=begin mouse-gesture.rb - mouse gesture sample script. Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Kouhei Sutou This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. $Date: 2006/06/17 13:18:12 $ $Id: mouse-gesture.rb,v 1.2 2006/06/17 13:18:12 mutoh Exp $ =end require 'gtk3' unless Gdk.cairo_available? STDERR.puts("need cairo and rcairo support for this sample") exit 1 end class GestureProcessor DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = 16 DEFAULT_SKEW_THRESHOLD_ANGLE = 30 attr_accessor :threshold, :skew_threshold_angle attr_reader :motions def initialize(threshold=nil, skew_threshold_angle=nil) @threshold = threshold || DEFAULT_THRESHOLD @skew_threshold_angle = skew_threshold_angle @skew_threshold_angle ||= DEFAULT_SKEW_THRESHOLD_ANGLE reset end def started? @started end MOTIONS = %w(L R U D UL UR LL LR) def available_motion?(motion) MOTIONS.include?(motion) end def start(x, y) @prev_x = @x = x @prev_y = @y = y @started = true @motions = [] end def update_position(x, y) mx = x - @prev_x my = y - @prev_y motion = judge_motion(mx, my) if motion @prev_x = @x = x @prev_y = @y = y if @motions.last == motion false else @motions << motion true end else false end end def reset @started = false @x = @y = -1 @motions = [] end def to_a @motions end def position [@x, @y] end private def judge_motion(mx, my) mxa = mx.abs mya = my.abs distance = Math.sqrt(mxa ** 2 + mya ** 2) upper_theta = (45 + @skew_threshold_angle) * (Math::PI / 180.0) lower_theta = (45 - @skew_threshold_angle) * (Math::PI / 180.0) if distance > @threshold and mya < Math.tan(upper_theta) * mxa and mya > Math.tan(lower_theta) * mxa judge_corner_motion(mx, my) elsif mxa > @threshold or mya > @threshold judge_cross_motion(mx, my) else nil end end def judge_corner_motion(mx, my) if mx < 0 if my < 0 "UL" else "LL" end else if my < 0 "UR" else "LR" end end end def judge_cross_motion(mx, my) if mx.abs > my.abs if mx < 0 "L" else "R" end else if my < 0 "U" else "D" end end end end class Gesture < Gtk::EventBox DEFAULT_BACK_RGBA = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5] DEFAULT_LINE_RGBA = [1, 0, 0, 1] DEFAULT_NEXT_RGBA = [0, 1, 0, 0.8] DEFAULT_CURRENT_RGBA = [1, 0, 1, 0.8] def initialize(conf={}) super() set_visible_window(false) conf ||= {} @back_rgba = conf[:back_rgba] || DEFAULT_BACK_RGBA @line_rgba = conf[:line_rgba] || DEFAULT_LINE_RGBA @next_rgba = conf[:next_rgba] || DEFAULT_NEXT_RGBA @current_rgba = conf[:current_rgba] || DEFAULT_CURRENT_RGBA @processor = GestureProcessor.new(conf[:threshold], conf[:skew_threshold_angle]) @actions = [] set_expose_event set_motion_notify_event set_button_release_event end def add_action(sequence, action=Proc.new) invalid_motion = sequence.find do |motion| not @processor.available_motion?(motion) end raise "invalid motion: #{invalid_motion}" if invalid_motion @actions << [sequence, action] end def start(widget, button, x, y, base_x, base_y) Gtk.grab_add(self) @widget = widget @button = button @processor.start(x, y) @base_x = base_x @base_y = base_y @cr = window.create_cairo_context @cr.set_source_rgba(@line_rgba) @cr.move_to(x, y) end private def perform_action act = action act.call(@widget) if act @processor.reset end def action motions = @processor.motions @actions.each do |sequence, act| return act if sequence == motions end nil end def available_motions motions = @processor.motions @actions.collect do |sequence, act| if sequence == motions sequence.last else nil end end.compact.uniq end def next_available_motions motions = @processor.motions @actions.collect do |sequence, act| if sequence[0..-2] == motions sequence.last else nil end end.compact.uniq end def match? not action.nil? end def set_expose_event signal_connect("draw") do |widget, event| if @processor.started? cr = widget.window.create_cairo_context cr.rectangle(*widget.allocation.to_a) cr.set_source_rgba(@back_rgba) cr.fill cr.set_source_rgba(@next_rgba) draw_available_marks(cr, next_available_motions) if action cr.set_source_rgba(@current_rgba) draw_mark(cr, *@processor.position) end @cr.stroke_preserve true else false end end end def draw_mark(cr, x=nil, y=nil, radius=nil) x ||= @processor.position[0] y ||= @processor.position[1] radius ||= @processor.threshold cr.save do cr.translate(x, y) cr.scale(radius, radius) cr.arc(0, 0, 0.5, 0, 2 * Math::PI) cr.fill end end def draw_available_marks(cr, motions) motions.each do |motion| adjust_x = calc_position_ratio(motion, %w(R), %w(L), %w(UR LR), %w(UL LL)) adjust_y = calc_position_ratio(motion, %w(D), %w(U), %w(LR LL), %w(UR UL)) threshold = @processor.threshold x, y = @processor.position x += threshold * adjust_x y += threshold * adjust_y draw_mark(cr, x, y, threshold) end end def calc_position_ratio(motion, inc, dec, inc_skew, dec_skew) case motion when *inc 1 when *inc_skew 1 / Math.sqrt(2) when *dec -1 when *dec_skew -1 / Math.sqrt(2) else 0 end end def set_motion_notify_event signal_connect("motion_notify_event") do |widget, event| if @processor.started? x = @base_x + event.x y = @base_y + event.y @cr.line_to(x, y) @cr.save do if @processor.update_position(x, y) queue_draw end end @cr.stroke_preserve true else false end end end def set_button_release_event signal_connect("button_release_event") do |widget, event| if event.button == @button and @processor.started? Gtk.grab_remove(self) perform_action hide true else false end end end end class GesturedWidget < Gtk::EventBox DEFAULT_GESTURE_BUTTON = 3 def initialize(gesture_button=nil) super() set_visible_window(false) @gesture_button = gesture_button || DEFAULT_GESTURE_BUTTON set_button_press_event end def layout parent end def gesture(x, y, base_x, base_y) if layout layout.gesture(self, @gesture_button, x, y, base_x, base_y) end end private def set_button_press_event signal_connect("button_press_event") do |widget, event| if event.button == @gesture_button x, y, w, h = widget.allocation.to_a gesture(x + event.x, y + event.y, x, y) else false end end end end class Layout < Gtk::Layout def initialize() super() @gesture = Gesture.new() put(@gesture, 0, 0) end def gesture(widget, button, x, y, base_x, base_y) remove(@gesture) put(@gesture, 0, 0) _, _, w, h = allocation.to_a @gesture.set_size_request(w, h) @gesture.show @gesture.start(widget, button, x, y, base_x, base_y) end def add_gesture_action(sequence, action=Proc.new) @gesture.add_action(sequence, action) end end window = Gtk::Window.new("Mouse Gesture sample") layout = Layout.new gestured_widget = GesturedWidget.new gestured_widget.set_size_request(50, 50) gestured_widget.signal_connect("draw") do |widget, event| x, y, w, h = widget.allocation.to_a cr = widget.window.create_cairo_context cr.set_source_rgba([0.8, 0.8, 0.3, 1]) cr.translate(x, y) cr.scale(w, h) cr.arc(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.1, 360) cr.fill false end layout.put(gestured_widget, 75, 75) gestured_widget2 = GesturedWidget.new gestured_widget2.set_size_request(100, 50) gestured_widget2.signal_connect("draw") do |widget, event| x, y, w, h = widget.allocation.to_a cr = widget.window.create_cairo_context cr.set_source_rgba([0.3, 0.3, 0.8, 1]) cr.translate(x, y) cr.scale(w, h) cr.arc(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.1, 360) cr.fill false end layout.put(gestured_widget2, 0, 25) # gesture handlers expand_size = 20 expand_left = Proc.new do |widget| x = layout.child_get_property(widget, :x) y = layout.child_get_property(widget, :y) w, h = widget.size_request layout.move(widget, x - expand_size, y) widget.set_size_request(w + expand_size, h) end expand_right = Proc.new do |widget| x = layout.child_get_property(widget, :x) y = layout.child_get_property(widget, :y) w, h = widget.size_request layout.move(widget, x, y) widget.set_size_request(w + expand_size, h) end expand_top = Proc.new do |widget| x = layout.child_get_property(widget, :x) y = layout.child_get_property(widget, :y) w, h = widget.size_request layout.move(widget, x, y - expand_size) widget.set_size_request(w, h + expand_size) end expand_bottom = Proc.new do |widget| x = layout.child_get_property(widget, :x) y = layout.child_get_property(widget, :y) w, h = widget.size_request layout.move(widget, x, y) widget.set_size_request(w, h + expand_size) end layout.add_gesture_action(["L"]) do |widget| expand_left.call(widget) end layout.add_gesture_action(["U"]) do |widget| expand_top.call(widget) end layout.add_gesture_action(["LL"]) do |widget| expand_left.call(widget) expand_bottom.call(widget) end layout.add_gesture_action(["R", "LR"]) do |widget| expand_right.call(widget) expand_bottom.call(widget) expand_right.call(widget) end window.add(layout) window.signal_connect("destroy"){Gtk.main_quit} window.show_all Gtk.main