module RailsWorkflow module Processes #= DefaultRunner # # This module contains logic of process start, stop, cancel etc. # module DefaultRunner def can_start? !operations.empty? end def start if can_start? update_attribute(:status, self.class::IN_PROGRESS) operations.where(status: RailsWorkflow::Operation::NOT_STARTED).map(&:start) end end def operation_exception self.status = self.class::ERROR end # Process can be completed if all sync operations is complete. def can_complete? if incomplete_statuses.include? status && else false end end # Returns set or operation that not yet completed. # Operation complete in DONE, SKIPPED, CANCELED, etc many other statuses def incompleted_operations operations.reject(&:completed?) end # If operation is completed process is responsible for building new operations. # We need to calculate operations, depends on completed one and detect ones we # can build. def operation_complete(operation) build_dependencies operation end def set_done_status self.status = self.class::DONE save end def complete_parent_operation parent_operation.complete if parent_operation.present? end def complete if can_complete? set_done_status complete_parent_operation end end end end end