require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper' require 'rbbt' require 'rbbt/ner/rner' require 'test/unit' class TestRNer < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @parser = do isLetters /^[A-Z]+$/i context prefix_3 /^(...)/ downcase do |w| w.downcase end context %w(downcase) end end def test_config config = <<-EOC isLetters /^[A-Z]+$/i context prefix_3 /^(...)/ downcase do |w| w.downcase end context %w(downcase) EOC assert_equal config.strip, @parser.config.strip end def test_reverse assert_equal("protein P53", NERFeatures.reverse("P53 protein")) assert_equal( ". LH of assay - radioimmuno serum the with compared was LH urinary for ) GONAVIS - HI ( test hemagglutination direct new A", NERFeatures.reverse( "A new direct hemagglutination test (HI-GONAVIS) for urinary LH was compared with the serum\n radioimmuno-assay of LH." )) end def test_features assert_equal @parser.features("abCdE"), ["abCdE",true,'abC','abcde'] end def test_template template =<<-EOT UisLetters: %x[0,1] Uprefix_3: %x[0,2] Uprefix_3#1: %x[1,2] Uprefix_3#-1: %x[-1,2] Udowncase: %x[0,3] Udowncase#1: %x[1,3] Udowncase#-1: %x[-1,3] B EOT assert(@parser.template == template) end def test_tokens assert( NERFeatures.tokens("A new direct hemagglutination test (HI-GONAVIS) for urinary LH was compared with the serum\n radioimmuno-assay of LH.")== ["A", "new", "direct", "hemagglutination", "test", "(", "HI", "-", "GONAVIS", ")", "for", "urinary", "LH", "was", "compared", "with", "the", "serum", "radioimmuno", "-", "assay", "of", "LH", "."]) end def test_text_features assert(@parser.text_features("abCdE 1234") == [["abCdE",true, "abC", "abcde"], ["1234",false, "123", "1234"]]) assert(@parser.text_features("abCdE 1234",true) == [["abCdE",true, "abC", "abcde",1], ["1234",false, "123", "1234",2]]) assert(@parser.text_features("abCdE 1234",false) == [["abCdE",true, "abC", "abcde",0], ["1234",false, "123", "1234",0]]) end def test_tagged_features assert_equal( [["phosphorilation",true, "pho", "phosphorilation", 0], ["of",true, false, "of", 0], ["GENE1",false, "GEN", "gene1", 1], [".", false, false, ".", 0]], @parser.tagged_features("phosphorilation of GENE1.",['GENE1'])) assert_equal( [["GENE1",false, "GEN", "gene1", 1], ["phosphorilation",true, "pho", "phosphorilation", 0]], @parser.tagged_features("GENE1 phosphorilation",['GENE1'])) assert_equal( [["phosphorilation",true, "pho", "phosphorilation", 0], ["of",true, false, "of", 0], ["GENE",true, "GEN", "gene", 1], ["1",false, false, "1", 2], [".", false, false, ".", 0]], @parser.tagged_features("phosphorilation of GENE 1.",['GENE 1'])) end def test_tagged_features_reverse @parser.reverse = true assert_equal( [ ["GENE1",false, "GEN", "gene1", 1], ["of",true, false, "of", 0], ["phosphorilation",true, "pho", "phosphorilation", 0] ], @parser.tagged_features("phosphorilation of GENE1",['GENE1'])) assert_equal( [ [".", false, false, ".", 0], ["1",false, false, "1", 1], ["GENE",true, "GEN", "gene", 2], ["of",true, false, "of", 0], ["phosphorilation",true, "pho", "phosphorilation", 0] ], @parser.tagged_features("phosphorilation of GENE 1.",['GENE 1'])) end def test_default_config require 'rbbt/bow/misc' text =<<-EOF This text explains how MDM2 interacts with TP53. EOF @parser = Rbbt.share.rner["config.rb"].find features = @parser.tagged_features text, %w(TP53 MDM2) assert features.first.first == "This" end def __test_CRFPP_install assert(require File.join(Rbbt.datadir, 'third_party/crf++/ruby/CRFPP')) end end