require 'rails/application/railties'
module Cells
# Now Rails::Engines can contribute to Cells view paths.
# By default, any 'app/cells' found inside any Engine is automatically included into Cells view paths.
# You can customize the view paths changing/appending to the 'app/cell_views' path configuration:
# module MyAwesome
# class Engine < Rails::Engine
# # loads views from 'cell/views' and NOT from 'app/cells'
# config.paths.add 'app/cell_views', :with => 'cell/views'
# # appends 'lib/my_cells_view_path' to this Railtie view path contribution
# config.paths['app/cell_views'] << 'lib/my_cells_view_path'
# end
# end
# You can manually specify which Engines will be added to Cell view paths
# Cell::Base.config.view_path_engines = [MyAwesome::Engine]
# And even disable the automatic loading
# Cell::Base.config.view_path_engines = false
# You can programatically append a Rails::Engine to Cell view path
# Cells.setup do |config|
# config.append_engine_view_path!(MyEngine::Engine)
# end
module Engines
# Appends all Rails::Engines cell-views path to Cell::Base#view_paths
# All Rails::Engines specified at config.view_path_engines will have its cell-views path appended to Cell::Base#view_paths
# Defaults config.view_path_engines to all loaded Rails::Engines.
def self.append_engines_view_paths_for(config)
return if config.view_path_engines == false
engines = config.view_path_engines || ::Rails::Application::Railties.engines
engines.each {|engine| append_engine_view_path!(engine) }
# Appends a Rails::Engine cell-views path to @Cell::Base@
# The Rails::Engine cell-views path is obtained from the paths['app/cell_views'] configuration.
# All existing directories specified at cell-views path will be appended do Cell::Base#view_paths
# Defaults paths['app/cell_views'] to 'app/cells'
def self.append_engine_view_path!(engine)
engine.paths['app/cell_views'] || engine.paths.add('app/cell_views', :with => 'app/cells')