require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "spec_helper")) def read(body) return body if body.is_a?(String) out = "" body.each {|data| out += data } out end describe Jasmine::Server do before(:each) do config = config.stub!(:spec_dir).and_return(File.join(Jasmine.root, "spec")) config.stub!(:src_dir).and_return(File.join(Jasmine.root, "src")) config.stub!(:src_files).and_return(["file1.js"]) config.stub!(:spec_files).and_return(["file2.js"]) @server =, config) @thin_app = end after(:each) do @server.thin.stop if @server && @server.thin.running? end it "should serve static files from spec dir under __spec__" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/__spec__/suites/EnvSpec.js", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx") code.should == 200 headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/javascript" read(body).should ==, "spec/suites/EnvSpec.js")) end it "should serve static files from root dir under /" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/base.js", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx") code.should == 200 headers["Content-Type"].should == "application/javascript" read(body).should ==, "src/base.js")) end it "should serve Jasmine static files under /__JASMINE_ROOT__/" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/__JASMINE_ROOT__/lib/jasmine.css", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx") code.should == 200 headers["Content-Type"].should == "text/css" read(body).should ==, "lib/jasmine.css")) end it "should serve focused suites when prefixing spec files with /__suite__/" do Dir.stub!(:glob).and_return do |glob_string| glob_string end code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/__suite__/file2.js", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx") code.should == 200 headers["Content-Type"].should == "text/html" read(body).should include("\"/__spec__/file2.js") end it "should redirect /run.html to /" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/run.html", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx") code.should == 302 headers["Location"].should == "/" end it "should 404 non-existent files" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/some-non-existent-file", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx") code.should == 404 end describe "/ page" do it "should load each js file in order" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx", "REQUEST_METHOD" => 'GET') code.should == 200 body = read(body) body.should include("\"/file1.js") body.should include("\"/__spec__/file2.js") body.should satisfy {|s| s.index("/file1.js") < s.index("/__spec__/file2.js") } end it "should return an empty 200 for HEAD requests to /" do code, headers, body ="PATH_INFO" => "/", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "xxx", "REQUEST_METHOD" => 'HEAD') code.should == 200 headers.should == { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' } body.should == '' end end end