/* wab.c * Copyright (c) 2012, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "oj.h" #include "err.h" #include "parse.h" #include "encode.h" #include "dump.h" #include "trace.h" // Workaround in case INFINITY is not defined in math.h or if the OS is CentOS #define OJ_INFINITY (1.0/0.0) static char hex_chars[256] = "\ ................................\ ................xxxxxxxxxx......\ .xxxxxx.........................\ .xxxxxx.........................\ ................................\ ................................\ ................................\ ................................"; static VALUE wab_uuid_clas = Qundef; static VALUE uri_clas = Qundef; static VALUE uri_http_clas = Qundef; ///// dump functions ///// static VALUE resolve_wab_uuid_class() { if (Qundef == wab_uuid_clas) { volatile VALUE wab_module; wab_uuid_clas = Qnil; if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("WAB"))) { wab_module = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("WAB")); if (rb_const_defined_at(wab_module, rb_intern("UUID"))) { wab_uuid_clas = rb_const_get(wab_module, rb_intern("UUID")); } } } return wab_uuid_clas; } static VALUE resolve_uri_class() { if (Qundef == uri_clas) { uri_clas = Qnil; if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("URI"))) { uri_clas = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("URI")); } } return uri_clas; } static VALUE resolve_uri_http_class() { if (Qundef == uri_http_clas) { volatile VALUE uri_module; uri_http_clas = Qnil; if (rb_const_defined_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("URI"))) { uri_module = rb_const_get_at(rb_cObject, rb_intern("URI")); if (rb_const_defined_at(uri_module, rb_intern("HTTP"))) { uri_http_clas = rb_const_get(uri_module, rb_intern("HTTP")); } } } return uri_http_clas; } static void raise_wab(VALUE obj) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Failed to dump %s Object to JSON in wab mode.\n", rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(obj))); } // Removed dependencies on math due to problems with CentOS 5.4. static void dump_float(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { char buf[64]; char *b; double d = rb_num2dbl(obj); int cnt = 0; if (0.0 == d) { b = buf; *b++ = '0'; *b++ = '.'; *b++ = '0'; *b++ = '\0'; cnt = 3; } else { if (OJ_INFINITY == d || -OJ_INFINITY == d || isnan(d)) { raise_wab(obj); } else if (d == (double)(long long int)d) { cnt = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.1f", d); } else { cnt = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%0.16g", d); } } assure_size(out, cnt); for (b = buf; '\0' != *b; b++) { *out->cur++ = *b; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_array(VALUE a, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { size_t size; int i, cnt; int d2 = depth + 1; cnt = (int)RARRAY_LEN(a); *out->cur++ = '['; size = 2; assure_size(out, size); if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = ']'; } else { size = d2 * out->indent + 2; cnt--; for (i = 0; i <= cnt; i++) { assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, d2); oj_dump_wab_val(rb_ary_entry(a, i), d2, out); if (i < cnt) { *out->cur++ = ','; } } size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = ']'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static int hash_cb(VALUE key, VALUE value, Out out) { int depth = out->depth; long size; int rtype = rb_type(key); if (rtype != T_SYMBOL) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "In :wab mode all Hash keys must be Symbols, not %s.\n", rb_class2name(rb_obj_class(key))); } size = depth * out->indent + 1; assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); oj_dump_sym(key, 0, out, false); *out->cur++ = ':'; oj_dump_wab_val(value, depth, out); out->depth = depth; *out->cur++ = ','; return ST_CONTINUE; } static void dump_hash(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { int cnt; size_t size; cnt = (int)RHASH_SIZE(obj); size = depth * out->indent + 2; assure_size(out, 2); *out->cur++ = '{'; if (0 == cnt) { *out->cur++ = '}'; } else { out->depth = depth + 1; rb_hash_foreach(obj, hash_cb, (VALUE)out); if (',' == *(out->cur - 1)) { out->cur--; // backup to overwrite last comma } assure_size(out, size); fill_indent(out, depth); *out->cur++ = '}'; } *out->cur = '\0'; } static void dump_time(VALUE obj, Out out) { char buf[64]; struct tm *tm; #if HAS_RB_TIME_TIMESPEC struct timespec ts = rb_time_timespec(obj); time_t sec = ts.tv_sec; long nsec = ts.tv_nsec; #else time_t sec = NUM2LONG(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_sec_id, 0, 0)); #if HAS_NANO_TIME long long nsec = rb_num2ll(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_nsec_id, 0, 0)); #else long long nsec = rb_num2ll(rb_funcall2(obj, oj_tv_usec_id, 0, 0)) * 1000; #endif #endif int len; assure_size(out, 36); // 2012-01-05T23:58:07.123456000Z tm = gmtime(&sec); len = sprintf(buf, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%09ldZ", tm->tm_year + 1900, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, (long)nsec); oj_dump_cstr(buf, len, 0, 0, out); } static void dump_obj(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out, bool as_ok) { volatile VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(obj); if (rb_cTime == clas) { dump_time(obj, out); } else if (oj_bigdecimal_class == clas) { volatile VALUE rstr = rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0); oj_dump_raw(rb_string_value_ptr((VALUE*)&rstr), RSTRING_LEN(rstr), out); } else if (resolve_wab_uuid_class() == clas) { oj_dump_str(rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0), depth, out, false); } else if (resolve_uri_http_class() == clas) { oj_dump_str(rb_funcall(obj, oj_to_s_id, 0), depth, out, false); } else { raise_wab(obj); } } static DumpFunc wab_funcs[] = { NULL, // RUBY_T_NONE = 0x00, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_OBJECT = 0x01, NULL, // RUBY_T_CLASS = 0x02, NULL, // RUBY_T_MODULE = 0x03, dump_float, // RUBY_T_FLOAT = 0x04, oj_dump_str, // RUBY_T_STRING = 0x05, NULL, // RUBY_T_REGEXP = 0x06, dump_array, // RUBY_T_ARRAY = 0x07, dump_hash, // RUBY_T_HASH = 0x08, NULL, // RUBY_T_STRUCT = 0x09, oj_dump_bignum, // RUBY_T_BIGNUM = 0x0a, NULL, // RUBY_T_FILE = 0x0b, dump_obj, // RUBY_T_DATA = 0x0c, NULL, // RUBY_T_MATCH = 0x0d, NULL, // RUBY_T_COMPLEX = 0x0e, NULL, // RUBY_T_RATIONAL = 0x0f, NULL, // 0x10 oj_dump_nil, // RUBY_T_NIL = 0x11, oj_dump_true, // RUBY_T_TRUE = 0x12, oj_dump_false, // RUBY_T_FALSE = 0x13, oj_dump_sym, // RUBY_T_SYMBOL = 0x14, oj_dump_fixnum, // RUBY_T_FIXNUM = 0x15, }; void oj_dump_wab_val(VALUE obj, int depth, Out out) { int type = rb_type(obj); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceIn); } if (MAX_DEPTH < depth) { rb_raise(rb_eNoMemError, "Too deeply nested.\n"); } if (0 < type && type <= RUBY_T_FIXNUM) { DumpFunc f = wab_funcs[type]; if (NULL != f) { f(obj, depth, out, false); if (Yes == out->opts->trace) { oj_trace("dump", obj, __FILE__, __LINE__, depth, TraceOut); } return; } } raise_wab(obj); } ///// load functions ///// static void hash_end(struct _ParseInfo *pi) { if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_hash_end(pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } static void array_end(struct _ParseInfo *pi) { if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_array_end(pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } static VALUE noop_hash_key(struct _ParseInfo *pi, const char *key, size_t klen) { return Qundef; } static void add_value(ParseInfo pi, VALUE val) { if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("add_value", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, val); } pi->stack.head->val = val; } // 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 static bool uuid_check(const char *str, int len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, str++) { if ('x' != hex_chars[*(uint8_t*)str]) { return false; } } str++; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, str++) { if ('x' != hex_chars[*(uint8_t*)str]) { return false; } } str++; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, str++) { if ('x' != hex_chars[*(uint8_t*)str]) { return false; } } str++; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, str++) { if ('x' != hex_chars[*(uint8_t*)str]) { return false; } } str++; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++, str++) { if ('x' != hex_chars[*(uint8_t*)str]) { return false; } } return true; } static const char* read_num(const char *s, int len, int *vp) { uint32_t v = 0; for (; 0 < len; len--, s++) { if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') { v = v * 10 + *s - '0'; } else { return NULL; } } *vp = (int)v; return s; } static VALUE time_parse(const char *s, int len) { struct tm tm; bool neg = false; long nsecs = 0; int i; time_t secs; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); if ('-' == *s) { s++; neg = true; } if (NULL == (s = read_num(s, 4, &tm.tm_year))) { return Qnil; } if (neg) { tm.tm_year = -tm.tm_year; neg = false; } tm.tm_year -= 1900; s++; if (NULL == (s = read_num(s, 2, &tm.tm_mon))) { return Qnil; } tm.tm_mon--; s++; if (NULL == (s = read_num(s, 2, &tm.tm_mday))) { return Qnil; } s++; if (NULL == (s = read_num(s, 2, &tm.tm_hour))) { return Qnil; } s++; if (NULL == (s = read_num(s, 2, &tm.tm_min))) { return Qnil; } s++; if (NULL == (s = read_num(s, 2, &tm.tm_sec))) { return Qnil; } s++; for (i = 9; 0 < i; i--, s++) { if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') { nsecs = nsecs * 10 + *s - '0'; } else { return Qnil; } } #if IS_WINDOWS secs = (time_t)mktime(&tm); memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); tm.tm_year = 70; tm.tm_mday = 1; secs -= (time_t)mktime(&tm); #else secs = (time_t)timegm(&tm); #endif return rb_funcall(rb_time_nano_new(secs, nsecs), oj_utc_id, 0); } static VALUE protect_uri(VALUE rstr) { return rb_funcall(resolve_uri_class(), oj_parse_id, 1, rstr); } static VALUE cstr_to_rstr(const char *str, size_t len) { volatile VALUE v = Qnil; if (30 == len && '-' == str[4] && '-' == str[7] && 'T' == str[10] && ':' == str[13] && ':' == str[16] && '.' == str[19] && 'Z' == str[29]) { if (Qnil != (v = time_parse(str, (int)len))) { return v; } } if (36 == len && '-' == str[8] && '-' == str[13] && '-' == str[18] && '-' == str[23] && uuid_check(str, (int)len) && Qnil != resolve_wab_uuid_class()) { return rb_funcall(wab_uuid_clas, oj_new_id, 1, rb_str_new(str, len)); } v = rb_str_new(str, len); if (7 < len && 0 == strncasecmp("http://", str, 7)) { int err = 0; volatile VALUE uri = rb_protect(protect_uri, v, &err); if (0 == err) { return uri; } } return oj_encode(v); } static void add_cstr(ParseInfo pi, const char *str, size_t len, const char *orig) { pi->stack.head->val = cstr_to_rstr(str, len); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("add_string", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, pi->stack.head->val); } } static void add_num(ParseInfo pi, NumInfo ni) { if (ni->infinity || ni->nan) { oj_set_error_at(pi, oj_parse_error_class, __FILE__, __LINE__, "not a number or other value"); } pi->stack.head->val = oj_num_as_value(ni); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("add_number", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, pi->stack.head->val); } } static VALUE start_hash(ParseInfo pi) { if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_in("start_hash", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (Qnil != pi->options.hash_class) { return rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, pi->options.hash_class); } return rb_hash_new(); } static VALUE calc_hash_key(ParseInfo pi, Val parent) { volatile VALUE rkey = parent->key_val; if (Qundef == rkey) { rkey = rb_str_new(parent->key, parent->klen); } rkey = oj_encode(rkey); rkey = rb_str_intern(rkey); return rkey; } static void hash_set_cstr(ParseInfo pi, Val parent, const char *str, size_t len, const char *orig) { volatile VALUE rval = cstr_to_rstr(str, len); rb_hash_aset(stack_peek(&pi->stack)->val, calc_hash_key(pi, parent), rval); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("set_string", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, rval); } } static void hash_set_num(struct _ParseInfo *pi, Val parent, NumInfo ni) { volatile VALUE rval = Qnil; if (ni->infinity || ni->nan) { oj_set_error_at(pi, oj_parse_error_class, __FILE__, __LINE__, "not a number or other value"); } rval = oj_num_as_value(ni); rb_hash_aset(stack_peek(&pi->stack)->val, calc_hash_key(pi, parent), rval); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("set_number", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, rval); } } static void hash_set_value(ParseInfo pi, Val parent, VALUE value) { rb_hash_aset(stack_peek(&pi->stack)->val, calc_hash_key(pi, parent), value); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("set_value", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, value); } } static VALUE start_array(ParseInfo pi) { if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_in("start_array", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } return rb_ary_new(); } static void array_append_cstr(ParseInfo pi, const char *str, size_t len, const char *orig) { volatile VALUE rval = cstr_to_rstr(str, len); rb_ary_push(stack_peek(&pi->stack)->val, rval); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("set_value", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, rval); } } static void array_append_num(ParseInfo pi, NumInfo ni) { volatile VALUE rval = Qnil; if (ni->infinity || ni->nan) { oj_set_error_at(pi, oj_parse_error_class, __FILE__, __LINE__, "not a number or other value"); } rval = oj_num_as_value(ni); rb_ary_push(stack_peek(&pi->stack)->val, rval); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("append_number", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, rval); } } static void array_append_value(ParseInfo pi, VALUE value) { rb_ary_push(stack_peek(&pi->stack)->val, value); if (Yes == pi->options.trace) { oj_trace_parse_call("append_value", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__, value); } } void oj_set_wab_callbacks(ParseInfo pi) { pi->start_hash = start_hash; pi->end_hash = hash_end; pi->hash_key = noop_hash_key; pi->hash_set_cstr = hash_set_cstr; pi->hash_set_num = hash_set_num; pi->hash_set_value = hash_set_value; pi->start_array = start_array; pi->end_array = array_end; pi->array_append_cstr = array_append_cstr; pi->array_append_num = array_append_num; pi->array_append_value = array_append_value; pi->add_cstr = add_cstr; pi->add_num = add_num; pi->add_value = add_value; pi->expect_value = 1; } VALUE oj_wab_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { struct _ParseInfo pi; parse_info_init(&pi); pi.options = oj_default_options; pi.handler = Qnil; pi.err_class = Qnil; oj_set_wab_callbacks(&pi); if (T_STRING == rb_type(*argv)) { return oj_pi_parse(argc, argv, &pi, 0, 0, true); } else { return oj_pi_sparse(argc, argv, &pi, 0); } } VALUE oj_wab_parse_cstr(int argc, VALUE *argv, char *json, size_t len) { struct _ParseInfo pi; parse_info_init(&pi); pi.options = oj_default_options; pi.handler = Qnil; pi.err_class = Qnil; oj_set_wab_callbacks(&pi); return oj_pi_parse(argc, argv, &pi, json, len, true); }