3.1 roof_thermal_properties_percent_change 07516685-60fd-4da8-9872-1154a995047d bef34852-8624-44d9-ad41-79c3dbf26488 2024-11-16T23:44:49Z EB1A0C08 RoofThermalPropertiesPercentChange Roof Thermal Properties Percent Change Change Roof by altering the thermal resistance, density, and solar absorptance of the wall constructions by a Percent Change Change Roof by altering the thermal resistance, density, and solar absorptance of the wall constructions by a Percent Change r_value_perc_change Roof total R-value Percent Change Double true false 0 solar_abs_perc_change Roof solar absorptance Percent Change Double true false 0 thermal_mass_perc_change Roof thermal mass Percent Change Double true false 0 Envelope.Opaque Measure Function Measure string Requires EnergyPlus Results false boolean Measure Type ModelMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean LICENSE.md md license 8696A072 README.md md readme 76CA84A4 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 OpenStudio 0.11.5 0.11.5 measure.rb rb script D0AD2402 RoofThermalPropertiesMultiplier_test.rb rb test 3F4E0142 example_model.osm osm test 53D14E69