HPXML tasks.rb 2000-01-01T00:00:00-07:00 create 60
proposed workscope suburban electricity natural gas 3.0 apartment unit 1 1 3 2 1350.0 10800.0 2006 5B Denver, CO USA_CO_Denver.Intl.AP.725650_TMY3.epw 50.0 ACH 3.0 10800.0 outside living space 420.0 wood siding 0.7 0.92 23.0 other non-freezing space living space 780.0 0.7 0.92 23.0 other non-freezing space living space 1350.0 18.7 above other non-freezing space living space 1350.0 18.7 below 37.8 0 0.33 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.67 37.8 180 0.33 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.67 25.2 90 0.33 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.67 25.2 270 0.33 0.45 0.7 0.85 0.67 40.0 0 4.4 40.0 180 4.4 40.0 0 4.4 natural gas 64000.0 AFUE 0.92 1.0 central air conditioner electricity 48000.0 single stage 1.0 SEER 13.0 0.73 manual thermostat 68.0 78.0 supply CFM25 75.0 to outside return CFM25 25.0 to outside supply 4.0 other non-freezing space 150.0 return 0.0 other non-freezing space 50.0 1350.0 electricity storage water heater other non-freezing space 40.0 1.0 18767.0 0.95 125.0 50.0 0.0 shower head true faucet false other non-freezing space 1.21 380.0 0.12 1.09 27.0 6.0 3.2 other non-freezing space electricity 3.73 timer true 150.0 other non-freezing space 307.0 12 0.12 1.09 22.32 4.0 other non-freezing space 650.0 true other non-freezing space electricity false false interior 0.4 exterior 0.4 garage 0.4 interior 0.1 exterior 0.1 garage 0.1 interior 0.25 exterior 0.25 garage 0.25 other kWh/year 1228.5 0.855 0.045 TV other kWh/year 620.0