module IsoDoc module Ogc class Counter < IsoDoc::XrefGen::Counter end class Xref < IsoDoc::Xref def clause_order_main(docxml) ret = [{ path: "//clause[@type = 'scope']" }, { path: "//clause[@type = 'conformance']" }, { path: @klass.norm_ref_xpath }] a = ["//sections/terms | //sections/clause[descendant::terms]", "//sections/definitions | " \ "//sections/clause[descendant::definitions][not(descendant::terms)]", @klass.middle_clause(docxml)] ret + if @doctype == "engineering-report" [{ path: a.join(" | "), multi: true }] else [{ path: a[0] }, { path: a[1] }, { path: a[2], multi: true }] end end def clause_order_annex(_docxml) if @doctype == "engineering-report" [ { path: @klass.bibliography_xpath }, { path: "//annex", multi: true }, ] else super end end def clause_order_back(_docxml) if @doctype == "engineering-report" [ { path: "//indexsect", multi: true }, { path: "//colophon/*", multi: true }, ] else super end end def middle_section_asset_names(doc) middle_sections = "//clause[@type = 'scope' or @type = 'conformance'] | //foreword | " \ "//introduction | //preface/abstract | //submitters | " \ "//acknowledgements | //preface/clause | " \ "#{@klass.norm_ref_xpath} | //sections/terms | " \ "//sections/definitions | //clause[parent::sections]" sequential_asset_names(doc.xpath(ns(middle_sections))) end def preface_anchor_names(xml) @prefacenum = 0 super end def preface_names(clause) clause.nil? and return clause["type"] == "toc" and return @prefacenum += 1 pref = preface_number(@prefacenum, 1) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: pref, level: 1, xref: clause_title(clause), type: "clause" } clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)).each_with_index do |c, i| preface_names_numbered1(c, "#{pref}.#{preface_number(i + 1, 2)}", 2) end end def preface_names_numbered1(clause, num, level) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, level: level, xref: l10n("#{@labels['clause']} #{num}"), type: "clause", elem: @labels["clause"] } clause.xpath(ns(SUBCLAUSES)).each_with_index do |c, i| lbl = "#{num}.#{preface_number(i + 1, level + 1)}" preface_names_numbered1(c, lbl, level + 1) end end def preface_number(num, level) case level when 1 then RomanNumerals.to_roman(num).upcase when 2 then (64 + num).chr.to_s when 3 then num.to_s when 4 then (96 + num).chr.to_s when 5 then RomanNumerals.to_roman(num).downcase when 6 then "(#{num})" when 7 then "(#{(96 + num).chr})" when 8 then "(#{RomanNumerals.to_roman(num).downcase})" else num.to_s end end def reference_names(ref) super return unless @klass.ogc_draft_ref?(ref) @anchors[ref["id"]] = { xref: "#{@anchors[ref['id']][:xref]} (draft)" } end def sequential_permission_body(id, block, label, klass, model, container: false) @anchors[block["id"]] = model.postprocess_anchor_struct( block, anchor_struct(id, container ? block : nil, label, klass, block["unnumbered"]) ) model.permission_parts(block, id, label, klass).each do |n| @anchors[n[:id]] = anchor_struct(n[:number], nil, n[:label], n[:klass], false) end end FIGURE_NO_CLASS = ".//figure[not(@class)]".freeze LISTING = <<~XPATH.freeze .//figure[@class = 'pseudocode'] | .//sourcecode[not(ancestor::example)] XPATH def sequential_asset_names(clause, container: false) super sequential_sourcecode_names(clause, container: container) end def sequential_sourcecode_names(clause, container: false) c = clause.xpath(ns(LISTING)).noblank.each do |t| c.increment(t) @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct( c.print, container ? t : nil, @labels["sourcecode"], "sourcecode", t["unnumbered"] ) end end def hierarchical_asset_names(clause, num) super hierarchical_sourcecode_names(clause, num) end def hierarchical_sourcecode_names(clause, num) c = clause.xpath(ns(LISTING)).noblank.each do |t| c.increment(t) label = "#{num}#{hiersep}#{c.print}" @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(label, nil, @labels["sourcecode"], "sourcecode", t["unnumbered"]) end end end end end