# v1.6.0 * Avoid dropping elements in the render_inline test helper. *@dark-panda* * Add test for helpers.asset_url. *Christopher Coleman* * Add rudimentary compatibility with better_html. *Joel Hawksley* * Template-less variants fall back to default template. *Asger Behncke Jacobsen*, *Cesario Uy* * Generated tests use new naming convention. *Simon Træls Ravn* * Eliminate sqlite dependency. *Simon Dawson* * Add support for rendering components via #to_component_class *Vinicius Stock* # v1.5.3 * Add support for RSpec to generators. *Dylan Clark, Ryan Workman* * Require controllers as part of setting autoload paths. *Joel Hawksley* # v1.5.2 * Disable eager loading initializer. *Kasper Meyer* # v1.5.1 * Update railties class to work with Rails 6. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* # v1.5.0 Note: `actionview-component` is now loaded by requiring `actionview/component`, not `actionview/component/base`. * Fix issue with generating component method signatures. *Ryan Workman, Dylan Clark* * Create component generator. *Vinicius Stock* * Add helpers proxy. *Kasper Meyer* * Introduce ActionView::Component::Previews. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* # v1.4.0 * Fix bug where components broke in application paths with periods. *Anton, Joel Hawksley* * Add support for `cache_if` in component templates. *Aaron Patterson, Joel Hawksley* * Add support for variants. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* * Fix bug in virtual path lookup. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* * Preselect the rendered component in render_inline. *Elia Schito* # v1.3.6 * Allow template file names without format. *Joel Hawksley* * Add support for translations. *Juan Manuel Ramallo* # v1.3.5 * Re-expose `controller` method. *Michael Emhofer, Joel Hawksley* * Gem version numbers are now accessible through `ActionView::Component::VERSION` *Richard Macklin* * Fix typo in README *ars moriendi* # v1.3.4 * Template errors surface correct file and line number. *Justin Coyne* * Allow access to `request` inside components. *Joel Hawksley* # v1.3.3 * Do not raise error when sidecar files that are not templates exist. *Joel Hawksley* # v1.3.2 * Support rendering views from inside component templates. *Patrick Sinclair* # v1.3.1 * Fix bug where rendering nested content caused an error. *Joel Hawksley, Aaron Patterson* # v1.3.0 * Components are rendered with enough controller context to support rendering of partials and forms. *Patrick Sinclair, Joel Hawksley, Aaron Patterson* # v1.2.1 * `actionview-component` is now tested against Ruby 2.3/2.4 and Rails 5.0.0. # v1.2.0 * The `render_component` test helper has been renamed to `render_inline`. `render_component` has been deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. *Joel Hawksley* * Components are now rendered with `render MyComponent, foo: :bar` syntax. The existing `render MyComponent.new(foo: :bar)` syntax has been deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0. *Joel Hawksley* # v1.1.0 * Components now inherit from ActionView::Component::Base *Joel Hawksley* # v1.0.1 * Always recompile component templates outside production. *Joel Hawksley, John Hawthorn* # v1.0.0 This release extracts the `ActionView::Component` library from the GitHub application. It will be published on RubyGems under the existing `actionview-component` gem name, as @chancancode has passed us ownership of the gem.