module DevisePhone module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../../templates", __FILE__) desc "Add DevisePhone config variables to the Devise initializer and copy DeviseSms locale files to your application." # def devise_install # invoke "devise:install" # end def add_config_options_to_initializer devise_initializer_path = "config/initializers/devise.rb" if File.exist?(devise_initializer_path) old_content = if old_content.match(^\s# ==> Configuration for :phone\n/)) false # else # inject_into_file(devise_initializer_path, :before => " # ==> Configuration for :confirmable\n") do # <<-CONTENT # # ==> Configuration for :phone # # The period the generated sms token is valid, after # # this period, the user won't be able to activate. # # config.sms_confirm_within = 0.days # # The keys searched for confirmation values. # # config.sms_confirmation_keys = [:email] # # Your SmsSender class. The provided one uses # # moonshado-sms gem so install it and configure # # if you want to use it. # # A simple instance of the class has been copied in your lib folder # # For further informations on using and configuring moonshado-sms gem check # # # # config.sms_sender = "Devise::SmsSender" # CONTENT end end end end # def copy_locale # copy_file "../../../config/locales/en.yml", "config/locales/devise_phone.en.yml" # end def copy_default_smser copy_file "lib/sms_sender.rb", "lib/devise_sms_sender.rb" end end end end