[![Codeship Status](https://codeship.com/projects/c6513ab0-cc05-0133-94c6-0666c337ff82/status?branch=master)](https://codeship.com/projects/140114) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ryantownsend/penthouse/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ryantownsend/penthouse) [![RubyDocs](https://img.shields.io/badge/rubydocs-click_here-blue.svg)](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/ryantownsend/penthouse) Penthouse is an alternative to the excellent [Apartment gem](https://github.com/influitive/apartment) – however Penthouse is more of a framework for multi-tenancy than a library, in that it provides less out-of-the-box functionality, but should make for easier customisation. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'penthouse' ``` ## Basic Usage If you're using Rails, you just need to configure an initializer at `config/initializers/penthouse.rb` ```ruby require 'penthouse' # include the standard Rack app require 'penthouse/app' # include the automated Sidekiq integration, should you be using it require 'penthouse/sidekiq' if defined?(Sidekiq) # require the relevant router/runner you wish to use require 'penthouse/routers/subdomain_router' require 'penthouse/runners/schema_runner' Penthouse.configure do |config| config.router = Penthouse::Routers::SubdomainRouter config.runner = Penthouse::Runners::SchemaRunner # enhance migrations to migrate all tenants config.migrate_tenants = true # setup a proc which will return the tenants config.tenants = Proc.new do Account.each_with_object({}) do |account, result| result.merge!(account.slug => account) end end end Rails.application.config.middleware.use Penthouse::App ``` It's advised that if you want to customise these classes, you do so by sub-classing `Penthouse::App`, `Penthouse::Routers::BaseRouter` and/or `Penthouse::Runners::BaseRunner` within this initializer. ## Octopus (shard) Usage If you want to have multiple databases on isolated hardware, you'll need to use the Octopus tenant types. In addition to the above initializer you'll need to configure Octopus: ```ruby require 'octopus' Octopus.setup do |config| config.environments = [Rails.env] end ``` ## Dictionary * **Router** – this class receives a Rack request object and returns an identifier (just a string or symbol) for the tenant. * **Runner** – this class receives the identifier (either from the router or manually switching), then looks up the tenant instance and runs the code within it. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ryantownsend/penthouse.