doctype html html head title meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" == js_tag 'application' == css_tag 'application' body .hero-unit.text-center h1.espresso-heading Welcome to Espresso World h2 This is your Brand New Application p.lead.text-info Edit "#{__FILE__.sub(Cfg.root_path, '')}" to get rid of this banner .container .row .span4 == png_tag 'Espresso' .span8 h4.espresso-heading br | Running on a href="" Espresso span.muted #{EVersion::FULL} p.lead a href="" .row hr .span8 h4.espresso-heading | Built with care by a href="" Enginery p.lead a href="" .span4 == png_tag 'Enginery' == yield