module Polonium class Page include WaitFor attr_reader :driver PAGE_LOADED_COMMAND = "this.browserbot.getDocument().body ? true : false" def initialize(driver) @driver = driver end def open(url) end alias_method :open_and_wait, :open def assert_title(expected_title, params = {}) wait_for(params) do |configuration| actual_title = title configuration.message = "Expected title '#{expected_title}' but was '#{actual_title}'" expected_title == actual_title end end def title driver.get_title end def assert_text_present(expected_text, options = {}) options = { :message => "Expected '#{expected_text}' to be present, but it wasn't" }.merge(options) wait_for(options) do is_text_present? expected_text end end def is_text_present?(expected_text) page_loaded? && driver.is_text_present(expected_text) end def assert_text_not_present(unexpected_text, options = {}) options = { :message => "Expected '#{unexpected_text}' to be absent, but it wasn't" }.merge(options) wait_for(options) do is_text_not_present? unexpected_text end end def is_text_not_present?(unexpected_text) page_loaded? && !driver.is_text_present(unexpected_text) end def page_loaded? driver.get_eval(PAGE_LOADED_COMMAND) == true.to_s end def assert_location_ends_with(ends_with, options ={}) options = { :message => "Expected '#{driver.get_location}' to end with '#{ends_with}'" }.merge(options) wait_for(options) do location_ends_with? ends_with end end def location_ends_with?(ends_with) if driver.get_location =~"#{Regexp.escape(ends_with)}$") true else false end end def ==(other) return false unless other.is_a?(Page) self.driver == other.driver end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &blk) if driver.respond_to?(method_name) driver.__send__(method_name, *args, &blk) else super end end end end