require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' module Puppet::Pops module Types describe 'Puppet Type System' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler let(:tf) { TypeFactory } context 'Integer type' do let!(:a) { tf.range(10, 20) } let!(:b) { tf.range(18, 28) } let!(:c) { tf.range( 2, 12) } let!(:d) { tf.range(12, 18) } let!(:e) { tf.range( 8, 22) } let!(:f) { tf.range( 8, 9) } let!(:g) { tf.range(21, 22) } let!(:h) { tf.range(30, 31) } let!(:i) { tf.float_range(1.0, 30.0) } let!(:j) { tf.float_range(1.0, 9.0) } context 'when testing if ranges intersect' do it 'detects an intersection when self is before its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(b)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self is after its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(c)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self covers its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(d)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self equals its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(a)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self is covered by its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(e)).to be_truthy end it 'does not consider an adjacent range to be intersecting' do [f, g].each {|x| expect(a.intersect?(x)).to be_falsey } end it 'does not consider an range that is apart to be intersecting' do expect(a.intersect?(h)).to be_falsey end it 'does not consider an overlapping float range to be intersecting' do expect(a.intersect?(i)).to be_falsey end end context 'when testing if ranges are adjacent' do it 'detects an adjacent type when self is after its argument' do expect(a.adjacent?(f)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an adjacent type when self is before its argument' do expect(a.adjacent?(g)).to be_truthy end it 'does not consider overlapping types to be adjacent' do [a, b, c, d, e].each { |x| expect(a.adjacent?(x)).to be_falsey } end it 'does not consider an range that is apart to be adjacent' do expect(a.adjacent?(h)).to be_falsey end it 'does not consider an adjacent float range to be adjancent' do expect(a.adjacent?(j)).to be_falsey end end context 'when merging ranges' do it 'will merge intersecting ranges' do expect(a.merge(b)).to eq(tf.range(10, 28)) end it 'will merge adjacent ranges' do expect(a.merge(g)).to eq(tf.range(10, 22)) end it 'will not merge ranges that are apart' do expect(a.merge(h)).to be_nil end it 'will not merge overlapping float ranges' do expect(a.merge(i)).to be_nil end it 'will not merge adjacent float ranges' do expect(a.merge(j)).to be_nil end end end context 'Float type' do let!(:a) { tf.float_range(10.0, 20.0) } let!(:b) { tf.float_range(18.0, 28.0) } let!(:c) { tf.float_range( 2.0, 12.0) } let!(:d) { tf.float_range(12.0, 18.0) } let!(:e) { tf.float_range( 8.0, 22.0) } let!(:f) { tf.float_range(30.0, 31.0) } let!(:g) { tf.range(1, 30) } context 'when testing if ranges intersect' do it 'detects an intersection when self is before its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(b)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self is after its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(c)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self covers its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(d)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self equals its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(a)).to be_truthy end it 'detects an intersection when self is covered by its argument' do expect(a.intersect?(e)).to be_truthy end it 'does not consider an range that is apart to be intersecting' do expect(a.intersect?(f)).to be_falsey end it 'does not consider an overlapping integer range to be intersecting' do expect(a.intersect?(g)).to be_falsey end end context 'when merging ranges' do it 'will merge intersecting ranges' do expect(a.merge(b)).to eq(tf.float_range(10.0, 28.0)) end it 'will not merge ranges that are apart' do expect(a.merge(f)).to be_nil end it 'will not merge overlapping integer ranges' do expect(a.merge(g)).to be_nil end end end context 'Enum type' do it 'sorts its entries' do code = <<-CODE Enum[c,b,a].each |$e| { notice $e } CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['a', 'b', 'c']) end it 'makes entries unique' do code = <<-CODE Enum[a,b,c,b,a].each |$e| { notice $e } CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['a', 'b', 'c']) end end context 'Iterable type' do it 'can be parameterized with element type' do code = <<-CODE function foo(Iterable[String] $x) { $x.each |$e| { notice $e } } foo([bar, baz, cake]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['bar', 'baz', 'cake']) end end context 'Iterator type' do let!(:iterint) { tf.iterator(tf.integer) } context 'when testing instance?' do it 'will consider an iterable on an integer is an instance of Iterator[Integer]' do expect(iterint.instance?(Iterable.on(3))).to be_truthy end it 'will consider an iterable on string to be an instance of Iterator[Integer]' do expect(iterint.instance?(Iterable.on('string'))).to be_falsey end end context 'when testing assignable?' do it 'will consider an iterator with an assignable type as assignable' do expect(tf.iterator(tf.numeric).assignable?(iterint)).to be_truthy end it 'will not consider an iterator with a non assignable type as assignable' do expect(tf.iterator(tf.string).assignable?(iterint)).to be_falsey end end context 'when asked for an iterable type' do it 'the default iterator type returns the default iterable type' do expect(PIteratorType::DEFAULT.iterable_type).to be(PIterableType::DEFAULT) end it 'a typed iterator type returns the an equally typed iterable type' do expect(iterint.iterable_type).to eq(tf.iterable(tf.integer)) end end it 'can be parameterized with an element type' do code = <<-CODE function foo(Iterator[String] $x) { $x.each |$e| { notice $e } } foo([bar, baz, cake].reverse_each) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['cake', 'baz', 'bar']) end end context 'Collection type' do it 'can be parameterized with a range' do code = <<-CODE notice(Collection[5, default] == Collection[5]) notice(Collection[5, 5] > Tuple[Integer, 0, 10]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true', 'false']) end end context 'Struct type' do context 'can be used as key in hash' do it 'compacts optional in optional in optional to just optional' do key1 = tf.struct({'foo' => tf.string}) key2 = tf.struct({'foo' => tf.string}) expect({key1 => 'hi'}[key2]).to eq('hi') end end end context 'Optional type' do let!(:overlapping_ints) { tf.variant(tf.range(10, 20), tf.range(18, 28)) } let!(:optoptopt) { tf.optional(tf.optional(tf.optional(overlapping_ints))) } let!(:optnu) { tf.optional(tf.not_undef(overlapping_ints)) } context 'when normalizing' do it 'compacts optional in optional in optional to just optional' do expect(optoptopt.normalize).to eq(tf.optional(tf.range(10, 28))) end end it 'compacts NotUndef in Optional to just Optional' do expect(optnu.normalize).to eq(tf.optional(tf.range(10, 28))) end end context 'NotUndef type' do let!(:nununu) { tf.not_undef(tf.not_undef(tf.not_undef(tf.any))) } let!(:nuopt) { tf.not_undef(tf.optional(tf.any)) } let!(:nuoptint) { tf.not_undef(tf.optional(tf.integer)) } context 'when normalizing' do it 'compacts NotUndef in NotUndef in NotUndef to just NotUndef' do expect(nununu.normalize).to eq(tf.not_undef(tf.any)) end it 'compacts Optional in NotUndef to just NotUndef' do expect(nuopt.normalize).to eq(tf.not_undef(tf.any)) end it 'compacts NotUndef[Optional[Integer]] in NotUndef to just Integer' do expect(nuoptint.normalize).to eq(tf.integer) end end end context 'Variant type' do let!(:overlapping_ints) { tf.variant(tf.range(10, 20), tf.range(18, 28)) } let!(:adjacent_ints) { tf.variant(tf.range(10, 20), tf.range(8, 9)) } let!(:mix_ints) { tf.variant(overlapping_ints, adjacent_ints) } let!(:overlapping_floats) { tf.variant(tf.float_range(10.0, 20.0), tf.float_range(18.0, 28.0)) } let!(:enums) { tf.variant(tf.enum('a', 'b'), tf.enum('b', 'c')) } let!(:patterns) { tf.variant(tf.pattern('a', 'b'), tf.pattern('b', 'c')) } let!(:with_undef) { tf.variant(tf.undef, tf.range(1,10)) } let!(:all_optional) { tf.variant(tf.optional(tf.range(1,10)), tf.optional(tf.range(11,20))) } let!(:groups) { tf.variant(mix_ints, overlapping_floats, enums, patterns, with_undef, all_optional) } context 'when normalizing contained types that' do it 'are overlapping ints, the result is a range' do expect(overlapping_ints.normalize).to eq(tf.range(10, 28)) end it 'are adjacent ints, the result is a range' do expect(adjacent_ints.normalize).to eq(tf.range(8, 20)) end it 'are mixed variants with adjacent and overlapping ints, the result is a range' do expect(mix_ints.normalize).to eq(tf.range(8, 28)) end it 'are overlapping floats, the result is a float range' do expect(overlapping_floats.normalize).to eq(tf.float_range(10.0, 28.0)) end it 'are enums, the result is an enum' do expect(enums.normalize).to eq(tf.enum('a', 'b', 'c')) end it 'are patterns, the result is a pattern' do expect(patterns.normalize).to eq(tf.pattern('a', 'b', 'c')) end it 'contains an Undef, the result is Optional' do expect(with_undef.normalize).to eq(tf.optional(tf.range(1,10))) end it 'are all Optional, the result is an Optional with normalized type' do expect(all_optional.normalize).to eq(tf.optional(tf.range(1,20))) end it 'can be normalized in groups, the result is a Variant containing the resulting normalizations' do expect(groups.normalize).to eq(tf.variant( tf.range(8, 28), tf.float_range(10.0, 28.0), tf.enum('a', 'b', 'c'), tf.pattern('a', 'b', 'c'), tf.optional(tf.range(1,20))) ) end end context 'when generalizing' do it 'will generalize and compact contained types' do expect(tf.variant(tf.string(tf.range(3,3)), tf.string(tf.range(5,5))).generalize).to eq(tf.variant(tf.string)) end end end context 'Runtime type' do it 'can be created with a runtime and a runtime type name' do expect(tf.runtime('ruby', 'Hash').to_s).to eq("Runtime[ruby, 'Hash']") end it 'can be created with a runtime and, puppet name pattern, and runtime replacement' do expect(tf.runtime('ruby', [/^MyPackage::(.*)$/, 'MyModule::\1']).to_s).to eq("Runtime[ruby, [/^MyPackage::(.*)$/, \"MyModule::\\\\1\"]]") end it 'will map a Puppet name to a runtime type' do t = tf.runtime('ruby', [/^MyPackage::(.*)$/, 'MyModule::\1']) expect(t.from_puppet_name('MyPackage::MyType').to_s).to eq("Runtime[ruby, 'MyModule::MyType']") end end context 'Type aliases' do it 'will resolve nested objects using self recursion' do code = <<-CODE type Tree = Hash[String,Variant[String,Tree]] notice({a => {b => {c => d}}} =~ Tree) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true']) end it 'will find mismatches using self recursion' do code = <<-CODE type Tree = Hash[String,Variant[String,Tree]] notice({a => {b => {c => 1}}} =~ Tree) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['false']) end it 'will not allow an alias chain to only contain aliases' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Bar type Fee = Foo type Bar = Fee notice(0 =~ Bar) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Type alias 'Foo' cannot be resolved to a real type/) end it 'will not allow an alias chain that contains nothing but aliases and variants' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Bar type Fee = Foo type Bar = Variant[Fee,Foo] notice(0 =~ Bar) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Type alias 'Foo' cannot be resolved to a real type/) end it 'will not allow an alias to directly reference itself' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Foo notice(0 =~ Foo) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Type alias 'Foo' cannot be resolved to a real type/) end it 'will allow an alias to directly reference itself in a variant with other types' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Variant[Foo,String] notice(a =~ Foo) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true']) end it 'will allow an alias where a variant references an alias with a variant that references itself' do code = <<-CODE type X = Variant[Y, Integer] type Y = Variant[X, String] notice(X >= X) notice(X >= Y) notice(Y >= X) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true','true','true']) end it 'will detect a mismatch in an alias that directly references itself in a variant with other types' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Variant[Foo,String] notice(3 =~ Foo) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['false']) end it 'will normalize a Variant containing a self reference so that the self reference is removed' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Variant[Foo,String,Integer] assert_type(Foo, /x/) CODE expect { eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(/expected a value of type String or Integer, got Regexp/) end it 'will handle a scalar correctly in combinations of nested aliased variants' do code = <<-CODE type Bar = Variant[Foo,Integer] type Foo = Variant[Bar,String] notice(a =~ Foo) notice(1 =~ Foo) notice(/x/ =~ Foo) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true', 'true', 'false']) end it 'will handle a non scalar correctly in combinations of nested aliased array with nested variants' do code = <<-CODE type Bar = Variant[Foo,Integer] type Foo = Array[Variant[Bar,String]] notice([a] =~ Foo) notice([1] =~ Foo) notice([/x/] =~ Foo) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true', 'true', 'false']) end it 'will handle a non scalar correctly in combinations of nested aliased variants with array' do code = <<-CODE type Bar = Variant[Foo,Array[Integer]] type Foo = Variant[Bar,Array[String]] notice([a] =~ Foo) notice([1] =~ Foo) notice([/x/] =~ Foo) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true', 'true', 'false']) end it 'will not allow dynamic constructs in type definition' do code = <<-CODE type Foo = Enum[$facts[os][family]] notice(Foo) CODE expect{ eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /The expression <\$facts\[os\]\[family\]> is not a valid type specification/) end end context 'Type mappings' do it 'can register a singe type mapping' do source = <<-CODE type MyModule::ImplementationRegistry = Object[{}] type Runtime[ruby, 'Puppet::Pops::Types::ImplementationRegistry'] = MyModule::ImplementationRegistry notice(true) CODE collect_notices(source) do |compiler| compiler.compile do |catalog| type = Loaders.implementation_registry.type_for_module(ImplementationRegistry) expect(type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect( eql('MyModule::ImplementationRegistry') catalog end end end it 'can register a regexp based mapping' do source = <<-CODE type MyModule::TypeMismatchDescriber = Object[{}] type Runtime[ruby, [/^Puppet::Pops::Types::(\\w+)$/, 'MyModule::\\1']] = [/^MyModule::(\\w+)$/, 'Puppet::Pops::Types::\\1'] notice(true) CODE collect_notices(source) do |compiler| compiler.compile do |catalog| type = Loaders.implementation_registry.type_for_module(TypeMismatchDescriber) expect(type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect( eql('MyModule::TypeMismatchDescriber') catalog end end end it 'a type mapping affects type inference' do source = <<-CODE type MyModule::ImplementationRegistry = Object[{}] type Runtime[ruby, 'Puppet::Pops::Types::ImplementationRegistry'] = MyModule::ImplementationRegistry notice(true) CODE collect_notices(source) do |compiler| compiler.compile do |catalog| type = TypeCalculator.singleton.infer(Loaders.implementation_registry) expect(type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect( eql('MyModule::ImplementationRegistry') catalog end end end end context 'When attempting to redefine a built in type' do it 'such as Integer, an error is raised' do code = <<-CODE type Integer = String notice 'hello' =~ Integer CODE expect{ eval_and_collect_notices(code) }.to raise_error(/Attempt to redefine entity 'http:\/\/puppet\.com\/2016\.1\/runtime\/type\/integer'. Originally set by Puppet-Type-System\/Static-Loader/) end end context 'instantiation via new_function is supported by' do let(:loader) {, "types_unit_test_loader") } it 'Integer' do func_class = tf.integer.new_function(loader) expect(func_class).to be_a(Class) expect(func_class.superclass).to be(Puppet::Functions::Function) end it 'Optional[Integer]' do func_class = tf.optional(tf.integer).new_function(loader) expect(func_class).to be_a(Class) expect(func_class.superclass).to be(Puppet::Functions::Function) end end context 'instantiation via new_function is not supported by' do let(:loader) {, "types_unit_test_loader") } it 'Any, Scalar, Collection' do [tf.any, tf.scalar, tf.collection ].each do |t| expect { t.new_function(loader) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Creation of new instance of type '#{t.to_s}' is not supported/) end end end end end end