module Cocoon module ViewHelpers # this will show a link to remove the current association. This should be placed inside the partial. # either you give # - *name* : the text of the link # - *f* : the form this link should be placed in # - *html_options*: html options to be passed to link_to (see link_to) # # or you use the form without *name* with a *&block* # - *f* : the form this link should be placed in # - *html_options*: html options to be passed to link_to (see link_to) # - *&block*: the output of the block will be show in the link, see link_to def link_to_remove_association(*args, &block) if block_given? link_to_remove_association(capture(&block), *args) elsif args.first.respond_to?(:object) form = args.first association = form.object.class.to_s.tableize name = I18n.translate("cocoon.#{association}.remove", default: I18n.translate('cocoon.defaults.remove')) link_to_remove_association(name, *args) else name, f, html_options = *args html_options ||= {} is_dynamic = f.object.new_record? classes = [] classes << "remove_fields" classes << (is_dynamic ? 'dynamic' : 'existing') classes << 'destroyed' if f.object.marked_for_destruction? html_options[:class] = [html_options[:class], classes.join(' ')].compact.join(' ') wrapper_class = html_options.delete(:wrapper_class) html_options[:'data-wrapper-class'] = wrapper_class if wrapper_class.present? hidden_field_tag("#{f.object_name}[_destroy]", f.object._destroy) + link_to(name, '#', html_options) end end # :nodoc: def render_association(association, f, new_object, form_name, render_options={}, custom_partial=nil) partial = get_partial_path(custom_partial, association) locals = render_options.delete(:locals) || {} ancestors ={|c| c.to_s} method_name = ancestors.include?('SimpleForm::FormBuilder') ? :simple_fields_for : (ancestors.include?('Formtastic::FormBuilder') ? :semantic_fields_for : :fields_for) f.send(method_name, association, new_object, {:child_index => "new_#{association}"}.merge(render_options)) do |builder| partial_options = {form_name.to_sym => builder, :dynamic => true}.merge(locals) render(partial, partial_options) end end # shows a link that will allow to dynamically add a new associated object. # # - *name* : the text to show in the link # - *f* : the form this should come in (the formtastic form) # - *association* : the associated objects, e.g. :tasks, this should be the name of the has_many relation. # - *html_options*: html options to be passed to link_to (see link_to) # - *:render_options* : options passed to `simple_fields_for, semantic_fields_for or fields_for` # - *:locals* : the locals hash in the :render_options is handed to the partial # - *:partial* : explicitly override the default partial name # - *:wrap_object* : a proc that will allow to wrap your object, especially suited when using # decorators, or if you want special initialisation # - *:form_name* : the parameter for the form in the nested form partial. Default `f`. # - *:count* : Count of how many objects will be added on a single click. Default `1`. # - *&block*: see link_to def link_to_add_association(*args, &block) if block_given? link_to_add_association(capture(&block), *args) elsif args.first.respond_to?(:object) association = args.second name = I18n.translate("cocoon.#{association}.add", default: I18n.translate('cocoon.defaults.add')) link_to_add_association(name, *args) else name, f, association, html_options = *args html_options ||= {} render_options = html_options.delete(:render_options) render_options ||= {} override_partial = html_options.delete(:partial) wrap_object = html_options.delete(:wrap_object) force_non_association_create = html_options.delete(:force_non_association_create) || false form_parameter_name = html_options.delete(:form_name) || 'f' count = html_options.delete(:count).to_i html_options[:class] = [html_options[:class], "add_fields"].compact.join(' ') html_options[:'data-association'] = association.to_s.singularize html_options[:'data-associations'] = association.to_s.pluralize new_object = create_object(f, association, force_non_association_create) new_object = if wrap_object.respond_to?(:call) html_options[:'data-association-insertion-template'] = CGI.escapeHTML(render_association(association, f, new_object, form_parameter_name, render_options, override_partial).to_str).html_safe html_options[:'data-count'] = count if count > 0 link_to(name, '#', html_options) end end # creates new association object with its conditions, like # `` has_many :admin_comments, class_name: "Comment", conditions: { author: "Admin" } # will create new Comment with author "Admin" def create_object(f, association, force_non_association_create=false) assoc = f.object.class.reflect_on_association(association) assoc ? create_object_on_association(f, association, assoc, force_non_association_create) : create_object_on_non_association(f, association) end def get_partial_path(partial, association) partial ? partial : association.to_s.singularize + "_fields" end private def create_object_on_non_association(f, association) builder_method = %W{build_#{association} build_#{association.to_s.singularize}}.select { |m| f.object.respond_to?(m) }.first return f.object.send(builder_method) if builder_method raise "Association #{association} doesn't exist on #{f.object.class}" end def create_object_on_association(f, association, instance, force_non_association_create) if'Mongoid::') || force_non_association_create create_object_with_conditions(instance) else assoc_obj = nil # assume ActiveRecord or compatible if instance.collection? assoc_obj = f.object.send(association).build f.object.send(association).delete(assoc_obj) else assoc_obj = f.object.send("build_#{association}") f.object.send(association).delete end assoc_obj = assoc_obj.dup if assoc_obj.frozen? assoc_obj end end def create_object_with_conditions(instance) # in rails 4, an association is defined with a proc # and I did not find how to extract the conditions from a scope # except building from the scope, but then why not just build from the # association??? conditions = instance.respond_to?(:conditions) ? instance.conditions.flatten : []*conditions) end end end