module Domkey module View class PageObjectCollection include Enumerable attr_accessor :watirproc, :container # PageObjectCollection see PageObject for detailes. # Compose PageObjectCollection with watirproc and container # # What is a container? see PageObject container # # What is watirproc? see PageObject watirproc except the following: # watirproc can be one of the following: # - definition of watir elements collection i.e. `-> { text_fields(:class, /^foo/)}` # - a pageobject i.e. previously instantiated definition watir elements collection # - hash where key defines subelement and value a definition or pageobject # Usage: # Clients would not usually instantate this class. # A client class which acts as a View would use a :doms factory method to create PageObjectCollection # Example: # def initialize watirproc, container=lambda { Domkey.browser } @container = container @watirproc = initialize_this watirproc end def element(key=false) return instantiator unless watirproc.respond_to?(:each_pair) return watirproc.fetch(key).element if key Hash[ { |key, watirproc| [key, watirproc.element] }] end def each(&blk) if watirproc.respond_to?(:each_pair) { |k, v| [k, { v }, @container)] }.each { |k, v| yield Hash[k, v] } else instantiator.each { |e| yield { e }, @container) } end end def [] idx to_a[idx] end alias_method :size, :count private # -- # recursive def initialize_this watirproc if watirproc.respond_to?(:each_pair) #hash Hash[ { |key, watirproc| [key,, container)] }] else if watirproc.respond_to?(:call) #proc watirproc elsif watirproc.respond_to?(:watirproc) watirproc.watirproc else fail Exception::Error, "watirproc must be kind of hash, watirelement or pageobject but I got this: #{watirproc}" end end end def instantiator container_at_runtime.instance_exec(&watirproc) end def container_at_runtime container.respond_to?(:call) ? : container.send(:instantiator) end end end end