require 'dslh/version' require 'stringio' require 'pp' class Dslh INDENT_SPACES = ' ' class << self def eval(expr_or_options = nil, options = nil, &block) if options and not options.kind_of?(Hash) raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{options.class} (expected Hash)" end expr = nil options ||= {} if expr_or_options case expr_or_options when String expr = expr_or_options when Hash options.update(expr_or_options) else raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{expr_or_options.class} (expected String or Hash)" end end, &block) end def deval(hash, options = {}, &block) if [hash, options].all? {|i| not i.kind_of?(Hash) } raise TypeError, "wrong argument type #{options.class} (expected Hash)" end, &block) end end # of class methods def initialize(options = {}) @options = { :time_inspecter => method(:inspect_time), :dump_old_hash_array_format => false, :force_dump_braces => false, :use_braces_instead_of_do_end => false, }.merge(options) @options[:key_conv] ||= (@options[:conv] || proc {|i| i.to_s }) @options[:value_conv] ||= @options[:conv] end def eval(expr = nil, &block) retval = {} scope = scope.instance_variable_set(:@__options__, @options) scope.instance_variable_set(:@__hash__, retval) @options[:scope_hook].call(scope) if @options[:scope_hook] if @options[:ignore_methods] ignore_methods = Array(@options[:ignore_methods]) ignore_methods.each do |method_name| scope.instance_eval(<<-EOS) def #{method_name}(*args, &block) method_missing(#{method_name.to_s.inspect}, *args, &block) end EOS end end if expr eval_args = [expr] [:filename, :lineno].each do |k| eval_args << @options[k] if @options[k] end scope.instance_eval(*eval_args) else scope.instance_eval(&block) end return retval end def deval(hash) buf = depth = @options[:initial_depth] || 0 deval0(hash, depth, buf) buf.string end private def deval0(hash, depth, buf) indent = (INDENT_SPACES * depth) key_conv = @options[:key_conv] value_conv = @options[:value_conv] if exclude_keys?(hash.keys) buf.puts('(' + ("\n" + hash.pretty_inspect.strip).gsub("\n", "\n" + indent) + ')') return end hash.each do |key, value| key = if key_conv if key.kind_of?(Proc) tmp_buf = nested = value_proc(value, depth, tmp_buf) key_value = case key.arity when 0 when 1 else, nested) end buf.puts(indent + key_value) else buf.print(indent + key) value_proc(value, depth, buf, true, key) end end end def value_proc(value, depth, value_buf, newline = true, curr_key = nil) indent = (INDENT_SPACES * depth) next_indent = (INDENT_SPACES * (depth + 1)) value_conv = @options[:value_conv] nested = false case value when Hash if exclude_keys?(value.keys) value_buf.puts('(' + ("\n" + value.pretty_inspect.strip).gsub("\n", "\n" + next_indent) + ')') else nested = true value_buf.puts(@options[:use_braces_instead_of_do_end] ? ' {' : ' do') deval0(value, depth + 1, value_buf) value_buf.puts(indent + (@options[:use_braces_instead_of_do_end] ? '}' : 'end')) end when Array if value.empty? value_buf.puts(" []") elsif value.any? {|v| [Array, Hash].any? {|c| v.kind_of?(c) }} nested = true if not @options[:dump_old_hash_array_format] and value.all? {|i| i.kind_of?(Hash) and not exclude_keys?(i.keys) } value_buf.puts(@options[:use_braces_instead_of_do_end] ? ' {|*|' : ' do |*|') value.each_with_index do |v, i| deval0(v, depth + 1, value_buf) if i < (value.length - 1) if @options[:use_braces_instead_of_do_end] value_buf.puts(indent + "}\n" + indent + curr_key + ' {|*|') else value_buf.puts(indent + "end\n" + indent + curr_key + ' do |*|') end end end if newline value_buf.puts(indent + (@options[:use_braces_instead_of_do_end] ? '}' : 'end')) else value_buf.print(indent + (@options[:use_braces_instead_of_do_end] ? '}' : 'end')) end else value_buf.puts(' [') value.each_with_index do |v, i| case v when Hash if exclude_keys?(v.keys) value_buf.print(INDENT_SPACES * (depth + 1) + v.pretty_inspect.strip) else value_buf.puts(next_indent + '_{') deval0(v, depth + 2, value_buf) value_buf.print(next_indent + '}') end when Array value_buf.print(next_indent.slice(0...-1)) value_proc(v, depth + 1, value_buf, false) else value_buf.print(next_indent + v.pretty_inspect.strip.gsub("\n", "\n" + next_indent)) end value_buf.puts(i < (value.length - 1) ? ',' : '') end if newline value_buf.puts(indent + ']') else value_buf.print(indent + ']') end end elsif @options[:force_dump_braces] or value.length == 1 value_buf.puts(' ' + value.inspect) else value_buf.puts(' ' + {|v| v = if value_conv if v.kind_of?(Hash) '(' + v.inspect + ')' else v.inspect end }.join(', ')) end else value = if value_conv if @options[:time_inspecter] and value.kind_of?(Time) value = @options[:time_inspecter].call(value) value_buf.puts(' ' + value) else value_buf.puts(' ' + value.inspect) end end return nested end def exclude_keys?(keys) key_conv = @options[:key_conv] exclude_key = @options[:exclude_key] || proc {|k| k = if key_conv k.to_s !~ /\A[_a-z]\w+\Z/i } keys.any? {|k| } end def inspect_time(time) if Time.respond_to?(:parse) "Time.parse(#{time.to_s.inspect})" else "{time.tv_sec}, #{time.tv_usec})" end end class Scope def _(key = nil, &block) nested_hash = ScopeBlock.nest(binding, 'block') if key key_conv = @__options__[:key_conv] key = if key_conv if not @__options__[:allow_duplicate] and @__hash__.has_key?(key) raise "duplicate key #{key.inspect}" end @__hash__[key] = nested_hash else return nested_hash end end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if args.empty? and not block and not @__options__[:allow_empty_args] super end key_conv = @__options__[:key_conv] value_conv = @__options__[:value_conv] nested_hash = block ? ScopeBlock.nest(binding, 'block', method_name) : nil method_name = if key_conv if not @__options__[:allow_duplicate] and @__hash__.has_key?(method_name) and not (block and block.arity == -1) raise "duplicate key #{method_name.inspect}" end push_to_hash = proc do |v| if block and block.arity == -1 @__hash__[method_name] ||= [] @__hash__[method_name] << v else @__hash__[method_name] = v end end if args.empty? else args = {|i| } if value_conv value = args.length > 1 ? args : args[0] if nested_hash => nested_hash) else end return @__hash__ end end end # of Scope class ScopeBlock def self.nest(bind, block_var, key = nil) block_call = nil if key block_call = <<-EOS #{block_var}_ = proc do if #{block_var} #{block_var}.call else #{block_var}.call(#{key.inspect}) end end self.instance_eval(&#{block_var}_) EOS else block_call = <<-EOS self.instance_eval(&#{block_var}) EOS end eval(<<-EOS, bind) if #{block_var} __hash_orig = @__hash__ @__hash__ = {} #{block_call} __nested_hash = @__hash__ @__hash__ = __hash_orig __nested_hash else nil end EOS end end end