# frozen_string_literal: true require "uri" require "pathname" require "dry/configurable" require "dry/inflector" require_relative "constants" module Hanami # Hanami app config # # @since 2.0.0 class Config include Dry::Configurable # @!attribute [rw] root # Sets the root for the app or slice. # # For the app, this defaults to `Dir.pwd`. For slices detected in `slices/` `config/slices/`, # this defaults to `slices/[slice_name]/`. # # Accepts a string path and will return a `Pathname`. # # @return [Pathname] # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :root, constructor: ->(path) { Pathname(path) if path } # @!attribute [rw] inflector # Sets the app's inflector. # # This expects a `Dry::Inflector` (or compatible) inflector instance. # # To configure custom inflection rules without having to assign a whole inflector, see # {#inflections}. # # @return [Dry::Inflector] # # @see #inflections # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :inflector, default: Dry::Inflector.new # @!attribute [rw] settings_store # Sets the store used to retrieve {Hanami::Settings} values. # # Defaults to an instance of {Hanami::Settings::EnvStore}. # # @return [#fetch] # # @see Hanami::Settings # @see Hanami::Settings::EnvStore#fetch # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :settings_store, default: Hanami::Settings::EnvStore.new # @!attribute [rw] slices # Sets the slices to load when the app is preared or booted. # # Defaults to `nil`, which will load all slices. Set this to an array of slice names to load # only those slices. # # This attribute is also populated from the `HANAMI_SLICES` environment variable. # # @example # config.slices = ["admin", "search"] # # @example # ENV["HANAMI_SLICES"] # => "admin,search" # config.slices # => ["admin", "search"] # # @return [Array, nil] # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :slices # @!attribute [rw] shared_app_component_keys # Sets the keys for the components to be imported from the app into all other slices. # # You should append items to this array, since the default shared components are essential for # slices to operate within the app. # # @example # config.shared_app_component_keys += ["shared_component_a", "shared_component_b"] # # @return [Array] # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :shared_app_component_keys, default: %w[ inflector logger notifications rack.monitor routes settings ] # @!attribute [rw] no_auto_register_paths # Sets the paths to skip from container auto-registration. # # Defaults to `["entities"]`. # # @return [Array] array of relative paths # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :no_auto_register_paths, default: %w[entities] # @!attribute [rw] base_url # Sets the base URL for app's web server. # # This is passed to the {Slice::ClassMethods#router router} and used for generating links. # # Defaults to `""`. String values passed are turned into `URI` instances. # # @return [URI] # # @see Slice::ClassMethods#router # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 setting :base_url, default: "", constructor: ->(url) { URI(url) } # @!attribute [rw] render_errors # Sets whether to catch exceptions and render error pages. # # For HTML responses, these error pages are in `public/{404,500}.html`. # # Defaults to `true` in production mode, `false` in all others. # # @return [Boolean] # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 setting :render_errors, default: false # @!attribute [rw] render_detailed_errors # Sets whether to catch exceptions and render detailed, interactive error pages. # # Requires the hanami-webconsole gem to be available. # # Defaults to `false` in production mode, `true` in all others. # # @return [Boolean] # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 setting :render_detailed_errors, default: false # @!attribute [rw] render_error_responses # Sets a mapping of exception class names (as strings) to symbolic response status codes used # for rendering error responses. # # The response status codes will be passed to `Rack::Utils.status_code`. # # In ordinary usage, you should not replace this hash. Instead, add keys and values for the # errors you want handled. # # @example # config.render_error_responses # # => {"Hanami::Router::NotFoundError" => :not_found} # # config.render_error_responses["MyNotFoundError"] = :not_found # # @return [Hash{String => Symbol}] # # @see #render_errors # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 setting :render_error_responses, default: Hash.new(:internal_server_error).merge!( "Hanami::Router::NotAllowedError" => :not_found, "Hanami::Router::NotFoundError" => :not_found, ) # Returns the app or slice's {Hanami::SliceName slice_name}. # # This is useful for default config values that depend on this name. # # @return [Hanami::SliceName] # # @api private # @since 2.0.0 attr_reader :app_name # Returns the app's environment. # # @example # config.env # => :development # # @return [Symbol] # # @see #environment # # @api private # @since 2.0.0 attr_reader :env # Returns the app's actions config, or a null config if hanami-controller is not bundled. # # @example When hanami-controller is bundled # config.actions.default_request_format # => :html # # @example When hanami-controller is not bundled # config.actions.default_request_format # => NoMethodError # # @return [Hanami::Config::Actions, Hanami::Config::NullConfig] # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 attr_reader :actions # Returns the app's middleware stack, or nil if hanami-router is not bundled. # # Use this to configure middleware that should apply to all routes. # # @example # config.middleware.use :body_parser, :json # config.middleware.use MyCustomMiddleware # # @return [Hanami::Slice::Routing::Middleware::Stack, nil] # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 attr_reader :middleware # @api private # @since 2.0.0 alias_method :middleware_stack, :middleware # Returns the app's router config, or a null config if hanami-router is not bundled. # # @example When hanami-router is bundled # config.router.resolver # => Hanami::Slice::Routing::Resolver # # @example When hanami-router is not bundled # config.router.resolver # => NoMethodError # # @return [Hanami::Config::Router, Hanami::Config::NullConfig] # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 attr_reader :router # Returns the app's views config, or a null config if hanami-view is not bundled. # # @example When hanami-view is bundled # config.views.paths # => [...] # # @example When hanami-view is not bundled # config.views.paths # => NoMethodError # # @return [Hanami::Config::Views, Hanami::Config::NullConfig] # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 attr_reader :views # Returns the app's views config, or a null config if hanami-view is not bundled. # # @example When hanami-view is bundled # config.views.paths # => [...] # # @example When hanami-view is not bundled # config.views.paths # => NoMethodError # # @return [Hanami::Config::Assets, Hanami::Config::NullConfig] # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 attr_reader :assets # @api private # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def initialize(app_name:, env:) @app_name = app_name @env = env # Apply default values that are only knowable at initialize-time (vs require-time) self.root = Dir.pwd self.render_errors = (env == :production) self.render_detailed_errors = (env == :development) load_from_env @logger = Config::Logger.new(env: env, app_name: app_name) @actions = load_dependent_config("hanami-controller") { require_relative "config/actions" Actions.new } @router = load_dependent_config("hanami-router") { require_relative "config/router" @middleware = Slice::Routing::Middleware::Stack.new Router.new(self) } @views = load_dependent_config("hanami-view") { require_relative "config/views" Views.new } @assets = load_dependent_config("hanami-assets") { require_relative "config/assets" Hanami::Config::Assets.new } yield self if block_given? end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # @api private def initialize_copy(source) super @app_name = app_name.dup @assets = source.assets.dup @actions = source.actions.dup @middleware = source.middleware.dup @router = source.router.dup.tap do |router| router.instance_variable_set(:@base_config, self) end @views = source.views.dup end private :initialize_copy # Finalizes the config. # # This is called when the app or slice is prepared. After this, no further changes to config can # be made. # # @api private def finalize! # Finalize nested configs assets.finalize! actions.finalize!(self) views.finalize! logger.finalize! router.finalize! use_body_parser_middleware super end # Configures the app's custom inflections. # # You should call this one time only. Subsequent calls will override previously configured # inflections. # # @example # config.inflections do |inflections| # inflections.acronym "WNBA" # end # # @see https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-inflector # # @return [Dry::Inflector] the configured inflector # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 def inflections(&block) self.inflector = Dry::Inflector.new(&block) end # Disabling this to permit distinct documentation for `#logger` vs `#logger=` # # rubocop:disable Style/TrivialAccessors # Returns the logger config. # # Use this to configure various options for the default `Dry::Logger::Dispatcher` logger instance. # # @example # config.logger.level = :debug # # @return [Hanami::Config::Logger] # # @see Hanami::Config::Logger # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 def logger @logger end # Sets the app's logger instance. # # This entirely replaces the default `Dry::Logger::Dispatcher` instance that would have been # # @see #logger_instance # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 def logger=(logger_instance) @logger_instance = logger_instance end # rubocop:enable Style/TrivialAccessors # Returns the configured logger instance. # # Unless you've replaced the logger with {#logger=}, this returns a `Dry::Logger::Dispatcher` configured # with the options configured through {#logger}. # # This configured logger is registered in all app and slice containers as `"logger"`. For # typical usage, you should access the logger via this component, not directly from config. # # @example Accessing the logger component # Hanami.app["logger"] # => # # # @example Injecting the logger as a dependency # module MyApp # class MyClass # include Deps["logger"] # # def my_method # logger.info("hello") # end # end # end # # @return [Dry::Logger::Dispatcher] # # @see #logger # @see Hanami::Config::Logger # # @api public # @since 2.0.0 def logger_instance @logger_instance || logger.instance end private def load_from_env self.slices = ENV["HANAMI_SLICES"]&.split(",")&.map(&:strip) end SUPPORTED_MIDDLEWARE_PARSERS = %i[json].freeze private_constant :SUPPORTED_MIDDLEWARE_PARSERS def use_body_parser_middleware return unless Hanami.bundled?("hanami-controller") return if actions.formats.empty? return if middleware.stack["/"].map(&:first).any? { |klass| klass == "Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser" } parsers = SUPPORTED_MIDDLEWARE_PARSERS & actions.formats.values return if parsers.empty? middleware.use( :body_parser, [parsers.to_h { |parser_format| [parser_format, actions.formats.mime_types_for(parser_format)] }] ) end def load_dependent_config(gem_name) if Hanami.bundled?(gem_name) yield else require_relative "config/null_config" NullConfig.new end end def method_missing(name, *args, &block) if config.respond_to?(name) config.public_send(name, *args, &block) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(name, _incude_all = false) config.respond_to?(name) || super end end end