module Plutonium module Helpers module DisplayHelper # def tooltip(text) # text = sanitize text # "title=\"#{text}\" data-controller=\"tooltip\" data-bs-title=\"#{text}\"".html_safe # end def resource_name(resource_class, count = 1) resource_class.model_name.human.pluralize(count) end def resource_name_plural(resource_class) resource_name resource_class, 2 end def display_field(value:, helper: nil, **options) return "-" unless value.present? stack_multiple = options.key?(:stack_multiple) ? options.delete(:stack_multiple) : helper != :display_name_of # clean options list! { |k, _v| !k.starts_with? "pu_" } if value.respond_to?(:each) && stack_multiple tag.ul class: "list-unstyled m-0" do value.each do |val| rendered = display_field_value(value: val, helper:, **options) concat end end else rendered = display_field_value(value:, helper:, **options) tag.span rendered end end def display_datetime_value(value) timeago value end def display_field_value(value:, helper: nil, title: nil, **) title = (title != false) ? title || display_name_of(value) : nil rendered = helper.present? ? send(helper, value, **) : value tag.span rendered, title: end def display_association_value(association_class) display_name = display_name_of(association_class) link_to display_name, resource_url_for(association_class, parent: nil), class: "font-medium text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500" rescue NoMethodError display_name end def display_numeric_value(value) number_with_delimiter value end def display_boolean_value(value) tag.input type: :checkbox, class: "form-check-input", checked: value, disabled: true end def display_url_value(value) link_to nil, value, class: "font-medium text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500", target: :blank end def display_name_of(obj, separator: ", ") return unless obj.present? # If this is an array, display for each return { |i| display_name_of i, separator: }.join(separator) if obj.is_a? Array # Fallback to retrieving the value from a predefined list %i[to_label name title].each do |method| name = obj.public_send(method) if obj.respond_to?(method) return name if name.present? end # Maybe this is a record? return "#{resource_name(obj.class)} ##{}" if obj.respond_to?(:id) # Oh well. Just convert it to a string. obj.to_s end def display_clamped_quill(value) clamp_content quill(value) end def display_attachment_value(value, **, &) attachment_preview(value, **, &) end end end end