RSpec.describe "operation with http_method" do # see Test::Client definition in `/spec/support/test_client.rb` before do class Test::Client < Evil::Client operation do |settings| http_method settings.version > 1 ? :post : :get path { "data" } response :success, 200 end operation :clear_data do http_method :delete end operation :find_data operation :reset_data do |settings| http_method settings.version > 2 ? :patch : :put end end stub_request(:any, //) end let(:path) { "" } let(:client) {"foo", version: 3, user: "bar") } it "uses default value" do client.operations[:find_data].call expect(a_request(:post, path)).to have_been_made end it "reloads default value with operation-specific one" do client.operations[:clear_data].call expect(a_request(:delete, path)).to have_been_made end it "is customizeable by settings" do client.operations[:reset_data].call expect(a_request(:patch, path)).to have_been_made end end