# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "logstash/plugin" require "logstash/outputs/base" require "logstash/codecs/base" require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/filters/base" describe LogStash::Plugin do it "should fail lookup on inexisting type" do expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:debug).once expect { LogStash::Plugin.lookup("badbadtype", "badname") }.to raise_error(LogStash::PluginLoadingError) end it "should fail lookup on inexisting name" do expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:debug).once expect { LogStash::Plugin.lookup("filter", "badname") }.to raise_error(LogStash::PluginLoadingError) end it "should fail on bad plugin class" do LogStash::Filters::BadSuperClass = Class.new expect { LogStash::Plugin.lookup("filter", "bad_super_class") }.to raise_error(LogStash::PluginLoadingError) end it "should fail on missing config_name method" do LogStash::Filters::MissingConfigName = Class.new(LogStash::Filters::Base) expect { LogStash::Plugin.lookup("filter", "missing_config_name") }.to raise_error(LogStash::PluginLoadingError) end it "should lookup an already defined plugin class" do class LogStash::Filters::LadyGaga < LogStash::Filters::Base config_name "lady_gaga" end expect(LogStash::Plugin.lookup("filter", "lady_gaga")).to eq(LogStash::Filters::LadyGaga) end describe "#inspect" do class LogStash::Filters::MyTestFilter < LogStash::Filters::Base config_name "param1" config :num, :validate => :number, :default => 20 config :str, :validate => :string, :default => "test" end subject { LogStash::Filters::MyTestFilter.new("num" => 1, "str" => "hello") } it "should print the class of the filter" do expect(subject.inspect).to match(/^1, str=>"hello"/) end end context "when validating the plugin version" do let(:plugin_name) { 'logstash-filter-stromae' } subject do Class.new(LogStash::Filters::Base) do config_name 'stromae' end end it "doesn't warn the user if the version is superior or equal to 1.0.0" do allow(Gem::Specification).to receive(:find_by_name) .with(plugin_name) .and_return(double(:version => Gem::Version.new('1.0.0'))) expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).not_to receive(:info) subject.validate({}) end it 'warns the user if the plugin version is between 0.9.x and 1.0.0' do allow(Gem::Specification).to receive(:find_by_name) .with(plugin_name) .and_return(double(:version => Gem::Version.new('0.9.1'))) expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:info) .with(/Using version 0.9.x/) subject.validate({}) end it 'warns the user if the plugin version is inferior to 0.9.x' do allow(Gem::Specification).to receive(:find_by_name) .with(plugin_name) .and_return(double(:version => Gem::Version.new('0.1.1'))) expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:info) .with(/Using version 0.1.x/) subject.validate({}) end it "doesnt show the version notice more than once" do one_notice = Class.new(LogStash::Filters::Base) do config_name "stromae" end allow(Gem::Specification).to receive(:find_by_name) .with(plugin_name) .and_return(double(:version => Gem::Version.new('0.1.1'))) expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:info) .once .with(/Using version 0.1.x/) one_notice.validate({}) one_notice.validate({}) end it "warns the user if we can't find a defined version" do expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:warn) .once .with(/plugin doesn't have a version/) subject.validate({}) end it 'logs a warning if the plugin use the milestone option' do expect_any_instance_of(Cabin::Channel).to receive(:debug) .with(/stromae plugin is using the 'milestone' method/) class LogStash::Filters::Stromae < LogStash::Filters::Base config_name "stromae" milestone 2 end end end describe "subclass initialize" do let(:args) { Hash.new } [ StromaeCodec = Class.new(LogStash::Codecs::Base) do config_name "stromae" config :foo_tag, :validate => :string, :default => "bar" end, StromaeFilter = Class.new(LogStash::Filters::Base) do config_name "stromae" config :foo_tag, :validate => :string, :default => "bar" end, StromaeInput = Class.new(LogStash::Inputs::Base) do config_name "stromae" config :foo_tag, :validate => :string, :default => "bar" end, StromaeOutput = Class.new(LogStash::Outputs::Base) do config_name "stromae" config :foo_tag, :validate => :string, :default => "bar" end ].each do |klass| it "subclass #{klass.name} does not modify params" do klass.new(args) expect(args).to be_empty end end context "codec initialization" do class LogStash::Codecs::Noop < LogStash::Codecs::Base config_name "noop" config :format, :validate => :string def register; end end it "should only register once" do args = { "codec" => LogStash::Codecs::Noop.new("format" => ".") } expect_any_instance_of(LogStash::Codecs::Noop).to receive(:register).once LogStash::Plugin.new(args) end end end describe "#id" do plugin_types = [ LogStash::Filters::Base, LogStash::Codecs::Base, LogStash::Outputs::Base, LogStash::Inputs::Base ] plugin_types.each do |plugin_type| let(:plugin) do Class.new(plugin_type) do config_name "simple_plugin" config :host, :validate => :string config :export, :validte => :boolean def register; end end end let(:config) do { "host" => "", "export" => true } end subject { plugin.new(config) } context "plugin type is #{plugin_type}" do context "when there is not ID configured for the output" do it "it uses a UUID to identify this plugins" do expect(subject.id).not_to eq(nil) end it "will be different between instance of plugins" do expect(subject.id).not_to eq(plugin.new(config).id) end end context "When a user provide an ID for the plugin" do let(:id) { "ABC" } let(:config) { super.merge("id" => id) } it "uses the user provided ID" do expect(subject.id).to eq(id) end end end end end describe "#plugin_unique_name" do let(:plugin) do Class.new(LogStash::Filters::Base,) do config_name "simple_plugin" config :host, :validate => :string def register; end end end let(:config) do { "host" => "" } end context "when the id is provided" do let(:my_id) { "mysuper-plugin" } let(:config) { super.merge({ "id" => my_id })} subject { plugin.new(config) } it "return a human readable ID" do expect(subject.plugin_unique_name).to eq("simple_plugin_#{my_id}") end end context "when the id is not provided provided" do subject { plugin.new(config) } it "return a human readable ID" do expect(subject.plugin_unique_name).to match(/^simple_plugin_/) end end end end