module OldSql class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) argument :model_name, :type => :string, :default => 'user' desc "Old SQL Install" def check_for_devise puts "Old SQL works with devise. Checking for a current installation of devise! " if defined?(Devise) check_for_devise_models else puts "Please put gem 'devise' into your Gemfile" end copy_locales_files create_old_sql_dirs copy_old_sql_files puts "Also you need a new migration. We'll generate it for you now." invoke 'old_sql:install_migrations' end private def check_for_devise_models # File.exists? devise_path = "#{FileUtils.pwd}/config/initializers/devise.rb" if File.exists?(devise_path) parse_route_files else puts "Looks like you don't have devise install! We'll install it for you!" invoke 'devise:install' if !devise_table_exists? puts 'User Model Does Not Exist' set_devise elsif !model_has_devise? puts 'User Model Does Not Have Devise Support' invoke 'old_sql:install_devise_migrations' create_model_class unless model_exists? end end end def devise_table_exists? app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") schema_path = "#{app_path}/db/schema.rb" puts "Checking #{schema_path} for pattern #{model_name}" if File.exists?(schema_path) && open(schema_path).grep(model_name).count>0 return true else return false end end def model_has_devise? app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") schema_path = app_path+'/db/schema.rb' puts "Checking #{schema_path} for pattern /database_authenticatable/" if File.exists?(schema_path) && open(schema_path).grep(/database_authenticatable/).count>0 return true else return false end end def model_exists? app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") File.exists?("#{app_path}/app/models/#{model_name}.rb") end def create_model_class model_path = "#{app_path}/app/models/#{model_name}.rb" gem_path = __FILE__ gem_path = gem_path.split("/") gem_path = gem_path[0..-5] gem_path = gem_path.join("/") devise_template_path = "#{gem_path}/lib/generators/old_sql/templates/devise/devise_model.rb.template" copy_file devise_template_path, model_path gsub_file model_path, /DeviseModel/, :green do |match| match << model_name.capitalize end end def parse_route_files # check if migrations exist routes_path = "#{app_path}/config/routes.rb" content = "" File.readlines(routes_path).each{|line| content += line } unless content.index("devise_for").nil? # there is a devise_for in routes => Do nothing puts "Great! You have devise installed and setup!" else puts "Great you have devise installed, but not set up!" set_devise end end def set_devise puts "Setting up devise for you! ======================================================" invoke 'devise', [model_name] end def copy_locales_files print "Now copying locales files! " ### locales_path = "#{gem_path}/config/locales/*.yml" locales_app_path = "#{app_path}/config/locales" unless FileUtils.mkdir locales_app_path end Dir.glob(locales_path).each do |file| file_path = file.split("/") file_path = file_path[-1] FileUtils.copy_file(file, "#{locales_app_path}/#{file_path}") print "." end print "\n" end def create_old_sql_dirs empty_directory "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/" empty_directory "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/report_sql" empty_directory "#{app_path}/lib/old_sql/report_processor" end def copy_old_sql_files copy_file "#{gem_path}/config/old_sql/reports.yml.example", "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/reports.yml" copy_file "#{gem_path}/config/old_sql/report_sql/user.erb.example", "#{app_path}/config/old_sql/report_sql/user.erb" copy_file "#{gem_path}/lib/old_sql/report_processor/user_processor.rb.example", "#{app_path}/lib/old_sql/report_processor/user_processor.rb" end def app_path app_path = Rails.public_path.split("/") app_path.delete_at(-1) app_path = app_path.join("/") app_path end def gem_path gem_path = __FILE__ gem_path = gem_path.split("/") gem_path = gem_path[0..-5] gem_path = gem_path.join("/") gem_path end end end