require 'singleton' class ToolsUtil include Singleton # def initialize(options = {}) # # I18n.load_path = Dir[Tools.files + '/pt-BR.yml'] # # I18n.locale = 'pt-BR'.to_sym # ToolsCache.instance # ToolsConfig.instance # ToolsConsole.instance # ToolsDisplay.instance # ToolsFiles.instance # ToolsLog.instance # ToolsNet.instance # ToolsPrompt.instance # unless File.exists? Tools.home+'/.tools' # FileUtils.mkdir_p(Tools.home+'/.tools') # end # tools_logfile = Tools.home+'/.tools/tools.log' # ToolsLog.create_log_file 'tools', tools_logfile # end # Synbolize all keys in hash. # # @param hash # return hash symbolized def self.symbolize_keys(hash) hash.inject({}){|result, (key, value)| new_key = case key when String then key.to_sym else key end new_value = case value when Hash then symbolize_keys(value) else value end result[new_key] = new_value result } end # Test a valid json string. # # @param source Json string to be tested # @return boolean def self.valid_json? source begin !!JSON.parse(source) rescue JSON::ParserError false end end # Test a valid yaml string. # # @param source Yaml string to be tested # @return boolean def self.valid_yaml? source begin !!YAML.parse(source) rescue Psych::SyntaxError false end end # Return a formated DateTime. # # @param format with a DateTime format default are: 12 Outubro 2018, 08:29 # @return [String] formated date def self.get_date format='%e %B %Y, %H:%M' return I18n.l(, :format => format) end # Modify the class variable.. String => change value, Hash => merge, Array => insert # # @param variable name variable # @param value value veriable # @return [] def self.set_variable_ext variable, value if self.instance_variable_defined? ("@#{variable}") aux = self.get_variable variable case aux.class.to_s when 'String' self.set_variable variable, value when 'Hash' begin aux.merge! value self.set_variable variable, aux rescue "\tToolsDisplay error [set_variable_ext]. Attempt insert #{variable.class} into Hash variable....".light_red end when 'Array' aux.insert(-1,value) self.set_variable variable, aux end end end # Set a new class variable. # # @param variable variable name to set # @param value value for variable # @return [] def self.set_variable variable, value self.instance_variable_set("@#{variable}", value) end # Get a existent class variable. # # @param variable variable name to retrive # @return variable value def self.get_variable variable return self.instance_variable_get("@#{variable}") end # Get all existent class variablea. # # @return variables def self.get_variables return self.instance_variables end # Return a plain text for content of String or Hash or Array. # # @param value Content of variable to translate to Plaint text # @return plain text content def self.get_plain_text value case value.class.to_s when 'String' return "\t#{value.yellow}" when 'Hash','Array' old_stdout = $stdout captured_stdio ='', 'w') $stdout = captured_stdio ap value, {:plain => true} $stdout = old_stdout value = captured_stdio.string return value else return value end end end