require 'thor' module Pronto class CLI < Thor require 'pronto' require 'pronto/version' class << self def is_thor_reserved_word?(word, type) return false if word == 'run' super end end desc 'run [PATH]', 'Run Pronto' method_option :'exit-code', type: :boolean, desc: 'Exits with non-zero code if there were any warnings/errors.' method_option :commit, type: :string, aliases: '-c', desc: 'Commit for the diff' method_option :unstaged, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-i', '--index'], desc: 'Analyze changes made, but not in git staging area' method_option :staged, type: :boolean, desc: 'Analyze changes in git staging area' method_option :workdir, type: :boolean, aliases: ['-w'], desc: 'Analyze both staged and unstaged changes' method_option :runner, type: :array, default: [], aliases: '-r', desc: 'Run only the passed runners' method_option :formatters, type: :array, default: ['text'], aliases: ['formatter', '-f'], desc: "Pick output formatters. Available: #{::Pronto::Formatter.names.join(', ')}" def run(path = '.') path = File.expand_path(path) gem_names = options[:runner].any? ? options[:runner] : gem_names.each do |gem_name| require "pronto/#{gem_name}" end formatters = ::Pronto::Formatter.get(options[:formatters]) commit_options = %i[workdir staged unstaged index] commit = commit_options.find { |o| options[o] } || options[:commit] repo_workdir = relative = path.sub(repo_workdir, '') messages = Dir.chdir(repo_workdir) do file = relative.length != path.length ? relative : nil, '.', formatters, file) end if options[:'exit-code'] error_messages_count = messages.count { |m| m.level != :info } exit(error_messages_count) end rescue Rugged::RepositoryError puts '"pronto" must be run from within a git repository or must be supplied the path to a git repository' rescue Pronto::Error => e $stderr.puts "Pronto errored: #{e.message}" end desc 'list', 'Lists pronto runners that are available to be used' def list puts end desc 'version', 'Display version' map %w[-v --version] => :version def version puts Version::STRING end desc 'verbose-version', 'Display verbose version' map %w[-V --verbose-version] => :verbose_version def verbose_version puts Version.verbose end end end