module Grit class Blob DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE = "text/plain" attr_reader :id attr_reader :mode attr_reader :name # Create an unbaked Blob containing just the specified attributes # +repo+ is the Repo # +atts+ is a Hash of instance variable data # # Returns Grit::Blob (unbaked) def self.create(repo, atts) self.allocate.create_initialize(repo, atts) end # Initializer for Blob.create # +repo+ is the Repo # +atts+ is a Hash of instance variable data # # Returns Grit::Blob (unbaked) def create_initialize(repo, atts) @repo = repo atts.each do |k, v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}".to_sym, v) end self end # The size of this blob in bytes # # Returns Integer def size @size ||= @repo.git.cat_file({:s => true}, id).chomp.to_i end # The binary contents of this blob. # # Returns String def data @data ||= @repo.git.cat_file({:p => true}, id) end # The mime type of this file (based on the filename) # # Returns String def mime_type guesses = MIME::Types.type_for( rescue [] guesses.first ? guesses.first.simplified : DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE end # The blame information for the given file at the given commit # # Returns Array: [Grit::Commit, Array: []] def self.blame(repo, commit, file) data = repo.git.blame({:p => true}, commit, '--', file) commits = {} blames = [] info = nil data.split("\n").each do |line| parts = line.split(/\s+/, 2) case parts.first when /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$/ case line when /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$/ _, id, origin_line, final_line, group_lines = *line.match(/^([0-9A-Fa-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$/) info = {:id => id} blames << [nil, []] when /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+)$/ _, id, origin_line, final_line = *line.match(/^([0-9A-Fa-f]{40}) (\d+) (\d+)$/) info = {:id => id} end when /^(author|committer)/ case parts.first when /^(.+)-mail$/ info["#{$1}_email".intern] = parts.last when /^(.+)-time$/ info["#{$1}_date".intern] = when /^(author|committer)$/ info[$1.intern] = parts.last end when /^filename/ info[:filename] = parts.last when /^summary/ info[:summary] = parts.last when '' c = commits[info[:id]] unless c c = Commit.create(repo, :id => info[:id], :author => Actor.from_string(info[:author] + ' ' + info[:author_email]), :authored_date => info[:author_date], :committer => Actor.from_string(info[:committer] + ' ' + info[:committer_email]), :committed_date => info[:committer_date], :message => info[:summary]) commits[info[:id]] = c end _, text = *line.match(/^\t(.*)$/) blames.last[0] = c blames.last[1] << text info = nil end end blames end def basename File.basename(name) end # Pretty object inspection def inspect %Q{#} end # Compares blobs by name def <=>(other) name <=> end end # Blob end # Grit