module TreasureData class ConfigError < StandardError end class ConfigNotFoundError < ConfigError end class ConfigParseError < ConfigError end class Config # class variables @@path = ENV['TREASURE_DATA_CONFIG_PATH'] || ENV['TD_CONFIG_PATH'] || File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.td', 'td.conf') @@apikey = ENV['TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY'] || ENV['TD_API_KEY'] @@apikey = nil if @@apikey == "" @@cl_apikey = false # flag to indicate whether an apikey has been provided through the command-line @@endpoint = ENV['TREASURE_DATA_API_SERVER'] || ENV['TD_API_SERVER'] @@endpoint = nil if @@endpoint == "" @@cl_endpoint = false # flag to indicate whether an endpoint has been provided through the command-line @@secure = true @@retry_post_requests = false def initialize @path = nil @conf = {} # section.key = val end def, create=false) end def [](cate_key) @conf[cate_key] end def []=(cate_key, val) @conf[cate_key] = val end def delete(cate_key) @conf.delete(cate_key) end def read(path=@path) @path = path begin data = rescue e =$!.to_s) e.set_backtrace($!.backtrace) raise e end section = "" data.each_line {|line| line.strip! case line when /^#/ next when /\[(.+)\]/ section = $~[1] when /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ key = $~[1] val = $~[2] @conf["#{section}.#{key}"] = val else raise ConfigParseError, "invalid config line '#{line}' at #{@path}" end } self end def save(path=@path||Config.path) @path = path write end private def write require 'fileutils' FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(@path), "w") {|f| {|cate_key| cate_key.split('.', 2) }.zip(@conf.values).group_by {|(section,key), val| section }.each {|section,cate_key_vals| f.puts "[#{section}]" cate_key_vals.each {|(section,key), val| f.puts " #{key} = #{val}" } } } end def self.path @@path end def self.path=(path) @@path = path end def @@secure end def @@secure = secure end def self.retry_post_requests @@retry_post_requests end def self.retry_post_requests=(retry_post_requests) @@retry_post_requests = retry_post_requests end def self.apikey @@apikey ||['account.apikey'] end def self.apikey=(apikey) @@apikey = apikey end def self.cl_apikey @@cl_apikey end def self.cl_apikey=(flag) @@cl_apikey = flag end def self.endpoint @@endpoint ||['account.endpoint'] end def self.endpoint=(endpoint) @@endpoint = endpoint end def self.endpoint_domain (self.endpoint || '').sub(%r[https?://], '') end def self.cl_endpoint @@cl_endpoint end def self.cl_endpoint=(flag) @@cl_endpoint = flag end def self.workflow_endpoint case self.endpoint_domain when /\Aapi(-(?:staging|development))?(-[a-z]+)?.(connect\.)?(eu01\.)?treasuredata.(com|co\.jp)\z/ "https://api#{$1}-workflow#{$2}.#{$3}#{$4}treasuredata.#{$5}" else raise ConfigError, "Workflow is not supported for '#{self.endpoint}'" end end # renders the apikey and endpoint options as a string for the helper commands def self.cl_options_string string = "" string += "-k #{@@apikey}" if @@cl_apikey string += " " unless string.empty? string += "-e #{@@endpoint}" if @@cl_endpoint string += " " unless string.empty? string end end # class Config end # module TreasureData