module Liquid module Rails class Drop < ::Liquid::Drop class << self attr_accessor :_attributes attr_accessor :_associations end def self.inherited(base) base._attributes = [] base._associations = {} end def self.attributes(*attrs) @_attributes.concat attrs attrs.each do |attr| next if method_defined?(attr) define_method(attr) do object.send(attr) end end end # By default, `Product` maps to `ProductDrop`. # Array of products maps to `Liquid::Rails::CollectionDrop`. def self.drop_class_for(resource) if resource.respond_to?(:to_ary) Liquid::Rails::CollectionDrop else if self == Liquid::Rails::Drop resource.drop_class else self end end end # Create a drop instance when it cannot be inferred. def self.dropify(resource, options={}) drop_class = if options[:class_name] options[:class_name].constantize else drop_class_for(resource) end, options.except(:class_name)) end def self.belongs_to(*attrs) associate(:belongs_to, attrs) end def self.has_many(*attrs) associate(:has_many, attrs) end def self.has_one(*attrs) associate(:has_one, attrs) end def self.associate(type, attrs) options = attrs.extract_options! self._associations = _associations.dup attrs.each do |attr| next if method_defined?(attr) define_method attr do value = instance_variable_get("@_#{attr}") return value if value association = object.send(attr) return nil if association.nil? drop_instance = Liquid::Rails::Drop.dropify(association, options) instance_variable_set("@_#{attr}", drop_instance) end self._associations[attr] = { type: type, options: options } end end # Wraps an object in a new instance of the drop. def initialize(object, options={}) @object = object end def attributes @attributes ||= self.class._attributes.dup.each_with_object({}) do |name, hash| hash[name.to_s] = send(name) end end def as_json(options={}) attributes.as_json(options) end def to_json(options={}) as_json.to_json(options) end def liquid_method_missing(method) return nil unless @context && @context.strict_variables raise ::Liquid::UndefinedDropMethod, <<~HEREDOC undefined method #{method} for #{self.class} Did you forget to add it to `attributes`? HEREDOC end def inspect "#<#{} @object: #{object.inspect} @attributes: #{attributes.inspect}>" end def ==(other) other.present? && other.object == @object end protected attr_reader :object end end end