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"الفئات" next: "التالي" prev: "السابق" current: "الحاليه" search: "بحث" file_format_error: "File format not allowed" file_size_exceeded: "File size exceeded" notice: "News " share: "Share on" share_facebook: "Share Facebook" share_twitter: "Share Twitter" share_google_plus: "Share Google Plus" back_top: "Back to Top" total_followers_social: "Total of followers on social networks" latest_articles: "Latest Articles" photo_gallery: "Photo gallery" home_galleries: "Go to the home of galleries" addition: "Addition" view_all_news: "View all news" extra_attributes: "Extra Attributes" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Previous' next_label: 'Next' de: camaleon_cms: common: profile: "Profil" dashboard: "Dashboard" read_more: "Mehr lesen" submit: "Absenden" send: "Senden" login: "Login" logout: "Logout" confirm: "Bist du sicher?" register: "Registrieren" proceted_article: 'Geschützter Artikel' comment_msg: "Du musst eingeloggt sein, um kommentieren zu können" comment: "Kommentar" comments: "Kommentare" message: "Nachricht" leave_comment: "Schreibe einen Kommentar" comment_new: "Neuer Kommentar" comment_saved: "Dein Kommentar wurde gespeichert" comment_error: "Es gab einen Fehler beim Speichern des Kommentars" comment_reply: "Antworten" edit: "Bearbeiten" recent_posts: "Neuste Posts" search_msg: "Suchergebnisse für:" search_not_found: "Die Suche ergab keine Treffer" category_list: "Kategorieliste" post_tag_list: "Tag-Liste" sub_category_list: "Unterkategorieliste" content_list: "Content-Liste: %s" visit: "Besuchen" no_contents_found: "Keine Inhalte gefunden" no_results_found: "Keine Ergebnisse" author: "Autor" site: "Seite" categories: "Kategorien" next: "Nächste" prev: "Vorherige" current: "Aktuell" search: "Suche" file_format_error: "Dateiformat nicht erlaubt" file_size_exceeded: "Dateigröße überschritten" notice: "Nachrichten " share: "Teilen auf" share_facebook: "Teilen auf Facebook" share_twitter: "Teilen auf Twitter" share_google_plus: "Teilen auf Google Plus" 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to list" category_list: "Category List" post_tag_list: "Tag List" sub_category_list: "Sub Category List" content_list: "Content list: %s" visit: "Visit" no_contents_found: "No contents found" no_results_found: "No results found" author: "Author" site: "Site" categories: "Categories" next: "Next" prev: "Prev" current: "Current" search: "Search" file_format_error: "File format not allowed" file_size_exceeded: "File size exceeded" notice: "News " share: "Share on" share_facebook: "Share Facebook" share_twitter: "Share Twitter" share_google_plus: "Share Google Plus" back_top: "Back to Top" total_followers_social: "Total of followers on social networks" latest_articles: "Latest Articles" photo_gallery: "Photo gallery" home_galleries: "Go to the home of galleries" addition: "Addition" view_all_news: "View all news" extra_attributes: "Extra Attributes" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Previous' next_label: 'Next' es: camaleon_cms: common: read_more: "Leer Más" submit: "Ingresar" send: "Enviar" 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search: "Buscar" file_format_error: "Formato de archivo no permitido" file_size_exceeded: "Tamaño excedido" notice: "Noticias de " share: "Comparte en" share_facebook: "Compartir en Facebook" share_twitter: "Compartir en Twitter" share_google_plus: "Compartir en Google Plus" back_top: "Volver arriba" total_followers_social: "Total de seguidores en redes sociales" latest_articles: "Ultimos Articulos" related_articles: 'Artículos Relacionados' photo_gallery: "Galerías de fotos" home_galleries: "Ir a la portada de galerias" addition: "Ademas" view_all_news: "Ver todas las noticias" extra_attributes: "Otros Atributos" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Anterior' next_label: 'Siguiente' it: camaleon_cms: common: read_more: "Leggi tutto" submit: "Conferma" send: "Invia" login: "Login" logout: "Logout" confirm: "Confermi?" register: "Registrazione" comment_msg: "Devi essere loggato per poter commentare" comment: "Commento" comments: "Commenti" message: "Messaggio" leave_comment: "Lascia un commento" comment_new: "Nuovo Commento" comment_saved: "Il tuo commento è stato salvato" comment_error: "C'è stato un errore durante il salvataggio del commento" comment_reply: "Rispondi" edit: "Modifica" recent_posts: "Articoli recenti" search_msg: "Risultati della ricerca per:" search_not_found: "Nessun risultato trovato" category_list: "Lista categorie" post_tag_list: "Lista tag" sub_category_list: "Lista sottocategorie" content_list: "Lista Contenuti: %s" visit: "Visita" no_contents_found: "Nessun contenuto trovato" no_results_found: "Nessun risultato trovato" author: "Autore" site: "Sito" categories: "Categorie" next: "Successivo" prev: "Precedente" current: "Corrente" search: "Cerca" file_format_error: "Formato file non accettato" file_size_exceeded: "File troppo grande" notice: "News" share: "Condividi su" share_facebook: "Condividi su Facebook" share_twitter: "Condividi su Twitter" share_google_plus: "Condividi su Google Plus" back_top: "Torna su" total_followers_social: "Follower totali sui social network" latest_articles: "Ultimi articoli" photo_gallery: "Galleria foto" home_galleries: "Vai alla home delle gallerie" addition: "Aggiungi" view_all_news: "Vedi tutte le news" extra_attributes: "Attributi extra" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Precedente' next_label: 'Successivo' nl: camaleon_cms: common: read_more: "Lees meer" submit: "Verstuur" send: "Verstuur" login: "Login" logout: "Uitloggen" confirm: "Weet je het zeker?" register: "Registreer" proceted_article: 'Beveiligd artikel' comment_msg: "Je moet inglogd zijn om een reactie te plaatsen" comment: "Reactie" comments: "Reacties" message: "Message" leave_comment: "Laat een reactie achter" comment_new: "Nieuwe Reactie" comment_saved: "Je reactie is opgeslagen" comment_error: "Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan bij het opslaan van je reactie" comment_reply: "Antwoord" edit: "Bewerk" recent_posts: "Recente Berichten" search_msg: "Zoekresultaten voor:" search_not_found: "Er zijn geen zoekresultaten 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'Volgende' uk: camaleon_cms: common: read_more: "Читати далі" submit: "Відправити" send: "Відправити" login: "Вхід" logout: "Вихід" confirm: "Ви підтверджуєте?" register: "Зареєструватися" proceted_article: 'Захищена стаття' comment_msg: "Вам нужно войти чтобы оставить комментарий" comment: "Коментар" comments: "Коментарі" message: "Повідомлення" leave_comment: "Залишити коментар" comment_new: "Новий коментар" comment_saved: "Ваш коментар був збережений" comment_error: "Сталася помилка при збереженні коментаря" comment_reply: "Відповісти" edit: "Редагувати" recent_posts: "Недавні пости" search_msg: "Результати пошуку для:" search_not_found: "Пошук не дав результатів" category_list: "Список категорій" post_tag_list: "Список тегів" sub_category_list: "Список підкатегорій" content_list: "Список вмісту: %s" visit: "Відвідати" no_contents_found: "Вміст не знайдений" no_results_found: "Результатів не знайдено" author: "Автор" site: "Сайт" categories: "Категоріі" next: "Наступний" prev: 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"Комментарии" message: "Сообщение" leave_comment: "Оставить комментарий" comment_new: "Новый комментарий" comment_saved: "Ваш комментарий был сохранен" comment_error: "Произошла ошибка при сохранении комментария" comment_reply: "Ответить" edit: "Редактировать" recent_posts: "Недавние Посты" search_msg: "Результаты поиска для:" search_not_found: "Search items were not found to list" category_list: "Список категорий" post_tag_list: "Список тегов" sub_category_list: "Список подкатегорий" content_list: "Список контентов: %s" visit: "Посетить" no_contents_found: "Контенты не найдены" no_results_found: "Результатов не найдено" author: "Автор" site: "Сайт" categories: "Категории" next: "Следующий" prev: "Предыдущий" current: "Текущий" search: "Поиск" file_format_error: "Формат файла запрещен" file_size_exceeded: "Превышен допустимый размер файла" notice: "Новости " share: "Поделиться" share_facebook: "Поделиться Facebook" share_twitter: "Поделиться Twitter" share_google_plus: "Поделиться Google Plus" back_top: "Вернуться к началу" total_followers_social: "Всего последователей в социальных сетях" latest_articles: "Последние статьи" photo_gallery: "Фотогалерея" home_galleries: "Перейти на главную галерею" addition: "Дополнение" view_all_news: "Смотреть все новости" extra_attributes: "Дополнительные атрибуты" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Предыдущий' next_label: 'Следующий' pt: camaleon_cms: common: profile: "Perfil" dashboard: "Página Inicial" read_more: "Ler Mais" submit: "Submeter" send: "Enviar" login: "Login" logout: "Sair" confirm: "Tem certeza?" register: "Registar" proceted_article: 'Artigo Protegido' comment_msg: "Deverá fazer login para poder comentar" comment: "Comentário" comments: "Comentários" message: "Mensagem" leave_comment: "Deixar um comentário" comment_new: "Novo comentário" comment_saved: "Seu comentário foi salvo" comment_error: "Ocorreu um erro ao tentar gravar o comentário" comment_reply: "Responder" edit: "Editar" recent_posts: "Publicações 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Categorias" content_list: "Lista de Conteúdo: %s" visit: "Visitar" no_contents_found: "Nenhum conteúdo encontrado" no_results_found: "Nenhum resultado encontrado" author: "Autor" site: "Site" categories: "Categorias" next: "Próximo" prev: "Anterior" current: "Atual" search: "Procurar" file_format_error: "Formato de arquivo não permitido" file_size_exceeded: "Tamanho do arquivo excedeu o limite" notice: "Novidades " share: "Compatilhar em" share_facebook: "Compartilhar no Facebook" share_twitter: "Compartilhar no Twitter" share_google_plus: "Compartilhar no Google Plus" back_top: "Voltar para o topo" total_followers_social: "Total de seguidores nas redes sociais" latest_articles: "Últimos Artigos" photo_gallery: "Galeria de Fotos" home_galleries: "Ir para a home das Categorias" addition: "Adição" view_all_news: "Ver todas as notícias" extra_attributes: "Atributos Extras" will_paginate: previous_label: 'Anterior' next_label: 'Próximo' fr: camaleon_cms: common: profile: "Profil" 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"评论" comments: "评论" message: "消息" leave_comment: "发表评论" comment_new: "新评论" comment_saved: "评论已经保存" comment_error: "保存评论时发生错误" comment_reply: "回复" edit: "编辑" recent_posts: "最近发布内容" search_msg: "搜索结果:" search_not_found: "找不到列表中的搜索项" category_list: "分类列表" post_tag_list: "标签列表" sub_category_list: "子分类列表" content_list: "内容列表: %s" visit: "访问" no_contents_found: "未找到内容" no_results_found: "未找到结果" author: "作者" site: "站点" categories: "分类" next: "向下" prev: "向上" current: "当前" search: "搜索" file_format_error: "文件格式不允许" file_size_exceeded: "超过文件大小" notice: "新闻" share: "分享" share_facebook: "分享到 Facebook" share_twitter: "分享到 Twitter" share_google_plus: "分享到 Google Plus" back_top: "返回顶部" total_followers_social: "社交网络上的关注者总数" latest_articles: "最新文章" photo_gallery: "照片库" home_galleries: "返回图片库" addition: "添加" view_all_news: "查看所有新闻" extra_attributes: "额外属性" will_paginate: previous_label: '上一页' next_label: '下一页'