# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/object' class DHS::Record module Request extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def request(options) options ||= {} options = deep_merge_with_option_blocks(options) options = options.freeze if options.is_a?(Array) multiple_requests( filter_empty_request_options(options) ) else single_request(options) end end private def deep_merge_with_option_blocks(options) return options if DHS::OptionBlocks::CurrentOptionBlock.options.blank? if options.is_a?(Hash) options.deep_merge(DHS::OptionBlocks::CurrentOptionBlock.options) elsif options.is_a?(Array) options.map do |option| return DHS::OptionBlocks::CurrentOptionBlock.options unless option option.deep_merge(DHS::OptionBlocks::CurrentOptionBlock.options) end end end def single_request_load_and_merge_remaining_objects!(data, options, endpoint) return if options[:all].blank? || !paginated load_and_merge_remaining_objects!( data: data, options: process_options(options, endpoint), load_not_paginated_collection: true ) end def filter_empty_request_options(options) options.map do |option| option if !option || !option.key?(:url) || !option[:url].nil? end end # Applies limit to the first request of an all request chain # Tries to apply an high value for limit and reacts on the limit # returned by the endpoint to make further requests def apply_limit!(options) return if !paginated || options[:all].blank? options[:params] ||= {} options[:params] = options[:params].merge(limit_key(:parameter) => options[:params][limit_key(:parameter)] || DHS::Pagination::Base::DEFAULT_LIMIT) end # Convert URLs in options to endpoint templates def convert_options_to_endpoints(options) if options.is_a?(Array) options.map { |request_options| convert_options_to_endpoint(request_options) } else convert_options_to_endpoint(options) end end def convert_options_to_endpoint(options) return if options.blank? url = options[:url] endpoint = DHS::Endpoint.for_url(url) return unless endpoint template = endpoint.url new_options = options.deep_merge( params: DHC::Endpoint.values_as_params(template, url).merge(values_from_get_params(url, options)) ) new_options[:url] = template new_options end # Extracts values from url's get parameters # and return them as a ruby hash def values_from_get_params(url, options) uri = parse_uri(url, options) return {} if uri.query.blank? params = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query).deep_symbolize_keys params end def parse_uri(url, options) URI.parse( if url.match(Addressable::Template::EXPRESSION) compute_url(options[:params], url) else url end ) end def handle_includes(includes, data, references = {}) references ||= {} if includes.is_a? Hash includes.each { |included, sub_includes| handle_include(included, data, sub_includes, references[included]) } elsif includes.is_a? Array includes.each do |included| handle_includes(included, data, references) end else handle_include(includes, data, nil, references[includes]) end data.clear_cache! if data.present? # as we just included new nested resources end def handle_include(included, data, sub_includes = nil, reference = nil) if data.blank? || skip_loading_includes?(data, included) handle_skip_include(included, data, sub_includes, reference) else options = options_for_data(data, included) options = extend_with_reference(options, reference) addition = load_existing_includes(options, data, sub_includes, reference) data.extend!(addition, included) expand_addition!(data, included, reference) unless expanded_data?(addition) end end def handle_skip_include(included, data, sub_includes = nil, reference = nil) return if sub_includes.blank? handle_includes(sub_includes, data[included], reference) end def options_for_data(data, included = nil) return options_for_multiple(data, included) if data.collection? return options_for_nested_items(data, included) if included && data[included].collection? url_option_for(data, included) end def expand_addition!(data, included, reference) addition = data[included] options = options_for_data(addition) options = extend_with_reference(options, reference) record = record_for_options(options) || self options = convert_options_to_endpoints(options) if record_for_options(options) expanded_data = record.request(options) data.extend!(expanded_data, included) end def expanded_data?(addition) return false if addition.blank? if addition.item? (addition._raw.keys - [:href]).any? elsif addition.collection? addition.any? do |item| next if item.blank? if item._raw.is_a?(Hash) (item._raw.keys - [:href]).any? elsif item._raw.is_a?(Array) item.any? { |item| (item._raw.keys - [:href]).any? } end end end end # Extends request options with options provided for this reference def extend_with_reference(options, reference) return options if reference.blank? reference = reference.except(:url) options ||= {} if options.is_a?(Array) options.map { |request_options| request_options.merge(reference) if request_options.present? } elsif options.present? options.merge(reference) end end def skip_loading_includes?(data, included) if data.collection? data.to_a.none? { |item| item[included].present? } elsif data.dig(included).blank? true elsif data[included].item? && data[included][:href].blank? true else !data._raw.key?(included) end end # After fetching the first page, # we can evaluate if there are further remote objects remaining # and after preparing all the requests that have to be made in order to fetch all # remote items during this batch, they are fetched in parallel def load_and_merge_remaining_objects!(data:, options:, load_not_paginated_collection: false) if paginated?(data._raw) load_and_merge_paginated_collection!(data, options) elsif data.collection? && paginated?(data.first.try(:_raw)) load_and_merge_set_of_paginated_collections!(data, options) elsif load_not_paginated_collection && data.collection? warn('[Warning] "all" has been requested, but endpoint does not provide pagination meta data. If you just want to fetch the first response, use "where" or "fetch".') load_and_merge_not_paginated_collection!(data, options) end end def load_and_merge_not_paginated_collection!(data, options) return if data.length.zero? options = options.is_a?(Hash) ? options : {} limit = options.dig(:params, limit_key(:parameter)) || pagination_class::DEFAULT_LIMIT offset = options.dig(:params, pagination_key(:parameter)) || pagination_class::DEFAULT_OFFSET options[:params] = options.fetch(:params, {}).merge( limit_key(:parameter) => limit, pagination_key(:parameter) => pagination_class.next_offset( offset, limit ) ) additional_data = data._record.request(options) additional_data.each do |item_data| data.concat(input: data._raw, items: [item_data], record: self) end end # sets nested data for a source object that needs to be accessed with a given path e.g. [:response, :total] def set_nested_data(source, path, value) return source[path] = value unless path.is_a?(Array) path = path.dup last = path.pop path.inject(source, :fetch)[last] = value end def load_and_merge_paginated_collection!(data, options) set_nested_data(data._raw, limit_key(:body), data.length) if data._raw.dig(*limit_key(:body)).blank? && !data.length.zero? pagination = data._record.pagination(data) return data unless pagination.pages_left? record = data._record if pagination.parallel? load_and_merge_parallel_requests!(record, data, pagination, options) else load_and_merge_sequential_requests!(record, data, options, data._raw.dig(:next, :href), pagination) end end def load_and_merge_parallel_requests!(record, data, pagination, options) record.request( options_for_next_batch(record, pagination, options) ).each do |batch_data| merge_batch_data_with_parent!(batch_data, data) end end def load_and_merge_sequential_requests!(record, data, options, next_link, pagination) warn '[WARNING] You are loading all pages from a resource paginated with links only. As this is performed sequentially, it can result in very poor performance! (https://github.com/DePayFi/dhs#pagination-strategy-link).' while next_link.present? page_data = record.request( options.except(:all).merge(url: next_link) ) next_link = page_data._raw.dig(:next, :href) merge_batch_data_with_parent!(page_data, data, pagination) end end def load_and_merge_set_of_paginated_collections!(data, options) options_for_next_batch = [] options.each_with_index do |element, index| next if element.nil? record = data[index]._record pagination = record.pagination(data[index]) next unless pagination.pages_left? options_for_next_batch.push( options_for_next_batch(record, pagination, options[index]).tap do |options| options.each do |option| option[:merge_with_index] = index end end ) end data._record.request(options_for_next_batch.flatten).each do |batch_data| merge_batch_data_with_parent!(batch_data, data[batch_data._request.options[:merge_with_index]]) end end def load_existing_includes(options, data, sub_includes, references) if data.collection? && data.any?(&:blank?) # filter only existing items loaded_includes = load_include(options.compact, data.compact, sub_includes, references) # fill up skipped items before returning data.each_with_index do |item, index| next if item.present? loaded_includes.insert(index, {}) end loaded_includes else load_include(options, data, sub_includes, references) end end # Load additional resources that are requested with include def load_include(options, _data, sub_includes, references) record = record_for_options(options) || self options = convert_options_to_endpoints(options) if record_for_options(options) prepare_options_for_include_request!(options, sub_includes, references) if references && references[:all] # include all linked resources load_include_all!(options, record, sub_includes, references) else # simply request first page/batch load_include_simple!(options, record) end end def load_include_all!(options, record, sub_includes, references) prepare_options_for_include_all_request!(options) data = load_all_included!(record, options) references.delete(:all) # for this reference all remote objects have been fetched continue_including(data, sub_includes, references) end def load_include_simple!(options, record) data = record.request(options) warn "[WARNING] You included `#{options[:url]}`, but this endpoint is paginated. You might want to use `includes_all` instead of `includes` (https://github.com/DePayFi/dhs#includes_all-for-paginated-endpoints)." if data && paginated?(data._raw) data end # Continues loading included resources after one complete batch/level has been fetched def continue_including(data, included, reference) return data if included.blank? || data.blank? expand_data!(data, included, reference) unless expanded_data?(data) handle_includes(included, data, reference) data end def expand_data!(data, _included, reference) options = options_for_data(data) options = extend_with_reference(options, reference) record = record_for_options(options) || self options = convert_options_to_endpoints(options) if record_for_options(options) expanded_data = record.request(options) data.extend!(expanded_data) end # Loads all included/linked resources, # paginates itself to ensure all records are fetched def load_all_included!(record, options) data = record.request(options) pagination = data._record.pagination(data) load_and_merge_remaining_objects!(data: data, options: options) if pagination.parallel? data end def prepare_options_for_include_all_request!(options) if options.is_a?(Array) options.each do |option| prepare_option_for_include_all_request!(option) end else prepare_option_for_include_all_request!(options) end options end # When including all resources on one level, don't forward :includes & :references # as we have to fetch all resources on this level first, before we continue_including def prepare_option_for_include_all_request!(option) return option if option.blank? || option[:url].nil? uri = parse_uri(option[:url], option) get_params = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(uri.query) .symbolize_keys .except(limit_key(:parameter), pagination_key(:parameter)) option[:params] ||= {} option[:params].reverse_merge!(get_params) option[:params][limit_key(:parameter)] ||= DHS::Pagination::Base::DEFAULT_LIMIT option[:url] = option[:url].gsub("?#{uri.query}", '') option.delete(:including) option.delete(:referencing) option end def prepare_options_for_include_request!(options, sub_includes, references) if options.is_a?(Array) options.each { |option| option.merge!(including: sub_includes, referencing: references) if sub_includes.present? } elsif sub_includes.present? options.merge!(including: sub_includes, referencing: references) end options || {} end def merge_batch_data_with_parent!(batch_data, parent_data, pagination = nil) parent_data.concat(input: parent_data._raw, items: batch_data.raw_items, record: self) return if pagination.present? && pagination.is_a?(DHS::Pagination::Link) [limit_key(:body), total_key, pagination_key(:body)].each do |pagination_attribute| set_nested_data( parent_data._raw, pagination_attribute, batch_data._raw.dig(*pagination_attribute) ) end end # Merge explicit params nested in 'params' namespace with original hash. def merge_explicit_params!(params) return true unless params explicit_params = params[:params] params.delete(:params) params.merge!(explicit_params) if explicit_params end def multiple_requests(options) options = options.map do |option| next if option.blank? process_options(option, find_endpoint(option[:params], option.fetch(:url, nil))) end data = DHC.request(options.compact).map do |response| DHS::Data.new(response.body, nil, self, response.request) end including = DHS::Complex.reduce(options.compact.map { |options| options.delete(:including) }.compact) referencing = DHS::Complex.reduce(options.compact.map { |options| options.delete(:referencing) }.compact) data = restore_with_nils(data, locate_nils(options)) # nil objects in data provide location information for mapping data = DHS::Data.new(data, nil, self) handle_includes(including, data, referencing) if including.present? && data.present? data end def locate_nils(array) nils = [] array.each_with_index { |value, index| nils << index if value.nil? } nils end def restore_with_nils(array, nils) array = array.dup nils.sort.each { |index| array.insert(index, nil) } array end def options_for_multiple(data, key = nil) data.map do |item| url_option_for(item, key) end.flatten end def options_for_nested_items(data, key = nil) data[key].map do |item| url_option_for(item) end.flatten end def options_for_next_batch(record, pagination, options) batch_options = [] pagination.pages_left.times do |index| page_options = { params: { record.limit_key(:parameter) => pagination.limit, record.pagination_key(:parameter) => pagination.next_offset(index + 1) } } batch_options.push( options.deep_dup.deep_merge(page_options) ) end batch_options end # Merge explicit params and take configured endpoints options as base def process_options(options, endpoint) ignored_errors = options[:ignored_errors] options = options.deep_dup options[:ignored_errors] = ignored_errors if ignored_errors.present? options[:params]&.deep_symbolize_keys! options[:rescue] = merge_error_handlers(options[:rescue]) if options[:rescue] options = (provider_options || {}) .deep_merge(endpoint.options || {}) .deep_merge(options) options[:url] = compute_url!(options[:params]) unless options.key?(:url) merge_explicit_params!(options[:params]) options.delete(:params) if options[:params]&.empty? inject_interceptors!(options) options end def inject_interceptors!(options) if DHS.config.request_cycle_cache_enabled inject_interceptor!( options, DHS::Interceptors::RequestCycleCache::Interceptor, DHC::Caching, "[WARNING] Can't enable request cycle cache as DHC::Caching interceptor is not enabled/configured (see https://github.com/DePayFi/dhc/blob/master/README.md#caching-interceptor)!" ) end endpoint = find_endpoint(options[:params], options.fetch(:url, nil)) if auto_oauth? || (endpoint.options&.dig(:oauth) && DHS.config.auto_oauth) || options[:oauth] inject_interceptor!( options.merge!(record: self), DHS::Interceptors::AutoOauth::Interceptor, DHC::Auth, "[WARNING] Can't enable auto oauth as DHC::Auth interceptor is not enabled/configured (see https://github.com/DePayFi/dhc/blob/master/README.md#authentication-interceptor)!" ) end end def inject_interceptor!(options, interceptor, dependecy, warning) interceptors = options[:interceptors] || DHC.config.interceptors if interceptors.include?(dependecy) # Ensure interceptor is prepend interceptors.unshift(interceptor) options[:interceptors] = interceptors else warn(warning) end end # DHC supports only one error handler, merge all error handlers to one # and reraise def merge_error_handlers(handlers) lambda do |response| return_data = nil error_class = DHC::Error.find(response) error = error_class.new(error_class, response) handlers = handlers.map(&:to_a).to_a.select { |handler_error_class, _| error.is_a? handler_error_class } raise(error) unless handlers.any? handlers.each do |_, handler| handlers_return = handler.call(response) return_data = handlers_return if handlers_return.present? end return return_data end end def record_for_options(options) records = [] if options.is_a?(Array) options.compact.each do |option| record = DHS::Record.for_url(option[:url]) next unless record records.push(record) end raise 'Found more than one record that could be used to do the request' if records.uniq.count > 1 records.uniq.first else # Hash DHS::Record.for_url(options[:url]) end end def single_request(options) options ||= {} options = options.dup including = options.delete(:including) referencing = options.delete(:referencing) endpoint = find_endpoint(options[:params], options.fetch(:url, nil)) apply_limit!(options) response = DHC.request(process_options(options, endpoint)) return nil if !response.success? && response.error_ignored? data = DHS::Data.new(response.body, nil, self, response.request, endpoint) single_request_load_and_merge_remaining_objects!(data, options, endpoint) expand_items(data, options[:expanded]) if data.collection? && options[:expanded] handle_includes(including, data, referencing) if including.present? && data.present? data end def expand_items(data, expand_options) expand_options = {} unless expand_options.is_a?(Hash) options = data.map do |item| expand_options.merge(url: item.href) end expanded_data = request(options) data.each_with_index do |item, index| item.merge_raw!(expanded_data[index]) end end def url_option_for(item, key = nil) link = key ? item[key] : item return if link.blank? return { url: link.href } unless link.collection? link.map do |item| { url: item.href } if item.present? && item.href.present? end.compact end end end end