module Capcoauth module Rails module Helpers extend ActiveSupport::Concern def current_user # Don't return user for options requests return if request.method_symbol == :options # Bypass if already set/verified return @current_user if @_current_user_performed @_current_user_performed = true # Get the token object token, error = verify_token.first # Skip lookup if application credentials or token invalid return nil if token.blank? or error.present? # Resolve user ID using configuration resolver unless already found begin @current_user = if token.user_id.present? rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e "[CapcOAuth] Error looking up user: #{e.message}" end @current_user end def verify_authorized! # Don't verify options requests return if request.method_symbol == :options # Run verification token, error, reason = verify_token # Re-raise exceptions with human-readable reason raise Capcoauth::AuthorizationError, reason if error == :unauthorized_error # Raise an error if token has an ID but the user wasn't found if Capcoauth.configuration.require_user and token.present? and token.user_id.present? and current_user.blank? "[CapcOAuth] Error looking up user: Token returned ID ##{token.user_id} but resolver didn't return user" raise Capcoauth::AuthorizationError, 'Your credentials were valid, but you aren\'t currently active in this system' end end private def capcoauth_token_unverified @_capcoauth_token_unverified ||= end def token_from_request token_from_param || token_from_session || token_from_headers end def token_from_param params[:access_token] end def token_from_session session[:capcoauth_access_token] end def token_from_headers header_parts = (request.headers['AUTHORIZATION'] || '').split(' ') (header_parts.length == 2 and header_parts[0].downcase == 'bearer') ? header_parts[1] : header_parts[0] end def verify_token @_verify_token_response ||= begin [capcoauth_token_unverified.verify, nil, nil] rescue OAuth::TokenVerifier::UnauthorizedError => e session.delete(:capcoauth_access_token) session.delete(:capcoauth_user_id) "[CapcOAuth] Verification unauthorized: #{e.message}" [nil, :unauthorized_error, e.message] rescue OAuth::TokenVerifier::OtherError => e session.delete(:capcoauth_access_token) session.delete(:capcoauth_user_id) "[CapcOAuth] Verification error: #{e.message}" [nil, :other_error, e.message] end end end end end