#!/usr/bin/env ruby if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0' abort "error: XCPretty requires Ruby 2.0.0 or higher." end if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) end require 'xcpretty' require 'optparse' report_options = [] report_classes = [] report_formats = { "junit" => XCPretty::JUnit, "html" => XCPretty::HTML, "json-compilation-database" => XCPretty::JSONCompilationDatabase } printer_opts = { unicode: XCPretty::Term.unicode?, colorize: XCPretty::Term.color?, formatter: XCPretty::Simple } OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: xcodebuild [options] | xcpretty" opts.on('-t', '--test', 'Use RSpec style output') do printer_opts[:formatter] = XCPretty::RSpec end opts.on('-s', '--simple', 'Use simple output (default)') do printer_opts[:formatter] = XCPretty::Simple end opts.on('-k', '--knock', 'Use knock output') do printer_opts[:formatter] = XCPretty::Knock end opts.on('--tap', 'Use TAP output') do printer_opts[:formatter] = XCPretty::TestAnything end opts.on('-f', '--formatter PATH', 'Use formatter returned from evaluating the specified Ruby file') do |path| printer_opts[:formatter] = XCPretty.load_custom_class(path) end opts.on('-c', '--[no-]color', 'Use colorized output. Default is auto') do |value| printer_opts[:colorize] = value end opts.on('--[no-]utf', 'Use unicode characters in output. Default is auto.') do |value| printer_opts[:unicode] = value end opts.on("-r", "--report FORMAT or PATH", "Run FORMAT or PATH reporter", " Choices: #{report_formats.keys.join(', ')}") do |format| if report_formats.key?(format) report_classes << report_formats[format] else report_classes << XCPretty.load_custom_class(format) end report_options << {} end opts.on('-o', '--output PATH', 'Write report output to PATH') do |path| unless opts = report_options.last XCPretty.exit_with_error('Expected report format to be specified before output path') end opts[:path] = path end opts.on('--screenshots', 'Collect screenshots in the HTML report') do unless opts = report_options.last XCPretty.exit_with_error('Expected screenshot argument to be specified after report format') end opts[:screenshots] = true end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts; exit } opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Show version") { puts XCPretty::VERSION; exit } opts.parse! if STDIN.tty? XCPretty.exit_with_error(opts.help) end end printer = XCPretty::Printer.new(printer_opts) reporters = report_classes.compact.each_with_index.map { |k, i| k.new(report_options[i]) } STDIN.each_line do |line| printer.pretty_print(line) reporters.each { |r| r.handle(line) } end printer.finish reporters.each(&:finish)