumb_up, color: :hotpink headline 'Size' body 'You can specify the size of an icon' icon :thumb_up, color: :hotpink, size: '64px' title 'Position' body "'Icon's can be positioned to left, right, top, and bottom" grid do column 1 do small_card do icon :face, position: :left end end column 1 do small_card do icon :face, position: :right end end column 1 do small_card do icon :face, position: :top end end column 1 do small_card do icon :face, position: :bottom end end column 1 do small_card do icon :face, position: [:top, :right] end end column 1 do small_card do icon :face, position: [:bottom, :right] end end end headline 'Events' body 'Icons can be bound to events. For example the `click` event.' icon :face, position: :left do event :click do snackbar 'icon clicked' end end attach :code, file: __FILE__ end end end