require 'thread' class VirtualMachine < CloudstackCli::Base desc "list", "list virtual machines" option :account, desc: "name of the account" option :project, desc: "name of the project" option :zone, desc: "the name of the availability zone" option :state, desc: "state of the virtual machine" option :host, desc: "the name of the hypervisor host the VM belong to" option :filter, type: :hash, desc: "filter objects based on arrtibutes: (attr1:regex attr2:regex ...)" option :listall, desc: "list all virtual machines", default: true option :command, desc: "command to execute for the given virtual machines", enum: %w(START STOP REBOOT) option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 10, aliases: '-C', desc: "number of concurrent commands to execute" option :format, default: "table", enum: %w(table json yaml) def list add_filters_to_options("listVirtualMachines") if options[:filter] resolve_account resolve_project resolve_zone resolve_host resolve_iso if options[:command] command = options[:command].downcase options.delete(:command) end virtual_machines = client.list_virtual_machines(options) virtual_machines = filter_objects(virtual_machines) if options[:filter] if virtual_machines.size < 1 puts "No virtual_machines found." else print_virtual_machines(virtual_machines) execute_virtual_machines_commands(command, virtual_machines) if command end end desc "list_from_file FILE", "list virtual machines from file" option :command, desc: "command to execute for the given virtual machines", enum: %w(START STOP REBOOT) option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 10, aliases: '-C', desc: "number of concurrent command to execute" option :format, default: :table, enum: %w(table json yaml) def list_from_file(file) virtual_machines = parse_file(file)["virtual_machines"] if virtual_machines.size < 1 puts "No virtual machines found." else print_virtual_machines(virtual_machines) execute_virtual_machines_commands( options[:command].downcase, virtual_machines ) if options[:command] end end desc "show NAME", "show detailed infos about a virtual machine" option :project def show(name) resolve_project options[:virtual_machine] = name virtual_machine = resolve_virtual_machine(true) table = do |key, value| [ set_color("#{key}:", :yellow), "#{value}" ] end print_table table end desc "create NAME [NAME2 ...]", "create virtual machine(s)" option :template, aliases: '-t', desc: "name of the template" option :iso, desc: "name of the iso template" option :offering, aliases: '-o', required: true, desc: "computing offering name" option :zone, aliases: '-z', required: true, desc: "availability zone name" option :networks, aliases: '-n', type: :array, desc: "network names" option :project, aliases: '-p', desc: "project name" option :port_rules, type: :array, default: [], desc: "Port Forwarding Rules [public_ip]:port ..." option :disk_offering, desc: "disk offering (data disk for template, root disk for iso)" option :disk_size, desc: "disk size in GB" option :hypervisor, desc: "only used for iso deployments, default: vmware" option :keypair, desc: "the name of the ssh keypair to use" option :group, desc: "group name" option :account, desc: "account name" option :ip_address, desc: "the ip address for default vm's network" option :ip_network_list, desc: "ip_network_list (net1:ip net2:ip...)", type: :array option :user_data, desc: "optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment." option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 10, aliases: '-C', desc: "number of concurrent commands to execute" def create(*names) if names.size == 0 say "Please provide at least one virtual machine name.", :yellow exit 1 end if options[:ip_network_list] options[:ip_network_list] = array_to_network_list(options[:ip_network_list]) end vm_options_to_params say "Start deploying virtual machine#{"s" if names.size > 1}...", :green jobs = do |name| if virtual_machine = find_vm_by_name(name) say "virtual machine #{name} (#{virtual_machine["state"]}) already exists.", :yellow job = {name: "Create virtual machine #{name}", status: 3} else job = { args: options.merge(name: name), name: "Create VM #{name}", status: -1 } end job end if jobs.count{|job| job[:status] < 1 } > 0 run_background_jobs(jobs, "deploy_virtual_machine") end successful_jobs = jobs.count {|job| job[:status] == 1 } if options[:port_rules].size > 0 && successful_jobs > 0 say "Create port forwarding rules...", :green pjobs = []{|job| job[:status] == 1}.each do |job| vm = job[:result]["virtualmachine"] create_port_rules(vm, options[:port_rules], false).each_with_index do |job_id, index| pjobs << { id: job_id, name: "Create port forwarding rule #{options[:port_rules][index]} for VM #{vm['name']}" } end end watch_jobs(pjobs) end say "Finished.", :green if successful_jobs > 0 && yes?("Display password(s) for VM(s)? [y/N]:", :yellow) pw_table = {|job| job[:status] == 1 && job[:result] }.map do |job| if result = job[:result]["virtualmachine"] ["#{result["name"]}:", result["password"] || "n/a"] end end print_table(pw_table) if pw_table.size > 0 end end desc "destroy NAME [NAME2 ..]", "destroy virtual machine(s)" option :project option :force, desc: "destroy without confirmation", type: :boolean, aliases: '-f' option :expunge, desc: "expunge virtual machine immediately", type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: '-E' def destroy(*names) if names.size == 0 say "Please provide at least one virtual machine name.", :yellow exit 1 end resolve_project names.each do |name| unless virtual_machine = find_vm_by_name(name) say "Virtual machine #{name} not found.", :red else action = options[:expunge] ? "Expunge" : "Destroy" ask = "#{action} #{virtual_machine['name']} (#{virtual_machine['state']})? [y/N]:" if options[:force] || yes?(ask, :yellow) say "destroying #{name} " client.destroy_virtual_machine( id: virtual_machine["id"], expunge: options[:expunge] ) puts end end end end desc "create_interactive", "interactive creation of a virtual machine with network access" def create_interactive bootstrap_server_interactive end desc "stop NAME", "stop a virtual machine" option :project option :force def stop(name) resolve_project unless virtual_machine = find_vm_by_name(name) say "Virtual machine #{name} not found.", :red exit 1 end exit unless options[:force] || yes?("Stop virtual machine #{virtual_machine['name']}? [y/N]:", :magenta) client.stop_virtual_machine(id: virtual_machine['id']) puts end desc "start NAME", "start a virtual_machine" option :project def start(name) resolve_project unless virtual_machine = find_vm_by_name(name) say "Virtual machine #{name} not found.", :red exit 1 end say("Starting virtual machine #{virtual_machine['name']}", :magenta) client.start_virtual_machine(id: virtual_machine['id']) puts end desc "reboot NAME", "reboot a virtual machine" option :project option :force def reboot(name) resolve_project unless virtual_machine = find_vm_by_name(name) say "Virtual machine #{name} not found.", :red exit 1 end exit unless options[:force] || yes?("Reboot virtual_machine #{virtual_machine["name"]}? [y/N]:", :magenta) client.reboot_virtual_machine(id: virtual_machine['id']) puts end desc "update NAME", "update a virtual machine" option :project, desc: "project of virtual machine (used for vm lookup, can't be updated)" option :force, type: :boolean, desc: "update w/o asking for confirmation" option :display_name, desc: "user generated name" option :display_vm, desc: "an optional field, whether to the display the vm to the end user or not" option :group, desc: "group of the virtual machine" option :instance_name, desc: "instance name of the user vm" option :name, desc: "new host name of the vm" option :ostype_id, desc: "the ID of the OS type that best represents this VM" option :details, type: :hash, desc: "details in key/value pairs." option :is_dynamically_scalable, enum: %w(true false), desc: "true if VM contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory" option :ha_enable, enum: %w(true false), desc: "true if high-availability is enabled for the virtual machine, false otherwise" option :user_data, desc: "optional binary data that can be sent to the virtual machine upon a successful deployment." def update(name) resolve_project unless vm = find_vm_by_name(name) say "Virtual machine #{name} not found.", :red exit 1 end unless vm["state"].downcase == "stopped" say "Virtual machine #{name} (#{vm["state"]}) must be in a stopped state.", :red exit 1 end unless options[:force] || yes?("Update virtual_machine #{name}? [y/N]:", :magenta) exit end if options[:user_data] # base64 encode user_data options[:user_data] = [options[:user_data]].pack("m") end vm = client.update_virtual_machine(options.merge(id: vm['id'])) say "Virtual machine \"#{name}\" has been updated:", :green table = do |k, _| options.find {|k2, _| k2.gsub('_', '') == k } do |key, value| [ set_color("#{key}:", :yellow), set_color("#{value}", :red) ] end print_table table end no_commands do def find_vm_by_name(name) client.list_virtual_machines( name: options[:virtual_machine], listall: true, project_id: options[:project_id] ).find {|vm| vm["name"] == name } end def print_virtual_machines(virtual_machines) case options[:format].to_sym when :yaml puts({virtual_machines: virtual_machines}.to_yaml) when :json puts JSON.pretty_generate(virtual_machines: virtual_machines) else with_i_name = virtual_machines.first['instancename'] with_h_name = virtual_machines.first['hostname'] table = [["Name", "State", "Offering", "Zone", options[:project_id] ? "Project" : "Account", "IP's"]] table.first.insert(1, "Instance-Name") if with_i_name table.first.insert(-1, "Host-Name") if with_h_name virtual_machines.each do |virtual_machine| table << [ virtual_machine['name'], virtual_machine['state'], virtual_machine['serviceofferingname'], virtual_machine['zonename'], options[:project_id] ? virtual_machine['project'] : virtual_machine['account'], virtual_machine['nic'].map { |nic| nic['ipaddress']}.join(' ') ] table.last.insert(1, virtual_machine['instancename']) if with_i_name table.last.insert(-1, virtual_machine['hostname']) if with_h_name end print_table table say "Total number of virtual machines: #{virtual_machines.count}" end end def execute_virtual_machines_commands(command, virtual_machines) unless %w(start stop reboot).include?(command) say "\nCommand #{options[:command]} not supported.", :red exit 1 end exit unless yes?("\n#{command.capitalize} the virtual machine(s) above? [y/N]:", :magenta) jobs = do |vm| { job_id: nil, args: { id: vm["id"] }, name: "#{command.capitalize} virtual machine #{vm['name']}", status: -1 } end run_background_jobs(jobs, "#{command}_virtual_machine") end def array_to_network_list(arr) do |item| name = item.split(':')[0] ip = item.split(':')[1] {"name" => name, "ip" => ip} end end end # no_commands end