module HTML class AutoAttr attr_accessor 'hash', 'sorted' def initialize( hash = {}, sorted = 0 ) @hash = hash @sorted = sorted end def to_s keys = @sorted ? @hash.keys.sort : @hash.keys str = '' seen = {} keys.each do |key| unless seen.has_key?( key ) val = @hash[key] val = stringify( val ) if val.kind_of?( Hash ) val = rotate( val ) if val.kind_of?( Array ) str += sprintf( ' %s="%s"', key( key ), val( val ) ) end seen[key] = 1 end return str end def key( key ) key = key.gsub( /\s+/, '' ) key = key.gsub( /["'>=\/]/, '' ) return key end def val( val ) return '' if val.match( /^\s+$/ ) val = val.gsub( /"/, '' ) return val end def rotate( array ) val = array.shift array.push( val ) return val end def stringify( hash ) keys = @sorted ? hash.keys.sort : hash.keys vals ={ |key| val = '' if hash[key].kind_of?( Array ) val = rotate( hash[key] ) elsif hash[key].kind_of?( Hash ) val = @sorted ? hash[key].keys.sort[0] : hash[key].keys[0] else val = hash[key] end "#{key}: #{val}" } return vals.join( '; ' ) + (vals.length ? ';' : '') end end end =begin rdoc = NAME HTML::AutoAttr - Just another HTML attribute generator. == SYNOPSIS require 'HTML/AutoAttr' attr = { 'foo' => ['bar','baz','qux'] } ) 4.times puts attr.to_s == DESCRIPTION This module will translate nested hash keys and values into HTML tag attributes that can have ther values automatically rotated. == SEE ALSO * * == GITHUB The Github project is == SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the ri command. ri HTML::AutoAttr == AUTHOR Jeff Anderson, == LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 Jeff Anderson. (See shipped with distro) =end