# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'paper_trail' Version.const_set :ASSETS, %w(all tasks campaigns leads accounts contacts opportunities comments emails) Version.const_set :EVENTS, %w(all_events create view update destroy) Version.const_set :DURATION, %w(one_hour one_day two_days one_week two_weeks one_month) Version.class_eval do attr_accessible :related belongs_to :related, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :user, :foreign_key => :whodunnit scope :default_order, order('created_at DESC') scope :include_events, lambda { |*events| where(:event => events) } scope :exclude_events, lambda { |*events| where('event NOT IN (?)', events) } scope :for, lambda { |user| where(:whodunnit => user.id.to_s) } class << self def recent_for_user(user, limit = 10) # Hybrid SQL/Ruby to build a unique list of the most recent entities that the # user has interacted with versions = [] offset = 0 while versions.size < limit query = includes(:item). where(:whodunnit => user.id.to_s). where(:item_type => ENTITIES). limit(limit * 2). offset(offset). default_order break if query.size == 0 versions += query.select {|v| v.item.present? } versions.uniq! {|v| [v.item_id, v.item_type]} offset += limit * 2 end versions[0...10] end def latest(options = {}) includes(:item, :related, :user). where(({:item_type => options[:asset]} if options[:asset])). where(({:event => options[:event]} if options[:event])). where(({:whodunnit => options[:user].to_s} if options[:user])). where('versions.created_at >= ?', Time.zone.now - (options[:duration] || 2.days)). limit(options[:max]). default_order end def related_to(object) where('(item_id = :id AND item_type = :type) OR (related_id = :id AND related_type = :type)', :id => object.id, :type => object.class.name) end def history(object) related_to(object).exclude_events(:view).default_order end def visible_to(user) scoped.delete_if do |version| if item = version.item || version.reify if item.respond_to?(:access) # NOTE: Tasks don't have :access as of yet. # Delete from scope if it shouldn't be visible next item.user_id != user.id && item.assigned_to != user.id && (item.access == "Private" || (item.access == "Shared" && !item.permissions.map(&:user_id).include?(user.id))) end # Don't delete any objects that don't have :access method (e.g. tasks) next false end # Delete from scope if no object can be found or reified (e.g. from 'show' events) true end end end end