module Logging # Defines a Proxy that will log all method calls on the proxied object. This # class uses +method_missing+ on a "blank slate" object to intercept all # method calls. The method name being called and the arguments are all # logged to the proxied object's logger instance. The log level and other # settings for the proxied object are honored by the Proxy instance. # # If you want, you can also supply your own +method_missing+ code as a block # to the constructor. # # do |name, *args, &block| # # code to be executed before the proxied method # result = @object.send(name, *args, &block) # # code to be executed after the proxied method # result # <-- always return the result # end # # The proxied object is available as the "@object" variable. The logger is # available as the "@logger" variable. # class Proxy # :stopdoc: KEEPERS = %r/^__|^object_id$|^initialize$/ instance_methods(true).each { |m| undef_method m unless m[KEEPERS] } private_instance_methods(true).each { |m| undef_method m unless m[KEEPERS] } # :startdoc: # Create a new proxy for the given _object_. If an optional _block_ is # given it will be called before the proxied method. This _block_ will # replace the +method_missing+ implementation # def initialize( object, &block ) Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Cannot proxy nil" if nil.equal? object @object = object @leader = @object.is_a?(Class) ? "#{}." : "#{}#" @logger = Logging.logger[object] if block eigenclass = class << self; self; end eigenclass.__send__(:define_method, :method_missing, &block) end end # All hail the magic of method missing. Here is where we are going to log # the method call and then forward to the proxied object. The return value # from the proxied object method call is passed back. # def method_missing( name, *args, &block ) @logger << "#@leader#{name}(#{args.inspect[1..-2]})\n" @object.send(name, *args, &block) end end # Proxy end # Logging