require 'cgi' require 'uri' # :main: TracWiki # The TracWiki parses and translates Trac formatted text into # XHTML. Creole is a lightweight markup syntax similar to what many # WikiWikiWebs use. Example syntax: # # = Heading 1 = # == Heading 2 == # === Heading 3 === # **Bold text** # ''Italic text'' # [[Links]] # ||=Table||=Heading|| # || Table|| Cells || # [[Image(image.png)]] # # The simplest interface is TracWiki.render. The default handling of # links allow explicit local links using the [[link]] syntax. External # links will only be allowed if specified using http(s) and ftp(s) # schemes. If special link handling is needed, such as inter-wiki or # hierachical local links, you must inherit Creole::CreoleParser and # override make_local_link. # # You can customize the created image markup by overriding # make_image. # Main TracWiki parser class. Call TracWikiParser#parse to parse # TracWiki formatted text. # # This class is not reentrant. A separate instance is needed for # each thread that needs to convert Creole to HTML. # # Inherit this to provide custom handling of links. The overrideable # methods are: make_local_link module TracWiki class Parser # Allowed url schemes # Examples: http https ftp ftps attr_accessor :allowed_schemes # Non-standard wiki text extensions enabled? # E.g. underlined, deleted text etc attr_writer :extensions def extensions?; @extensions; end # Disable url escaping for local links # Escaping: [[/Test]] --> %2FTest # No escaping: [[/Test]] --> Test attr_writer :no_escape def no_escape?; @no_escape; end # Create a new Parser instance. def initialize(text, options = {}) @allowed_schemes = %w(http https ftp ftps) @text = text @extensions = @no_escape = nil options.each_pair {|k,v| send("#{k}=", v) } end # Convert CCreole text to HTML and return # the result. The resulting HTML does not contain <html> and # <body> tags. # # Example: # # parser ="**Hello //World//**", :extensions => true) # parser.to_html # #=> "<p><strong>Hello <em>World</em></strong></p>" def to_html @out = '' @p = false @stack = [] @stacki = [] parse_block(@text) @out end protected # Escape any characters with special meaning in HTML using HTML # entities. def escape_html(string) CGI::escapeHTML(string) end # Escape any characters with special meaning in URLs using URL # encoding. def escape_url(string) CGI::escape(string) end def start_tag(tag, args = '', lindent = nil) lindent = @stacki.last || -1 if lindent.nil? @stack.push(tag) @stacki.push(lindent) if tag == 'strongem' @out << '<strong><em>' else @out << '<' << tag << args << '>' end end def end_tag tag = @stack.pop tagi = @stacki.pop if tag == 'strongem' @out << '</em></strong>' else @out << "</#{tag}>" end end def toggle_tag(tag, match) if @stack.include?(tag) if @stack.last == tag end_tag else @out << escape_html(match) end else start_tag(tag) end end def end_paragraph end_tag while !@stack.empty? @p = false end def start_paragraph if @p @out << ' ' if @out[-1] != ?\s else end_paragraph start_tag('p') @p = true end end # Translate an explicit local link to a desired URL that is # properly URL-escaped. The default behaviour is to convert local # links directly, escaping any characters that have special # meaning in URLs. Relative URLs in local links are not handled. # # Examples: # # make_local_link("LocalLink") #=> "LocalLink" # make_local_link("/Foo/Bar") #=> "%2FFoo%2FBar" # # Must ensure that the result is properly URL-escaped. The caller # will handle HTML escaping as necessary. HTML links will not be # inserted if the function returns nil. # # Example custom behaviour: # # make_local_link("LocalLink") #=> "/LocalLink" # make_local_link("Wikipedia:Bread") #=> "" def make_local_link(link) #:doc: no_escape? ? link : escape_url(link) end # Sanatize a direct url (e.g. The default # behaviour returns the original link as-is. # # Must ensure that the result is properly URL-escaped. The caller # will handle HTML escaping as necessary. Links will not be # converted to HTML links if the function returns link. # # Custom versions of this function in inherited classes can # implement specific link handling behaviour, such as redirection # to intermediate pages (for example, for notifing the user that # he is leaving the site). def make_direct_link(url) #:doc: url end # Sanatize and prefix image URLs. When images are encountered in # Creole text, this function is called to obtain the actual URL of # the image. The default behaviour is to return the image link # as-is. No image tags are inserted if the function returns nil. # # Custom version of the method can be used to sanatize URLs # (e.g. remove query-parts), inhibit off-site images, or add a # base URL, for example: # # def make_image_link(url) # URI.join("", url) # end def make_image_link(url) #:doc: url end # Create image markup. This # method can be overridden to generate custom # markup, for example to add html additional attributes or # to put divs around the imgs. def make_image(uri, alt='') if alt "<img src='" << escape_html(uri) << "' alt='" << escape_html(alt) << "'/>" else "<img src='" << escape_html(uri) << "'/>" end end def make_headline(level, text) "<h#{level}>" << escape_html(text) << "</h#{level}>" end def make_explicit_link(link) begin uri = URI.parse(link) return uri.to_s if uri.scheme && @allowed_schemes.include?(uri.scheme) rescue URI::InvalidURIError end make_local_link(link) end def parse_inline(str) until str.empty? case str # raw url when /\A(\~)?((https?|ftps?):\/\/\S+?)(?=([\,.?!:;"'\)]+)?(\s|$))/ str = $' if $1 @out << escape_html($2) else if uri = make_direct_link($2) @out << '<a href="' << escape_html(uri) << '">' << escape_html($2) << '</a>' else @out << escape_html($&) end end # [[Image(pic.jpg|tag)]] when /\A\[\[Image\(([^|].*?)(\|(.*?))?\)\]\]/ # image str = $' @out << make_image($1, $3) # [[link]] when /\A\[\[\s*([^|]*?)\s*(\|\s*(.*?))?\s*\]\]/m str = $' link, content, whole= $1, $3, $& make_link(link, content, whole) else str = parse_inline_tag(str) end end end def make_link(link, content, whole) uri = make_explicit_link(link) # specail "link" [[BR]]: if link =~ /br/i @out << '<br/>' return end if not uri @out << escape_html(whole) return end make_explicit_link(link) @out << '<a href="' << escape_html(uri) << '">' if content until content.empty? content = parse_inline_tag(content) end else @out << escape_html(link) end @out << '</a>' end def parse_inline_tag(str) case str when /\A\{\{\{(.*?\}*)\}\}\}/ # inline pre (tt) @out << '<tt>' << escape_html($1) << '</tt>' when /\A`(.*?)`/ # inline pre (tt) @out << '<tt>' << escape_html($1) << '</tt>' # when /\A\[\[Image\(([^|].*?)(\|(.*?))?\)\]\]/ # image # @out << make_image($1, $3) # when /\A\{\{\s*(.*?)\s*(\|\s*(.*?)\s*)?\}\}/ # if uri = make_image_link($1) # @out << make_image(uri, $3) # else # @out << escape_html($&) # end # link when /\A([:alpha:]|[:digit:])+/ @out << $& # word when /\A\s+/ @out << ' ' if @out[-1] != ?\s # spaces when /\A'''''/ toggle_tag 'strongem', $& # bolditallic when /\A\*\*/, /\A'''/ toggle_tag 'strong', $& # bold when /\A''/, /\A\/\// toggle_tag 'em', $& # italic when /\A\\\\/, /\A\[\[br\]\]/i @out << '<br/>' # newline when /\A__/ toggle_tag 'u', $& # underline when /\A~~/ toggle_tag 'del', $& # delete # when /\A\+\+/ # toggle_tag 'ins', $& # insert when /\A\^/ toggle_tag 'sup', $& # ^{} when /\A,,/ toggle_tag 'sub', $& # _{} when /\A\(R\)/i @out << '®' # (R) when /\A\(C\)/i @out << '©' # (C) when /\A!([^\s])/ @out << escape_html($1) # !neco when /./ @out << escape_html($&) # ordinal char end return $' end def parse_table_row(str) start_tag('tr') if !@stack.include?('tr') colspan = 1 print_tr = true last_tail = '' last_txt = '' str.scan(/(=?)(\s*)(.*?)\1?($ | \|\|\\\s*$ | \|\| )/x) do tdth = $1.empty? ? 'td' : 'th' le, txt, tail = $2.size, $3, $4 # do not end row, continue on next line print_tr = false if tail =~ /^\|\|\\/ if txt.empty? && le == 0 colspan += 1 next end style = '' if txt =~ /\S(\s*)$/ ri = $1.size ri += 100 if tail.empty? # do not right when last || omnited style = " style='text-align:right'" if ri == 0 && le >= 1 style = " style='text-align:center'" if le >= 2 && ri >= 2 #print "le#{le} ri#{ri} st:#{style}\n" end colspan_txt = colspan > 1 ? " colspan='#{colspan}'" : '' start_tag(tdth, style + colspan_txt); colspan = 1 parse_inline(txt.strip) if txt end_tag while @stack.last != 'tr' end if print_tr end_tag end end def make_nowikiblock(input) input.gsub(/^ (?=\}\}\})/, '') end def parse_li_line(spc_size, bullet, text) while !@stacki.empty? && @stacki.last > spc_size end_tag end if @stack.include?('li') while @stack.last != 'li' end_tag end # end list if type differ # @stack.last is now ul or li if @stacki.last == spc_size end_tag # li ulol_last = @stack.last ulol_now = bullet =~ /[*-]/ ? 'ul' : 'ol' if ulol_last != ulol_now end_tag # ol | ul end end else end_paragraph end if @stacki.empty? || @stacki.last < spc_size bullet.gsub!(/\.$/,'') ulol = bullet =~ /[-*]/ ? 'ul' : 'ol'; attr = "" attr = " type='i'" if bullet =~ /i/i; attr = " type='a'" if bullet =~ /a/i; if bullet =~ /^\d+$/ && bullet != '1' attr += " start='#{bullet}'" end start_tag(ulol, attr, spc_size) end start_tag('li') parse_inline(text) end def blockquote_level_to(level) cur_level = @stack.count('blockquote') if cur_level == level @out << ' ' return end while cur_level < level cur_level += 1 start_tag('blockquote') end while cur_level > level cur_level -= 1 if @stack.last == 'blockquote' end_tag end end def parse_block(str) until str.empty? case str # pre {{{ ... }}} when /\A\{\{\{\r?\n(.*?)\r?\n\}\}\}/m end_paragraph nowikiblock = make_nowikiblock($1) @out << '<pre>' << escape_html(nowikiblock) << '</pre>' # horizontal rule when /\A\s*-{4,}\s*$/ end_paragraph @out << '<hr/>' # heading == Wiki Ruless == when /\A\s*(={1,6})\s*(.*?)\s*=*\s*$(\r?\n)?/ end_paragraph level = $1.size @out << make_headline(level, $2) # table row when /\A[ \t]*\|\|(.*)$(\r?\n)?/ if !@stack.include?('table') end_paragraph start_tag('table') end parse_table_row($1) # empty line when /\A\s*$(\r?\n)?/ end_paragraph when /\A([\w\s]*)::\s*/ term = $1 start_tag('dl') start_tag('dt') @out << escape_html(term) end_tag start_tag('dd') # li when /\A(\s*)([*-]|[aAIi\d]\.)\s+(.*?)$(\r?\n)?/ parse_li_line($1.size, $2, $3) when /\A(>[>\s]*)(.*?)$(\r?\n)?/ # citation level, quote = $1.count('>'), $2 start_paragraph if !@stack.include? 'p' blockquote_level_to(level) parse_inline(quote.strip) # ordinary line when /\A(\s*)(\S+.*?)$(\r?\n)?/ spc_size, text = $1.size, $2 if @stack.include?('li') ||@stack.include?('dl') # dl, li continuation parse_inline(' ') parse_inline(text) elsif spc_size > 0 # quote continuation start_paragraph if !@stack.include? 'p' blockquote_level_to(1) parse_inline(text) else # real ordinary line start_paragraph parse_inline(text) end else # case str raise "Parse error at #{str[0,30].inspect}" end str = $' end end_paragraph @out end end end