module ActiveZuora class Generator attr_reader :document, :classes def initialize(document, options={}) # document is a parsed wsdl document. @document = document @classes = [] @class_nesting = options[:inside] || ActiveZuora @class_nesting.const_set("CollectionProxy", CollectionProxy) unless @class_nesting.constants.include?(:CollectionProxy) end def generate_classes # Defines the classes based on the wsdl document. # Assumes the following namespaces in the wsdl. # xmlns="" # xmlns:http="" # xmlns:xs="" # xmlns:soap="" # xmlns:zns="" # xmlns:ons="" # xmlns:fns="" @document.xpath('.//xs:schema[@targetNamespace]').each do |schema| namespace = schema.attribute("targetNamespace").value schema.xpath('.//xs:complexType[@name]').each do |complex_type| class_name = complex_type.attribute("name").value # Skip the zObject base class, we define our own. next if class_name == "zObject" zuora_class = @class_nesting.const_set(class_name, zuora_class) @classes << zuora_class # Include the Base module for adding fields. zuora_class.send :include, Base zuora_class.namespace = namespace # If it's a zObject, include that module as well. if complex_type.xpath(".//xs:extension[@base='ons:zObject']").any? zuora_class.send :include, ZObject end # Define the fields complex_type.xpath('.//xs:element[@name][@type]').each do |element| # attributes: name, type, nillable, minoccurs, maxoccurs zuora_name = element.attribute("name").value field_name = zuora_name.underscore field_type = element.attribute("type").value is_array = element_is_an_array?(element) case field_type when "string", "xs:string", "zns:ID", "xs:base64Binary" zuora_class.field field_name, :string, :zuora_name => zuora_name, :array => is_array when "boolean", "xs:boolean" zuora_class.field field_name, :boolean, :zuora_name => zuora_name, :array => is_array when "int", "short", "long", "xs:int" zuora_class.field field_name, :integer, :zuora_name => zuora_name, :array => is_array when "decimal" zuora_class.field field_name, :decimal, :zuora_name => zuora_name, :array => is_array when "dateTime" zuora_class.field field_name, :datetime, :zuora_name => zuora_name, :array => is_array when /\A(zns:|ons:)/ zuora_class.field field_name, :object, :zuora_name => zuora_name, :array => is_array, :class_name => zuora_class.nested_class_name(field_type.split(':').last) else puts "Unkown field type: #{field_type}" end end # each element end # each complexType end # each schema add_obvious_associations add_extra_customizations end private def add_obvious_associations # When a zuora class has a field called InvoiceId, it's a safe # assuption that it references the an Invoice. # Build those associations automatically. @classes.each do |zuora_class| zuora_class.fields.each do |field| # If it looks like an Id field and the name # matches a generated ZObject class if match = field.zuora_name.match(/\A(.+?)Id\Z/) if zobject_class = zobject_class_with_name(match[1]) # Add a belongs to relationship. zuora_class.belongs_to zobject_class.zuora_object_name.underscore # If the current class is also a ZObject, add a has_many # to the referenced class. if zuora_class < ZObject zobject_class.has_many zuora_class.zuora_object_name.underscore.pluralize end end end end end end def add_extra_customizations # We can't know everything from the wsdl, like which fields are # usable in queries. This function does some final customizations # based on the existing Zuora documentation. # Also, it's possible classes customized here weren't defined # in your wsdl, so it will only customize them if they are defined. nesting = @class_nesting customize 'Account' do belongs_to :bill_to, :class_name => nested_class_name('Contact') if field? :bill_to if field? :parent_id belongs_to :parent, :class_name => nested_class_name('Account') has_many :children, :class_name => nested_class_name('Account'), :foreign_key => :parent_id, :inverse_of => :parent end belongs_to :sold_to, :class_name => nested_class_name('Contact') if field? :sold_to validates :currency, :presence => true if field? :currency validates :name, :presence => true if field? :name validates :status, :presence => true if field? :status end customize 'Amendment' do exclude_from_queries :rate_plan_data, :destination_account_id, :destination_invoice_owner_id end customize 'AmendRequest' do include Amend end customize 'Import' do exclude_from_queries :file_content end customize 'Invoice' do include Generate include LazyAttr # The body field can only be accessed for a single invoice at a time, so # exclude it here to not break collections of invoices. The contents of # the body field will be lazy loaded in when needed. exclude_from_queries :regenerate_invoice_pdf, :body, :bill_run_id lazy_load :body end customize 'InvoiceItem' do exclude_from_queries :product_rate_plan_charge_id end customize 'InvoiceItemAdjustment' do exclude_from_queries :customer_name, :customer_number end customize 'Payment' do exclude_from_queries :applied_invoice_amount, :gateway_option_data, :invoice_id, :invoice_number, :invoice_payment_data end customize 'PaymentMethod' do exclude_from_queries :ach_account_number, :bank_transfer_account_number, :credit_card_number, :credit_card_security_code, :gateway_option_data, :second_token_id, :skip_validation, :token_id end customize 'ProductRatePlan' do include LazyAttr exclude_from_queries :active_currencies lazy_load :active_currencies end customize 'ProductRatePlanCharge' do exclude_from_queries :product_rate_plan_charge_tier_data, :revenue_recognition_rule_name, :deferred_revenue_account, :recognized_revenue_account end customize 'Usage' do exclude_from_queries :ancestor_account_id, :invoice_id, :invoice_number end customize 'RatePlanCharge' do include LazyAttr exclude_from_queries :overage_price, :included_units, :discount_amount, :discount_percentage, :rollover_balance, :price lazy_load :price end customize 'Refund' do exclude_from_queries :gateway_option_data, :payment_id end customize 'Subscription' do exclude_from_queries :ancestor_account_id belongs_to :creator_account, :class_name => nested_class_name('Account') if field? :creator_account_id belongs_to :creator_invoice_owner, :class_name => nested_class_name('Account') if field? :creator_invoice_owner_id belongs_to :invoice_owner, :class_name => nested_class_name('Account') if field? :invoice_owner_id belongs_to :original, :class_name => name if field? :original_id belongs_to :original_subscription, :class_name => name if field? :original_subscription_id belongs_to :previous_subscription, :class_name => name if field? :previous_subscription_id end customize 'SubscribeRequest' do include Subscribe end end def customize(zuora_class_name, &block) if @class_nesting.const_defined?(zuora_class_name) @class_nesting.const_get(zuora_class_name).instance_eval(&block) end end def element_is_an_array?(element) attribute_is_more_than_one?(element.attribute("minOccurs")) || attribute_is_more_than_one?(element.attribute("maxOccurs")) end def attribute_is_more_than_one?(attribute) attribute && ( attribute.value == "unbounded" || attribute.value.to_i > 1 ) end def zobject_class_with_name(name) @classes.find { |zuora_class| zuora_class.zuora_object_name == name && zuora_class < ZObject } end end end