#!/usr/bin/env rake # -*- Ruby -*- # Are we rubinius or MRI 1.8? raise RuntimeError, 'This package is for rubinius or 1.9.2-nframe only!' unless (Object.constants.include?('Rubinius') && Rubinius.constants.include?('VM') && Rubinius::VM.respond_to?(:backtrace)) || (defined? RUBY_DESCRIPTION && RUBY_DESCRIPTION.start_with?('ruby 1.9.2frame')) || (RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('1.8') && RUBY_COPYRIGHT.end_with?('Yukihiro Matsumoto')) # begin # require_relative 'lib/version' # puts 'Looks like you already have require_relative!' # exit 5 # rescue NameError # end require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/package_task' require 'rdoc/task' require 'rake/testtask' require 'fileutils' ROOT_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) require File.join(ROOT_DIR, '/lib/version') def gemspec @gemspec ||= eval(File.read('.gemspec'), binding, '.gemspec') end def gem_file "#{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}-#{gemspec.platform.to_s}.gem" end desc "Build the gem" task :package=>:gem task :gem=>:gemspec do sh "gem build .gemspec" FileUtils.mkdir_p 'pkg' FileUtils.mv gem_file, 'pkg' end task :default => [:test] desc 'Install locally' task :install => :package do Dir.chdir(ROOT_DIR) do sh %{gem install --local pkg/#{gem_file}} end end desc 'Test everything.' Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |t| t.libs << './lib' t.pattern = 'test/test-*.rb' t.options = '--verbose' if $VERBOSE end task :test => [:lib] require 'rbconfig' RUBY_PATH = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']) def run_standalone_ruby_file(directory) # puts ('*' * 10) + ' ' + directory + ' ' + ('*' * 10) Dir.chdir(directory) do Dir.glob('test-rr.rb').each do |ruby_file| # puts( ('-' * 20) + ' ' + ruby_file + ' ' + ('-' * 20)) system(RUBY_PATH, ruby_file) end end end desc "Run each library Ruby file in standalone mode." rake_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) task :check do run_standalone_ruby_file(File.join(%W(#{rake_dir} test))) end task :default => [:test] # Remove the above when I figure out what's up with the commented-out code. desc 'Create a GNU-style ChangeLog via git2cl' task :ChangeLog do system('git log --pretty --numstat --summary | git2cl > ChangeLog') end desc "Generate the gemspec" task :generate do puts gemspec.to_ruby end desc "Validate the gemspec" task :gemspec do gemspec.validate end desc 'Remove residue from running patch' task :rm_patch_residue do FileUtils.rm_rf FileList['**/*.{rej,orig}'].to_a, :verbose => true end desc 'Remove ~ backup files' task :rm_tilde_backups do FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob('**/*~'), :verbose => true FileUtils.rm_rf Dir.glob('**/*.rbc'), :verbose => true end desc "Remove built files" task :clean => [:clobber_package, :clobber_rdoc, :rm_patch_residue, :rm_tilde_backups] task :clobber_package do FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'pkg') end task :clobber_rdoc do FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(ROOT_DIR, 'doc') end