# TbpgrUtils [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils) TbpgrUtils is Utilities. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'tbpgr_utils' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install tbpgr_utils ## Usage ### List | class/module/method | mean | |:----------- |:------------ | |[TbpgrUtils Array#to_table](#arrayto_table) |Array(Array, Array...) to table format. | |[TbpgrUtils Array#to_html_table](#arrayto_html_table) |Array(Array, Array...) to html table format. | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together](#arraytogether) |loop all arrays by block | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_at](#arraytogether_at) |together version of Array#at. together_at has alias :tat | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_clear](#arraytogether_clear) |together version of Array#clear. together_clear has alias :tclear | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_compact](#arraytogether_compact) |together version of Array#compact. together_compact has alias :tcompact. this is immutable. | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_compact!](#arraytogether_compact-1) |together version of Array#compact!. together_compact! has alias :tcompact! this is mutable. | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_concat](#arraytogether_concat) |together version of Array#concat. together_concat has alias :tconcat | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_delete](#arraytogether_delete) |together version of Array#delete. together_delete has alias :tdelete | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_delete_at](#arraytogether_delete_at) |together version of Array#delete_at. together_delete_at has alias :tdelete_at | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_delete_if](#arraytogether_delete_if) |together version of Array#delete_if. together_delete_if has alias :tdelete_if | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_empty?](#arraytogether_empty) |together version of Array#empty?. together_empty? has alias :tempty? | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_fill](#arraytogether_fill) |together version of Array#fill. together_fill has alias :tfill | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_first](#arraytogether_first) |together version of Array#first. together_first has alias :tfirst | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_include?](#arraytogether_include) |together version of Array#include?. together_include? has alias :tinclude? | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_index](#arraytogether_index) |together version of Array#index. together_index has alias :tindex | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_insert](#arraytogether_insert) |together version of Array#insert. together_insert has alias :tinsert | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_last](#arraytogether_last) |together version of Array#last. together_last has alias :tlast | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_map](#arraytogether_mapor-tmap-together_collect-tcollect) |together version of Enumerable#map. together_map has aliases [:tmap, :together_collect, :tcollect] | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_map!](#arraytogether_mapor-tmap-together_collect-tcollect-1) |together version of Enumerable#map!. together_map! has aliases [:tmap!, :together_collect!, :tcollect!] | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_pop](#arraytogether_popor-tpop) |together version of Array#pop. together_pop has alias :tpop | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_reduce](#arraytogether_reduceor-treduce-together_inject-tinject) |together version of Enumerable#reduce. together_reduce has aliases [:treduce, :together_inject, :tinject] | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_reverse](#arraytogether_reverseor-treverse) |together version of Array#reverse. together_reverse has alias :treverse | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_reverse!](#arraytogether_reverseor-treverse-1) |together version of Array#reverse!. together_reverse! has alias :treverse! | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_sample](#arraytogether_sampleor-tsample) |together version of Array#sample. together_sample has alias :tsample | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_select](#arraytogether_selector-tselect-together_find_all-tfindall) |together version of Enumerable#select. together_select has aliases [:tselect, :together_find_all, :tfindall] | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_shift](#arraytogether_shift) |together version of Array#shift. together_shift has alias :tshift | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_shuffle](#arraytogether_shuffleor-tshuffle) |together version of Array#shuffle. together_shuffle has alias :tshuffle | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_slice](#arraytogether_sliceor-tslice) |together version of Array#slice. together_slice has alias :tslice | |[TbpgrUtils Array#together_with_index](#arraytogether_with_index) |loop all arrays by block with index | |[AttributesHashable.to_hash](#attributeshashableto_hash) |define to_hash method for get instance_values | |[AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_accessor_init](#attributesinitializableclassmethodsattr_accessor_init) |generate attr_accessor + initializer | |[AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_reader_init](#attributesinitializableclassmethodsattr_reader_init) |generate attr_reader + initializer | |[AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_writer init](#attributesinitializableclassmethodsattr_writer_init) |generate attr_writer + initializer | |[EndERB.apply](#enderbapply) |for single template script using __END__ and DATA | |[EvalHelper Object](#evalhelper-object) |enable to use EvalHelper in Object | |[EvalHelper#attr_accessor_init_code](#evalhelperattr_accessor_init_code) |create attr_accessor + initialize code, for eval | |[EvalHelper#each_do_code](#evalhelpereach_do_code) |create each do code, for eval | |[EvalHelper#each_brace_code](#evalhelpereach_brace_code) |create each brace single line code, for eval | |[EvalHelper#each_with_index_brace_code](#evalhelpereach_with_index_brace_code) |create eachwith_index_ brace single line code, for eval | |[EvalHelper#each_with_index_do_code](#evalhelpereach_with_index_do_code) |create eachwith_index_ do code, for eval | |[EvalHelper#if_code](#evalhelperif_code) |create if strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#if_code_after](#evalhelperif_code_after) |create after-if strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#require_code](#evalhelperrequire_code) |create require strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#require_relative_code](#evalhelperrequire_relative_code) |create require_relative strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#set_variable_code](#evalhelperset_variable_code) |create set_variable_code strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#set_variables_code](#evalhelperset_variables_code) |create set_variables_code strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#times_code](#evalhelpertimes_code) |create times_code strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#ternary_operator](#evalhelperternary_operator) |create ternary operator strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#unless_code](#evalhelperunless_code) |create unless strings, for eval | |[EvalHelper#unless_code_after](#evalhelperunless_code_after) |create after-unless strings, for eval | |[Familyable](#familyable) |user family model(family, person, parents, children, brothers) | |[TbpgrUtils Fixnum to_fixnum_html_table](#fixnum-to_fixnum_html_table) |return value is fixnum html table | |[TbpgrUtils Fixnum to_fixnum_table](#fixnumto_fixnum_table) |return value is fixnum table | |[Ghostable module](#ghostable) |help to create ghost method(dynamic method define by ussing method_missing + pattern-method-name) | |[TbpgrUtils Hash#html_table](#hashhtml_table) |get html table string from key + value | |[TbpgrUtils Hash#table](#hashtable) |get pipe format table string from key + value | |[TbpgrUtils Integer#palindromic_prime?](#integerpalindromic_prime) |Returns true if value is palindromic prime, false for a composite. | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel booleans](#kerne-booleans) |True or False instance aliases. | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#bulk_define_methods](#kernelbulk_define_methods) |define methods to classes. methods have simple return value. | |[TestToolbox Kernel#capture_stdout](#kernelcapture_stdout) |capture STDOUT | |[TestToolbox Kernel#dp_line](#kerneldp_line) |debug print line for print-debugging | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#aa_ancestors](#kernelaa_ancestors) |Ascii Art Ancestors | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#bulk_puts_eval](#kernelbulk_puts_eval) |Puts each-line-code + eval result | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#evalb](#kernelevalb) |set attributes from hash | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#hash_to_attributes](#kernelhash_to_attributes) |eval block version | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#null](#kernelnull) |null is alias of nil | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#print_eval](#kernelprint_eval) |Print code + eval result | |[TbpgrUtils Kernel#puts_eval](#kernelputs_eval) |Puts code + eval result | |[MarkdownString.heading1](#markdownstringheading1) |Return markdown heading level1 from text | |[MarkdownString.heading2](#markdownstringheading2) |Return markdown heading level2 from text | |[MarkdownString.heading3](#markdownstringheading3) |Return markdown heading level3 from text | |[MarkdownString.heading4](#markdownstringheading4) |Return markdown heading level4 from text | |[MarkdownString.heading5](#markdownstringheading5) |Return markdown heading level5 from text | |[MarkdownString.heading6](#markdownstringheading6) |Return markdown heading level6 from text | |[MetasyntacticVariable](#metasyntacticvariable) |META variable, META variable for classes | |[TbpgrUtils Module.alias_methods](#modulealias_methods) |create alias methods | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric#dice_back](#numericdice_back) |return dice back number | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric#dozen](#numericdozen) |get dozen number | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric#is_ascii?](#numericis_ascii) |get is_ascii number | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_binary_html_table](#numeric-to_binary_html_table) |binary html table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_binary_table](#numeric-to_binary_table) |binary table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_digit_html_table](#numeric-to_digit_html_table) |digit html table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_digit_table](#numeric-to_digit_table) |digit table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_hex_html_table](#numeric-to_hex_html_table) |hex html table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_hex_table](#numeric-to_hex_table) |hex table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_oct_html_table](#numeric-to_oct_html_table) |oct html table | |[TbpgrUtils Numeric to_oct_table](#numeric-to_oct_table) |oct table | |[TbpgrUtils Object#any_of?](#objectany_of) |if self match any one of items, return true | |[TbpgrUtils Object#boolean?](#objectboolean) |data type check for boolean | |[TbpgrUtils Object#guard](#objectguard) |data type check for guard | |[TbpgrUtils Object#method_nameable?](#objectmethod_nameable) |object can use method name or not | |[TbpgrUtils Object#my_methods](#objectmy_methods) |return public/protected/private self define methods | |[TbpgrUtils Object#null?](#objectnull) |null? is alias of nil? | |[TbpgrUtils Object#to_bool](#objectto_bool) |syntax sugar of !!. convert [false, nil] => fasel, other => true. | |[TbpgrUtils Object#unless_guard](#objectunless_guard) |data type check for unless_guard | |[SimpleTournament](#simpletournament) |simple tournament | |[TbpgrUtils String#ascii1_other2_size](#stringascii1_other2_size) |count string size. ascii => count1, not ascii => count2 | |[TbpgrUtils String#ascii_unicode_html_table](#stringascii_unicode_html_table) |get ascii_unicode_html_table | |[TbpgrUtils String#ascii_unicode_table](#stringascii_unicode_table) |get ascii_unicode_table | |[TbpgrUtils String#comma_to_a](#stringcomma_to_a) |comma-format string to array | |[TbpgrUtils String#cygwinpath_to_winpath](#stringcygwinpath_to_winpath) |convert cygwin path to windows path | |[TbpgrUtils String#escape_quote](#stringescape_quote) |escape quote | |[TbpgrUtils String#escape_double_quote](#stringescape_double_quote) |escape double quote | |[TbpgrUtils String#hyphen_to_a](#stringhyphen_to_a) |hyphen-format string to array | |[TbpgrUtils String#is_meta_variable?](#stringis_meta_variable) |is meta variable. | |[TbpgrUtils String#justify_table](#stringjustify_table) |justify pipe format table string | |[TbpgrUtils String#say](#stringsay) |say string | |[TbpgrUtils String#spacing](#stringspacing) |get spacing string | |[TbpgrUtils String#stripe](#stringstripe) |stripe string | |[TbpgrUtils String#surround](#stringsurround) |surround string | |[TbpgrUtils String#table_to_array](#stringtable_to_array) |convert table format string to array. | |[TbpgrUtils String#to_hatena_heading](#stringto_hatena_heading) |create hatena-format heading string with Emmet-like grammar | |[TbpgrUtils String#to_markdown_heading](#stringto_markdown_heading) |create markdown-format heading string with Emmet-like grammar | |[TbpgrUtils String#to_space2_heading](#stringto_space2_heading) |create space2-format heading string with Emmet-like grammar | |[TbpgrUtils String#to_space4_heading](#stringto_space4_heading) |create space4-format heading string with Emmet-like grammar | |[TbpgrUtils String#to_tab_heading](#stringto_tab_heading) |create tab-format heading string with Emmet-like grammar | |[TbpgrUtils String#unescape_double_quote](#stringunescape_double_quote) |unescape double quote | |[TbpgrUtils String#unescape_quote](#stringunescape_quote) |unescape single quote | |[TbpgrUtils String#winpath_to_cygwinpath](#stringwinpath_to_cygwinpath) |convert windows path to cygwin path | |[TbpgrUtils Symbol#is_meta_variable?](#symbolis_meta_variable) |is meta variable. | |[Templatable module](#templatable) |get result from template + placeholder | |[TemplateMethodable module](#templatemethodable) |for Template Method Pattern | ### Array#to_table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' [['header1', 'header2', 'header3'],['line1_1', 'line1_2', 'line1_3']].to_table ~~~ result ~~~ |header1|header2|header3| |line1_1|line1_2|line1_3| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#to_html_table ~~~ruby [['header1', 'header2', 'header3'],['line1_1', 'line1_2', 'line1_3']].to_html_table ~~~ result ~~~
header1 header2 header3
line1_1 line1_2 line1_3
~~~ no header case ~~~ruby [['not_header1', 'not_header2', 'not_header3'],['line1_1', 'line1_2', 'line1_3']].to_html_table({no_header: true}) ~~~ result ~~~
not_header1 not_header2 not_header3
line1_1 line1_2 line1_3
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 4 3} [alpha, numbers].together do |first, second| print "#{first}:#{second}\n" # => output one:1, two:2, three:3 end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_at ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' # same elements size case alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} print [alpha, numbers].together_at 2 # => output ['three', 3] # different elements size case alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2} print [alpha, numbers].together_at 2 # => output ['three', nil] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_clear ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} [alpha, numbers].together_clear # => [[], []] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_compact ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = ['a','b','c', nil,'d'] numbers = [1, 2, nil, 3] lists = [alpha, numbers] ret = lists.together_compact print lists # => output [['a','b','c', nil,'d'], [1, 2, nil, 3]] print ret # => output [['a','b','c','d'], [1, 2, 3]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_compact! ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = ['a','b','c', nil,'d'] numbers = [1, 2, nil, 3] lists = [alpha, numbers] ret = lists.together_compact! print lists # => output [['a','b','c','d'], [1, 2, 3]] print ret # => output [['a','b','c','d'], [1, 2, 3]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_concat ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} [alpha, numbers].together_concat [4, 5, 6] print alpha # => ["one", "two", "three", 4, 5, 6] print numbers # => ["1", "2", "3", 4, 5, 6] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_delete ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' child1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] child2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] lists = [child1, child2] ret = lists.together_delete 2 print lists # => output [[1, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]] ~~~ if delete target is not exist ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' child1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] child2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] lists = [child1, child2] ret = lists.together_delete 6 print ret # => nil print lists # => output [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]] ~~~ if delete target is not exist and use block ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' child1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] child2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] lists = [child1, child2] ret = lists.together_delete(6) { 999 } print ret # => 999 print lists # => output [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_delete_at if delete_at target is exist ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' child1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] child2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] lists = [child1, child2] ret = lists.together_delete_at 2 print ret # => [3, 4] print lists # => output [[1, 2, 4], [2, 3, 5]] ~~~ if delete_at target is not exist ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' child1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] child2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] lists = [child1, child2] ret = lists.together_delete_at 6 print ret # => [nil, nil] print lists # => output [[1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 3, 4, 5]] ~~~ if delete_at target is exist(minus index) ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' child1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] child2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] lists = [child1, child2] ret = lists.together_delete_at -3 print ret # => [2, 3] print lists # => output [[1, 3, 4], [2, 4, 5]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_delete_if if delete_if target is exist ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [6, 4, 6, 8]] ret = lists.together_delete_if {|first, second|(first + second).odd?} print ret # => [[2, 4], [4, 8]] ~~~ if delete_if target is not exist. return nil. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[2, 2, 4, 4], [6, 4, 6, 8]] ret = lists.together_delete_if {|first, second|(first + second).odd?} print ret # => nil ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_empty? empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_empty? print ret # => true ~~~ not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1], []] ret = lists.together_empty? print ret # => false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_fill not use block case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_fill(99) print ret # => [[99, 99, 99, 99, 99], [99, 99, 99, 99, 99]] ~~~ use block, no args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_fill { |i|(i + 1) + 1 } print ret # => [[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]] ~~~ use block, has args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_fill(2) { |i|(i + 1) + 1 } print ret # => [[1, 2, 4, 5, 6], [6, 7, 4, 5, 6]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_first no args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_first print ret # => [1, 6] ~~~ has args 2 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_first 2 print ret # => [[1, 2], [6, 7]] ~~~ has args 0 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_first 0 print ret # => [[], []] ~~~ has args over size case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_first 6 print ret # => [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_include? together_include? is bulk version of Array#include? together_include? has alias :tinclude? both include single ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_include? 5 print ret # => true ~~~ one include single ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_include? 9 print ret # => true ~~~ both not include single ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_include? 10 print ret # => false ~~~ both include multi ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_include? 5, true print ret # => [true, true] ~~~ one include multi ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_include? 9, true print ret # => [false, true] ~~~ both not include multi ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_include? 10, true print ret # => [false, false] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_index together_index has alias :tindex both index exist case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_index 5 print ret # => [4, 0] ~~~ one include single ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_index 4 print ret # => [3, nil] ~~~ both not include single ret case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_index 10 print ret # => [nil, nil] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_insert together_insert has alias :tinsert both insert exist case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_insert(1, 55, 66) print ret # => [[1, 55, 66, 2, 3, 4, 5], [5, 55, 66, 6, 7, 8, 9]] ~~~ both insert exist and minus index case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_insert(-2, 55, 66) print ret # => [[1, 2, 3, 4, 55, 66, 5], [5, 6, 7, 8, 55, 66, 9]] ~~~ both insert exist case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*5..9]] ret = lists.together_insert(6, 55, 66) print ret # => [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, nil, 55, 66], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, nil, 55, 66]], ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_last together_last has alias :tlast no args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_last print ret # => [5, 10] ~~~ has args 2 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_last 2 print ret # => [[4, 5], [9, 10]] ~~~ has args 0 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_last 0 print ret # => [[], []] ~~~ has args over size case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_last 6 print ret # => [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_map(or tmap, together_collect, tcollect) ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} ret = [alpha, numbers].together_map {|first, second|"#{first}:#{second}"} print ret # => output [one:1, two:2, three:3] ~~~ if you want to return multi array, following. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} ret = [alpha, numbers].together_map {|first, second|[["#{first}:ret"], ["#{second}:ret"]]} print ret # => output [["one:ret", "two:ret", "three:ret"],["1:ret", "2:ret", "3:ret"]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_map!(or tmap!, together_collect!, tcollect!) if you want to return single array, following. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} ary = [alpha, numbers] ret = ary.together_map! do |first, second| "#{first}:#{second}" end print ret # => output ['one:1', 'two:2', 'three:3'] print ary # => output ['one:1', 'two:2', 'three:3'] ~~~ if you want to return multi array, following. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} ary = [alpha, numbers] ret = ary.together_map! do |first, second| ["#{first}:#{second}", "#{second}:#{first}"] end print ret # => output [['1:one', '2:two', '3:three'], ['one:1', 'two:2', 'three:3']] print ary # => output [['1:one', '2:two', '3:three'], ['one:1', 'two:2', 'three:3']] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_pop(or tpop) together_pop has alias :tpop not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_pop print ret # => [2, 6] print lists # => [1, 5] ~~~ empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_pop print ret # => [nil, nil] print lists # => [[], []] ~~~ not empty case with args ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_pop 2 print ret # => [[1, 2], [5, 6]] print lists # => [[], []] ~~~ not empty case with args ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_pop 2 print ret # => [[], []] print lists # => [[], []] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_reduce(or :treduce, :together_inject, :tinject) * if you want to single return ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = [1, 2, 3, 4] seconds = [4, 2, 3, 1] ret = [firsts, seconds].together_reduce{|memo, first, second|memo + first + second} print ret # => output 20 ~~~ * if you want to single return with init value ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = [1, 2, 3, 4] seconds = [4, 2, 3, 1] ret = [firsts, seconds].together_reduce(10){|memo, first, second|memo + first + second} print ret # => output 30 ~~~ * if you want to single return with init string value ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = %w{a b c} seconds = %w{1 2 3} ret = [firsts, seconds].together_reduce('start-'){|memo, first, second|memo + first + second} print ret # => output 'start-a1b2c3' ~~~ * if you want to single return with init Array value ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = [1, 2, 3, 4] seconds = [4, 2, 3, 1] ret = [firsts, seconds].together_reduce([]){|memo, first, second|memo << first + second} print ret # => output [5, 4, 6, 5] ~~~ * if you want to single return with init Hash value ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = [1, 2, 3, 4] seconds = [4, 2, 3, 1] ret = [firsts, seconds].together_reduce({}){|memo, first, second|memo[first] = second;memo} print ret # => output {1=>4, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>1} ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_reverse(or :treverse) together_reverse has alias :treverse not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_reverse print ret # => [[2, 1], [6, 5]] print lists # => [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ~~~ one empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], []] ret = lists.together_reverse print ret # => [[2, 1], []] print lists # => [[1, 2], []] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_reverse!(or :treverse!) together_reverse! has alias :treverse! not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_reverse! print ret # => [[2, 1], [6, 5]] print lists # => [[2, 1], [6, 5]] ~~~ one empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], []] ret = lists.together_reverse! print ret # => [[2, 1], []] print lists # => [[2, 1], []] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_sample(or :tsample) together_sample has alias :tsample not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_sample print ret # => [1 or 2, 5 or 6] ~~~ empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_sample print ret # => [nil, nil] ~~~ not empty case with args ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_sample 2 print ret # => [[1 or 2, 1 or 2], [5 or 6, 5 or 6]] ~~~ not empty case with args ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_sample 2 print ret # => [[], []] ~~~ not empty, over size case with args ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_sample 3 print ret # => [[1 or 2, 1 or 2], [5 or 6, 5 or 6]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_select(or tselect, together_find_all, tfindall) ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = [1, 2, 3, 4] seconds = [4, 2, 3, 1] ret = [firsts, seconds].together_select{|first, second|first == second} print ret # => output [[2, 3], [2, 3]] ~~~ if you want to return multi array, following. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' firsts = [1, 2, 3, 4] seconds = [4, 2, 3, 1] ret = [firsts, seconds].together_select{|first, second|[first.odd?, second.even?]} print ret # => output [[1, 3], [4, 2]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_shift(or tshift) together_shift has alias :tshift not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_shift print ret # => [1, 5] print lists # => [2, 6] ~~~ empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_shift print ret # => [nil, nil] print lists # => [[], []] ~~~ not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_shift 2 print ret # => [[1, 2], [5, 6]] print lists # => [[], []] ~~~ not empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[], []] ret = lists.together_shift 2 print ret # => [[], []] print lists # => [[], []] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_shuffle(or :tshuffle) together_shuffle has alias :tshuffle ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[1, 2], [5, 6]] ret = lists.together_shuffle print ret # => [[1 or 2, 1 or 2], [5 or 6, 5 or 6]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_slice(or :tslice) single args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_slice 2 print ret # => [3, 8] ~~~ multi args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_slice 2, 2 print ret # => [[3, 4], [8, 9]] ~~~ range args case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' lists = [[*1..5], [*6..10]] ret = lists.together_slice (2..3) print ret # => [[3, 4], [8, 9]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Array#together_with_index ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' alpha = %w{one two three} numbers = %w{1 2 3} [alpha, numbers].together_with_index do |first, second, index| print "#{index.to_s}:#{first}:#{second}\n" # => output 0:one:1, 1:two:2, 2:three:3 end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### AttributesHashable.to_hash ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' require 'attributes_hashable' class Hoge include AttributesInitializable attr_accessor_init :hoge, :hige include AttributesHashable end hoge = Hoge.new do |h| h.hoge = 'hoge' h.hige = 'hige' end hoge.to_hash # => {:hoge=>"hoge", :hige=>"hige"} # After include AttributesHashable, you can use Hash.try_convert. Hash.try_convert hoge # => {:hoge=>"hoge", :hige=>"hige"} ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_accessor_init ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' class AccessorSample include AttributesInitializable attr_accessor_init :atr1, :atr2 end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 ~~~ same mean code is ~~~ruby class AccessorSample attr_accessor :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(values = nil, &block) return yield self if block @atr1 = values[:atr1] @atr2 = values[:atr2] end end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_reader_init ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' class AccessorSample include AttributesInitializable attr_reader_init :atr1, :atr2 end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 # can not use writer. # atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| # a.atr1 = 'atr1' # a.atr2 = 'atr2' # end ~~~ same mean code is ~~~ruby class AccessorSample attr_reader :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(values = nil, &block) return yield self if block @atr1 = values[:atr1] @atr2 = values[:atr2] end end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 # can not use writer. # atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| # a.atr1 = 'atr1' # a.atr2 = 'atr2' # end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_writer_init ~~~ruby require 'attributes_initializable' class AccessorSample include AttributesInitializable attr_writer_init :atr1, :atr2 end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' # can not use reader # p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end # can not use reader # p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 ~~~ same mean code is ~~~ruby class AccessorSample attr_writer :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(values = nil, &block) return yield self if block @atr1 = values[:atr1] @atr2 = values[:atr2] end end atr_sample1 = AccessorSample.new :atr1 => 'atr1', :atr2 => 'atr2' # can not use reader # p atr_sample1.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample1.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample1.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 atr_sample2 = AccessorSample.new do |a| a.atr1 = 'atr1' a.atr2 = 'atr2' end # can not use reader # p atr_sample2.atr1 # => atr1 # p atr_sample2.atr2 # => atr2 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr1" # => atr1 atr_sample2.instance_variable_get "@atr2" # => atr2 ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EndERB.apply for single template script using __END__ and DATA sample case ~~~ruby require "end_erb" def hoge hash = { hoge: '@hoge@', hige: '@hige@', } EndERB.apply(hash) end puts hoge __END__ hoge=<%=hash[:hoge]%> hige=<%=hash[:hige]%> ~~~ output ~~~ hoge=@hoge@ hige=@hige@ ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Familyable 5 person case ~~~ruby require 'familyable' persons = [ a = Familyable::Person.new(id: 1, parent_ids: [2, 3]), b = Familyable::Person.new(id: 2, parent_ids: []), c = Familyable::Person.new(id: 3, parent_ids: [4],), d = Familyable::Person.new(id: 4, parent_ids: [3]), e = Familyable::Person.new(id: 5, parent_ids: [2]), ] family = Familyable::Family.new(family: persons) family.get_parents a # => return person [b, c] family.get_children b # => return person [a, e] family.get_brothers a # => return person [d, e] ~~~ If you want to use other model instead of person, Create model that has two fileds that are 'id' and 'parent_ids'. [back to list](#list) ### Fixnum.to_fixnum_html_table 1 to 10 by 2 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Fixnum.to_fixnum_html_table(1, 10, 2) ~~~ result ~~~
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Fixnum.to_fixnum_table 1 to 100 by 10 case ~~~ruby Fixnum.to_fixnum_table(1, 100, 10) ~~~ result ~~~ | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| |11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19| 20| |21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29| 30| |31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39| 40| |41|42|43|44|45|46|47|48|49| 50| |51|52|53|54|55|56|57|58|59| 60| |61|62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69| 70| |71|72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79| 80| |81|82|83|84|85|86|87|88|89| 90| |91|92|93|94|95|96|97|98|99|100| ~~~ 1 to 10 by 2 case ~~~ruby Fixnum.to_fixnum_table(1, 10, 2) ~~~ result ~~~ |1| 2| |3| 4| |5| 6| |7| 8| |9|10| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Ghostable * include Ghostable * create ghost method by using Ghostable::ghost_method * ghost_method first_args = method_name_pattern * ghost_method second_args = method_base_name Symbol(using in Ghostable internal logic) * ghost_method third = block. this block is main logic. block can use args[method_name, *args, &block] sample ghost method define module. ~~~ruby require 'ghostable' module Checkable include Ghostable ghost_method /check_range_.*\?$/, :check_range do |method_name, *args, &block| method_name.to_s =~ /(check_range_)(\d+)(_to_)(\d*)/ from = $2.to_i to = $4.to_i value = args.first (from..to).include? value end ghost_method /^contain_.*\?$/, :check_contain do |method_name, *args, &block| method_name.to_s =~ /^(contain_)(.*)(\?)/ word = $2 value = args.first value.include? word end end ~~~ * use ghost method sample ghost method use class ~~~ruby class SampleChecker include Checkable end sample = SampleChecker.new sample.check_range_3_to_5?(4) # => return true sample.check_range_3_to_5?(6) # => return false sample.check_range_3_to_6?(6) # => return true sample.contain_hoge? "test_hoge_test" # => return true sample.contain_hoge? "test_hige_test" # => return false sample.contain_hige? "test_hige_test" # => return true ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#capture_stdout capture STDOUT to String. This method can use in STDOUT contents test. ~~~ruby require 'test_toolbox' result = capture_stdout {puts "test"} # => "test" # no stdout case. return empty. result = capture_stdout {sleep 0.1} # => ""(empty) ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#dp_line debug print line for print-debugging. ~~~ruby require 'test_toolbox' # default usage dp_line __LINE__ # output is following. yy = line no. # => --------------------|filename=|line=yy|--------------------\n # output with filename dp_line __LINE__, filename: __FILE__ # output is following. xx=filenamem, yy = line no. # => --------------------|filename=xx|line=yy|--------------------\n # output with specific line charactor. dp_line __LINE__, filename: __FILE__, char: '@' # output is following. xx=filenamem, yy = line no. # => @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|filename=xx|line=yy$|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Hash#html_table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' { :key_1 => :value1, :key__2 => :value2, :key___3 => :value3, }.html_table ~~~ result ~~~
key_1 value1
key__2 value2
key___3 value3
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Hash#table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' { :key_1 => :value1___________________, :key__2 => :value2, :key___3 => :value3, }.table ~~~ result ~~~ruby |key_1 |value1___________________| |key__2 |value2 | |key___3|value3 | ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Integer#palindromic_prime ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 0.palindromic_prime? # => false 1.palindromic_prime? # => false 2.palindromic_prime? # => true 11.palindromic_prime? # => true 757.palindromic_prime? # => true 758.palindromic_prime? # => false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel booleans ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' puts yes # return true puts ok # return true puts good # return true puts no # return false puts ng # return false puts bad # return false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#bulk_define_methods Define methods to classes. Methods have simple return value. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' bulk_define_methods [NilClass, FalseClass], :blank?, true bulk_define_methods [TrueClass, Numeric], "blank?", false puts nil.blank? # => true puts false.blank? # => true puts true.blank? # => false puts 1.blank? # => false bulk_define_methods [NilClass, FalseClass], [:blank?, :present?], [true, false] bulk_define_methods [TrueClass, Numeric], [:blank?, :present?], [false, true] puts nil.blank? # => true puts nil.present? # => false puts false.blank? # => true puts false.present? # => false puts true.blank? # => false puts true.present? # => true puts 1.blank? # => false puts 1.present? # => true ~~~ if you don't use bulk_define_methods, followinng code is same mean. ~~~ruby class NilClass def blank? true end def present? false end end class FalseClass def blank? true end def present? false end end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#aa_ancestors Ascii Art Ancestors ~~~ruby class BaseHogeForAncestors;end class HogeForAncestors < BaseHogeForAncestors;end puts HogeForAncestors.aa_ancestors ~~~ result is ... ~~~ ---------------------- | BasicObject | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | Kernel | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | Object | ---------------------- | ---------------------- |BaseHogeForAncestors| ---------------------- | ---------------------- | HogeForAncestors | ---------------------- ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#evalb ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' n = 1 actual = evalb(binding) do <<-EOS n = n + 1 n = n + 2 EOS end print actual # => 4 ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#hash_to_attributes ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' class Person attr_accessor :name, :age end person = Person.new person.hash_to_attributes({name: 'hoge', age: 33}) ~~~ result ~~~ruby # ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#null ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' null # => nil ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#print_eval This method for sample code. for manual, for blog-entry's-snippet ...etc. ~~~ruby print_eval 8/4, binding # => 8/4 # => 2 message = 'msg' print_eval "hoge-#{message}", binding # => "hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ output ~~~ 8/4 # => 2"hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#puts_eval This method for sample code. for manual, for blog-entry's-snippet ...etc. ~~~ruby puts_eval 8/4, binding message = 'msg' puts_eval "hoge-#{message}", binding # => "hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ output ~~~ 8/4 # => 2 "hoge-#{message}" # => "hoge-msg" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Kernel#bulk_puts_eval multi line version of puts_eval. ~~~ruby message = "msg" bulk_puts_eval binding, <<-EOS "hoge-hige1" + "add" + message "hoge-hige2" + "add" + message EOS ~~~ output ~~~ "hoge-hige1" + "add" + message # => "hoge-hige1addmsg" "hoge-hige2" + "add" + message # => "hoge-hige2addmsg" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper Object enable to use EvalHelper in Object ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper_object' require_code("hoge") # => 'require "hoge"' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#attr_accessor_init_code single case ~~~ruby class EvalHelperAttrAccessorInitTest include EvalHelper def hoge(args) attr_accessor_init_code(args) end end EvalHelperAttrAccessorInitTest.new.hoge('atr1') ~~~ result ~~~ruby attr_accessor :atr1 def initialize(atr1) @atr1 = atr1 end ~~~ multi case ~~~ruby class EvalHelperAttrAccessorInitTest include EvalHelper def hoge(args) attr_accessor_init_code(args) end end EvalHelperAttrAccessorInitTest.new.hoge(['atr1', 'atr2']) ~~~ result ~~~ruby attr_accessor :atr1, :atr2 def initialize(atr1, atr2) @atr1 = atr1 @atr2 = atr2 end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#each_do_code ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperEacjBraceTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) each_do_code(hash[:target], hash[:proc]) end end hash = { target: '[:a, :b]', proc: "puts \"\#{v}1\"\nputs \"\#{v}2\"\n", } EvalHelperEacjBraceTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return "[:a, :b].each do |v|\n puts \"\#{v}1\"\n puts \"\#{v}2\"\nend" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#each_brace_code ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperEacjBraceTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) each_brace_code(hash[:target], hash[:proc]) end end hash = { target: '[:a, :b]', proc: 'puts v', } EvalHelperEacjBraceTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return '[:a, :b].each { |v|puts v }' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#each_with_index_brace_code ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperEachWithIndexBraceTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) each_with_index_brace_code(hash[:target], hash[:proc]) end end hash = { target: '[:a, :b]', proc: 'puts "#{i}:#{v}"', } EvalHelperEachWithIndexBraceTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return '[:a, :b].each_with_index { |v, i|puts "#{i}:#{v}" }' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#each_with_index_do_code ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperEachWithIndexDoTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) each_with_index_do_code(hash[:target], hash[:proc]) end end hash = { target: '[:a, :b]', proc: "puts \"\#{i}:\#{v}1\"\nputs \"\#{i}:\#{v}2\"\n", } EvalHelperEachWithIndexDoTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return "[:a, :b].each_with_index do |v, i|\n puts \"\#{i}:\#{v}1\"\n puts \"\#{i}:\#{v}2\"\nend" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#if_code if case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = if_code(hash[:if_cond], hash[:if_proc], hash[:else_proc]) instance_eval code end end hash = { input: "test", if_cond: "msg == 'test'", if_proc: "true", else_proc: "false", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return true ~~~ else case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = if_code(hash[:if_cond], hash[:if_proc], hash[:else_proc]) instance_eval code end end hash = { input: "not_test", if_cond: "msg == 'test'", if_proc: "true", else_proc: "false", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#if_code_after if case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = if_code_after(hash[:if_cond], hash[:if_proc]) ret = 'dafault' instance_eval code ret end end hash = { input: "test", if_cond: "msg == 'test'", if_proc: "ret = 'true'", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return 'true' ~~~ else case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = if_code_after(hash[:if_cond], hash[:if_proc]) ret = 'ret = "true"' instance_eval code ret end end hash = { input: "not_test", if_cond: "msg == 'test'", if_proc: "ret = 'true'", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return 'default' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#require_code single require case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperRequireTest include EvalHelper def hoge(*args) require_code(args) end end args = 'tbpgr_utils' EvalHelperRequireTest.new.hoge(args) # => return "require 'tbpgr_utils'\n" ~~~ muiti require case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperRequireTest include EvalHelper def hoge(*args) require_code(args) end end args = ['tbpgr_utils', 'eval_helper'] EvalHelperRequireTest.new.hoge(args) # => return "require 'tbpgr_utils'\nrequire 'eval_helper'\n" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#require_relative_code single require_relative case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperRequireRelativeTest include EvalHelper def hoge(*args) require_relative_code(args) end end args = 'tbpgr_utils' EvalHelperRequireRelativeTest.new.hoge(args) # => return "require_relative 'tbpgr_utils'\n" ~~~ muiti require_relative case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperRequireRelativeTest include EvalHelper def hoge(*args) require_relative_code(args) end end args = ['tbpgr_utils', 'eval_helper'] EvalHelperRequireRelativeTest.new.hoge(args) # => return "require_relative 'tbpgr_utils'\nrequire_relative 'eval_helper'\n" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#set_variable_code set string variable case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperSetVariableTest include EvalHelper def hoge(name, value) set_variable_code(name, value) end end hash = { name: 'hoge', value: '"hoge"', } EvalHelperSetVariableTest.new.hoge(hash[:name], hash[:value]) ~~~ return ~~~ruby hoge = "hoge" ~~~ set numeric variable case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperSetVariableTest include EvalHelper def hoge(name, value) set_variable_code(name, value) end end hash = { name: 'hoge_num', value: '1', } EvalHelperSetVariableTest.new.hoge(hash[:name], hash[:value]) ~~~ return ~~~ruby hoge_num = 1 ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#set_variables_code ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperSetVariablesTest include EvalHelper def hoge(variables) set_variables_code(variables) end end variables = [ { name: 'name1', value: '"value1"', }, { name: 'name2', value: '"value2"', }, ] EvalHelperSetVariablesTest.new.hoge(variables) ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#times_code single_line_proc case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTimesTest include EvalHelper def hoge(number, proc) times_code(number, proc) end end hash = { number: 2, proc: 'puts "#{i}times"', } EvalHelperTimesTest.new.hoge(hash[:number], hash[:proc]) ~~~ return ~~~ 2.times { |i| puts "#{i}times" } ~~~ multi_line_proc case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTimesTest include EvalHelper def hoge(number, proc) times_code(number, proc) end end hash = { number: 3, proc: 'puts "#{i}times"\nputs "#{i*2}times"', } EvalHelperTimesTest.new.hoge(hash[:number], hash[:proc]) ~~~ return ~~~ 3.times do |i| puts "#{i}times" puts "#{i*2}times" end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#ternary_operator true case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTernaryTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = \ if hash[:ret] ternary_operator(hash[:cond], hash[:true_case], hash[:false_case], hash[:ret]) else ternary_operator(hash[:cond], hash[:true_case], hash[:false_case]) end instance_eval code end end hash = { input: "test", cond: "msg == 'test'", true_case: "true", false_case: "false", ret: "ret", } EvalHelperTernaryTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return 'true' ~~~ false case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTernaryTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = \ if hash[:ret] ternary_operator(hash[:cond], hash[:true_case], hash[:false_case], hash[:ret]) else ternary_operator(hash[:cond], hash[:true_case], hash[:false_case]) end instance_eval code end end hash = { input: "not_test", cond: "msg == 'test'", true_case: "true", false_case: "false", ret: "ret", } EvalHelperTernaryTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return 'false' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#unless_code unless case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = unless_code(hash[:unless_cond], hash[:unless_proc], hash[:else_proc]) instance_eval code end end hash = { input: "not_test", unless_cond: "msg == 'test'", unless_proc: "true", else_proc: "false", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return true ~~~ else case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = unless_code(hash[:unless_cond], hash[:unless_proc], hash[:else_proc]) instance_eval code end end hash = { input: "test", unless_cond: "msg == 'test'", unless_proc: "true", else_proc: "false", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### EvalHelper#unless_code_after unless case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = unless_code_after(hash[:unless_cond], hash[:unless_proc]) ret = 'dafault' instance_eval code ret end end hash = { input: "not_test", unless_cond: "msg == 'test'", unless_proc: "ret = 'true'", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return 'true' ~~~ else case ~~~ruby require 'eval_helper' class EvalHelperTest include EvalHelper def hoge(hash) msg = hash[:input] code = unless_code_after(hash[:unless_cond], hash[:unless_proc]) ret = 'ret = "true"' instance_eval code ret end end hash = { input: "test", unless_cond: "msg == 'test'", unless_proc: "ret = 'true'", } EvalHelperTest.new.hoge(hash) # => return 'default' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MarkdownString.heading1 ~~~ruby require 'markdown_string' MarkdownString.heading1("title") # => "# title" MarkdownString.heading1("") # => "# " MarkdownString.heading1(nil) # => "# " MarkdownString.heading1(12345) # => "# 12345" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MarkdownString.heading2 ~~~ruby require 'markdown_string' MarkdownString.heading2("title") # => "## title" MarkdownString.heading2("") # => "## " MarkdownString.heading2(nil) # => "## " MarkdownString.heading2(12345) # => "## 12345" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MarkdownString.heading3 ~~~ruby require 'markdown_string' MarkdownString.heading3("title") # => "### title" MarkdownString.heading3("") # => "### " MarkdownString.heading3(nil) # => "### " MarkdownString.heading3(12345) # => "### 12345" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MarkdownString.heading4 ~~~ruby require 'markdown_string' MarkdownString.heading4("title") # => "#### title" MarkdownString.heading4("") # => "#### " MarkdownString.heading4(nil) # => "#### " MarkdownString.heading4(12345) # => "#### 12345" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MarkdownString.heading5 ~~~ruby require 'markdown_string' MarkdownString.heading5("title") # => "##### title" MarkdownString.heading5("") # => "##### " MarkdownString.heading5(nil) # => "##### " MarkdownString.heading5(12345) # => "##### 12345" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MarkdownString.heading6 ~~~ruby require 'markdown_string' MarkdownString.heading6("title") # => "###### title" MarkdownString.heading6("") # => "###### " MarkdownString.heading6(nil) # => "###### " MarkdownString.heading6(12345) # => "###### 12345" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### MetasyntacticVariable * META variable ~~~ruby MetasyntacticVariable::META_VARIABLES # => [:foo, :bar, :baz, :qux, :quux, :corge, :grault, :garply, :waldo, :fred, :plugh, :xyzzy, :thud] MetasyntacticVariable.meta_variables # => [:foo, :bar, :baz, :qux, :quux, :corge, :grault, :garply, :waldo, :fred, :plugh, :xyzzy, :thud] ~~~ * META variable for classes ~~~ruby MetasyntacticVariable::META_CLASSES # => [:foo, :bar, :baz, :qux, :quux, :corge, :grault, :garply, :waldo, :fred, :plugh, :xyzzy, :thud] MetasyntacticVariable.meta_classes # => [:foo, :bar, :baz, :qux, :quux, :corge, :grault, :garply, :waldo, :fred, :plugh, :xyzzy, :thud] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Module.alias_methods create alias methods. ~~~ruby require "tbpgr_utils" class Hoge def hoge "hoge" end alias_methods [:hige, :hege, :huge], :hoge end Hoge.new.hoge # => "hoge" Hoge.new.hige # => "hoge" Hoge.new.hege # => "hoge" Hoge.new.huge # => "hoge" ~~~ same code is... ~~~ class Hoge def hoge "hoge" end alias_method :hige, :hoge alias_method :hege, :hoge alias_method :huge, :hoge end ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric#dice_back each 1-6 case ~~~ruby 1.dice_back # => return 6 2.dice_back # => return 5 3.dice_back # => return 4 4.dice_back # => return 3 5.dice_back # => return 2 6.dice_back # => return 1 ~~~ other case ~~~ruby 7.dice_back # => return 7 ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric#dozen 0,1,2 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 0.dozen # => return 0 1.dozen # => return 12 2.dozen # => return 24 ~~~ [back to list](#list) [back to list](#list) ### Numeric#is_ascii? 1,127,128 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 1.is_ascii? # => return true 127.is_ascii? # => return true 128.is_ascii? # => return false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_binary_html_table [back to list](#list) ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_binary_html_table(255, 256) ~~~ result ~~~
10digit 2digit
255 0000000011111111
256 0000000100000000
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_binary_table 1 to 3 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_binary_table(1, 3) ~~~ result ~~~ |10digit|2digit | |1 |00000001| |2 |00000010| |3 |00000011| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_digit_html_table 255 to 256 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_digit_html_table(255, 256) ~~~ result ~~~html
10digit 2digit 8digit 16digit
255 0000000011111111 377 00ff
256 0000000100000000 400 0100
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_digit_table 255 to 256 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_digit_table(255, 256) ~~~ result ~~~ |10digit| 2digit|8digit|16digit| | 255|0000000011111111| 377| 00ff| | 256|0000000100000000| 400| 0100| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_hex_html_table 65535 to 65536 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_hex_html_table(65535, 65536) ~~~ result ~~~
10digit 16digit
65535 0000ffff
65536 00010000
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_hex_table 65535 to 65536 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_hex_table(65535, 65536) ~~~ result ~~~ |10digit| 16digit| | 65535|0000ffff| | 65536|00010000| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_oct_html_table 65535 to 65536 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_oct_html_table(65535, 65536) ~~~ result ~~~
10digit 8digit
65535 177777
65536 200000
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Numeric to_oct_table 65535 to 65536 case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' Numeric.to_oct_table(65535, 65536) ~~~ result ~~~ |10digit|8digit| | 65535|177777| | 65536|200000| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#any_of? ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' p 'hoge'.any_of? 'hoge', 'hige' # =>true p 'hoge'.any_of?(*%w{hoge hige}) # =>true p 'hige'.any_of? 'hoge', 'hige' # =>true p 'hege'.any_of? 'hoge', 'hige' # =>false p 1.any_of? 1, 2, 3 # =>true p 4.any_of? 1, 2, 3 # =>false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#boolean? ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' p true.boolean? # =>true p false.boolean? # =>true p nil.boolean? # =>false p "".boolean? # =>false p "true".boolean? # =>false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#guard guard return case ~~~ruby def hoge(msg) guard(msg) {return "guard"} "not guard" end hoge true # => "guard" hoge false # => "not guard" ~~~ guard fail case ~~~ruby def hoge(msg) guard(msg) {fail ArgumentError, 'error!!'} "not guard" end hoge true # => raise ArgumentError. message = error!! hoge false # => "not guard" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#method_nameable? ~~~ruby require 'tbpbr_utils' "string".method_nameable? # => true :symbol.method_nameable? # => true 1.method_nameable? # => false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#unless_guard unless_guard return case ~~~ruby def hoge(msg) unless_guard(msg) {return "unless_guard"} "not unless_guard" end hoge false # => "unless_guard" hoge true # => "not unless_guard" ~~~ unless_guard fail case ~~~ruby def hoge(msg) unless_guard(msg) {fail ArgumentError, 'error!!'} "not unless_guard" end hoge false # => raise ArgumentError. message = error!! hoge true # => "not unless_guard" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#my_methods ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' class Hoge def hgoe end protected def hige end private def hege end end p Hoge.new.my_methods # =>[:hoge, :hige, :hege] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#null? ~~~ruby hoge = nil hoge.null? # true hoge = 'hoge' hoge.null? # false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Object#to_bool ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' p true.to_bool # => true p false.to_bool # => false p 'true'.to_bool # => true p 'false'.to_bool # => true p nil.to_bool # => false p 0.to_bool # => true ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### SimpleTournament init tournament ~~~ruby require 'simple_tournament' st = SimpleTournament.new 3 print st.tournament # => [[nil], [nil, nil], [nil, nil]] ~~~ apply challengers ~~~ruby require 'simple_tournament' st = SimpleTournament.new 3 st.apply_challengers [*1..3] print st.tournament # => [[nil], [1, nil], [3, 2]] ~~~ start tournament match ~~~ruby require 'simple_tournament' st = SimpleTournament.new 3 st.apply_challengers [*1..3] st.start_match Proc.new { |one, other| rets = [] winner = (one > other ? one : other) rets << winner rets << "#{one} : #{other} 's winner is #{winner}" rets } print st.tournament # => [[3], [1, 3], [3, 2]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#ascii1_other2_size ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'abc'.ord.ascii1_other2_size # => 3 'abc'.ord.ascii1_other2_size # => 6 'aabbcc'.ord.ascii1_other2_size # => 9 ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#ascii_unicode_html_table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'aあb'.ascii_unicode_html_table ~~~ result ~~~
char ASCII ascii2 Unicode
a 97 1100001 --
-- -- 0x3042
b 98 1100010 --
~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#ascii_unicode_table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'aあb'.ascii_unicode_table ~~~ result ~~~ |char|ASCII|ascii2 |Unicode| | a | 97 |1100001| -- | | あ | -- | -- |0x3042 | | b | 98 |1100010| -- | ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#comma_to_a space commma case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' '1, 5, 9'.comma_to_a # => ["1", "5", "9"] ~~~ commma case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' '1,5,9'.comma_to_a # => ["1", "5", "9"] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#cygwinpath_to_winpath ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' '/cygdrive/c/hoge/hoge.txt'.cygwinpath_to_winpath # => 'C:\hoge\hoge.txt' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#escape_quote ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' "hoge'hige".escape_quote # => "hoge''hige" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#escape_double_quote ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge"hige'.escape_double_quote # => 'hoge""hige' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#hyphen_to_a number case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' '1-5'.hyphen_to_a # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ~~~ alphabet case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' '"a"-"e"'.hyphen_to_a # => ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#is_meta_variable? ~~~ruby 'foo'.is_meta_variable? # => true 'bar'.is_meta_variable? # => true 'baz'.is_meta_variable? # => true 'aaa'.is_meta_variable? # => false ''.is_meta_variable? # => false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#justify_table ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' str =<<-EOS |* hogehogehoge|* hege|* hige| |test|tester|testest| |test|tester|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatestest| EOS puts str.justify_table ~~~ output ~~~ |* hogehogehoge|* hage|* hige | |test |tester|testest | |test |tester|aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatestest| ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#say default case ~~~ruby 'hoge'.say # => 'hoge' ~~~ quote case ~~~ruby 'hoge'.say(:quote) # => 'hoge' ~~~ dquote case ~~~ruby 'hoge'.say(:dquote) # => "hoge" ~~~ bracket case ~~~ruby 'hoge'.say(:bracket) # => [hoge] ~~~ hyphen case ~~~ruby 'hoge'.say(:hyphen) # => -hoge- ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#spacing ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' hoge = 'hoge' hoge.spacing # => 'h o g e' hoge.spacing({char: '_', size: 2}) # => 'h__o__g__e' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#stripe default case ~~~ ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge'.stripe # => HoGe ~~~ lower_cap case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge'.stripe :lower_cap # => hOgE ~~~ empty case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' ''.stripe # => '' ~~~ nil case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' hoge = nil hoge.stripe # => nil ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#surround single line, no option case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge'.surround ~~~ result ~~~ ------ |hoge| ------ ~~~ multi line, no option case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' "hoge\na".surround ~~~ result ~~~ ------ |hoge| |a | ------ ~~~ single line, both option case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge'.surround top_bottom: '=', side: '!' ~~~ result ~~~ ====== !hoge! ====== ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#table_to_array sample case. ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' BEFORE =<<-EOS |header1|header2 |header3| |line1_1| line1_2|line1_3| EOS BEFORE.table_to_array ~~~ result ~~~ruby [["header1", "header2", "header3"], ["line1_1", "line1_2", "line1_3"]] ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#to_hatena_heading > case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige'.to_hatena_heading # => '*hoge\n**hige' ~~~ \+ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge+hige'.to_hatena_heading # => '*hoge\n*hige' ~~~ ^ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige^hege'.to_hatena_heading # => '*hoge\n**hige\n*hege' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#to_markdown_heading > case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige'.to_markdown_heading # => '# hoge\n## hige' ~~~ \+ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge+hige'.to_markdown_heading # => '# hoge\n# hige' ~~~ ^ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige^hege'.to_markdown_heading # => '# hoge\n## hige\n# hege' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#to_space2_heading > case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige'.to_space2_heading # => 'hoge\n hige' ~~~ \+ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge+hige'.to_space2_heading # => 'hoge\nhige' ~~~ ^ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige^hege'.to_space2_heading # => 'hoge\n hige\nhege' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#to_space4_heading > case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige'.to_space4_heading # => 'hoge\n hige' ~~~ \+ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge+hige'.to_space4_heading # => 'hoge\nhige' ~~~ ^ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige^hege'.to_space4_heading # => 'hoge\n hige\nhege' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#to_tab_heading > case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige'.to_tab_heading # => 'hoge\n\thige' ~~~ \+ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge+hige'.to_tab_heading # => 'hoge\nhige' ~~~ ^ case ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge>hige^hege'.to_tab_heading # => 'hoge\n\thige\nhege' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#unescape_double_quote ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'hoge""hige'.unescape_double_quote # => 'hoge"hige' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#unescape_quote ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' "hoge''h''ige".unescape_quote # => "hoge'h'ige" ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### String#winpath_to_cygwinpath ~~~ruby require 'tbpgr_utils' 'C:\hoge\hoge.txt'.winpath_to_cygwinpath # => '/cygdrive/c/hoge/hoge.txt' ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Symbol#is_meta_variable? ~~~ruby :foo.is_meta_variable? # => true :bar.is_meta_variable? # => true :baz.is_meta_variable? # => true :aaa.is_meta_variable? # => false ~~~ [back to list](#list) ### Templatable * include Templatable * set template by here-document * in template, parameter must name 'placeholders[:xxxxx]'. xxxxx is your favorite name. * when create instance, you must set materials to create template. after, you can get this value from @materials. * you must create manufactured_xxx methods. xxx is each-placeholder name. * you can get result by 'result' method. ~~~ruby require 'templatable' class TemplateUser include Templatable template <<-EOS line1:<%=placeholders[:hoge]%> line2:<%=placeholders[:hige]%> EOS def manufactured_hoge "hoge-#{@materials}" end def manufactured_hige "hige-#{@materials}" end end p TemplateUser.new('sample').result ~~~ output ~~~ line1:hoge-sample line2:hige-sample ~~~ [back to list](#list) ## TemplateMethodable sample usage ~~~ruby require "template_methodable" # sample BaseClass class BaseDeveloper include TemplateMethodable must_impl :easy_coding, :difficult_coding, :normal_coding module DIFFICILTY EASY = 1 NORMAL = 2 DIFFICILT = 3 end def coding(difficulty) ret = [] ret << "start coding" case difficulty when DIFFICILTY::EASY ret << easy_coding when DIFFICILTY::NORMAL ret << normal_coding when DIFFICILTY::DIFFICILT ret << difficult_coding else fail 'error' end ret << "finish coding" ret.join("\n") end end # sample valid Concrete Class. class StarDeveloper < BaseDeveloper def easy_coding "complete 1 minutes" end def normal_coding "complete 10 minutes" end def difficult_coding "complete 59 minutes" end end # sample invalid Concrete Class. if call NormalDeveloper#difficult_coding, it raises NotImplementedError. class NormalDeveloper < BaseDeveloper def easy_coding "complete 10 minutes" end def normal_coding "complete 100 minutes" end end ~~~ ## Relation if you are Sublime Text2 user, you can use snippet for TbpgrUtils. https://github.com/tbpgr/tbpgr_utils_snippets ## History * version 0.0.106 : add MarkdownString#heading3, heading4, heading5, heading6 * version 0.0.105 : add MarkdownString#heading2 * version 0.0.104 : add MarkdownString#heading1. remove File.insert_bom. * version 0.0.103 : add Integer#palindromic_prime * version 0.0.102 : add String#cygwinpath_to_winpath * version 0.0.101 : add String#winpath_to_cygwinpath * version 0.0.100 : add String#ascii_unicode_html_table * version 0.0.99 : add Numeric.to_oct_html_table * version 0.0.98 : add Numeric.to_hex_html_table * version 0.0.97 : add Numeric.to_digit_html_table * version 0.0.96 : add Numeric.to_binary_html_table * version 0.0.95 : add Hash#html_table * version 0.0.94 : add String#unescape_quote * version 0.0.93 : add String#unescape_double_quote * version 0.0.92 : add Fixnum.to_fixnum_html_table * version 0.0.91 : add Array#to_html_table * version 0.0.90 : add Kernel#hash_to_attributes * version 0.0.89 : add String#escape_quote * version 0.0.88 : add String#escape_double_quote * version 0.0.87 : add String#spacing * version 0.0.86 : add Familyable * version 0.0.85 : add String#table_to_array * version 0.0.84 : add Fixnum to_fixnum_table * version 0.0.83 : add Numeric to_digit_table * version 0.0.82 : add Numeric to_oct_table * version 0.0.81 : add Numeric to_hex_table * version 0.0.80 : add Numeric to_binary_table * version 0.0.79 : add Array#to_table * version 0.0.78 : add String#ascii_unicode_table * version 0.0.77 : add String#is_meta_variable?, Symbol#is_meta_variable? * version 0.0.76 : add EvalHelper#attr_init_class_code, Numeric#is_ascii?, String#ascii1_other2_size * version 0.0.75 : add Object#method_nameable? * version 0.0.74 : add Hash#table * version 0.0.73 : add Kernel#evalb * version 0.0.72 : add Kernel#null, Object#null? * version 0.0.71 : add Kernel booleans * version 0.0.70 : add SimpleTournament * version 0.0.69 : add Numeric#dozen * version 0.0.68 : add Numeric#dice_back * version 0.0.67 : add EvalHelper#attr_accessor_init_code * version 0.0.66 : add EvalHelper#each_with_index_do_code * version 0.0.65 : add EvalHelper#each_with_index_brace_code * version 0.0.64 : add EvalHelper#each_do_code * version 0.0.63 : add EvalHelper#each_brace_code, String#hyphen_to_a, String#commma_to_a * version 0.0.62 : add EvalHelper#set_variables_code * version 0.0.61 : add EvalHelper#set_variable_code * version 0.0.60 : add EvalHelper#times_code * version 0.0.59 : add EvalHelper Object * version 0.0.58 : add EvalHelper#require_relative_code * version 0.0.57 : add EvalHelper#require_code * version 0.0.56 : add EvalHelper#toternary_operator * version 0.0.55 : add EvalHelper#unless_code_after * version 0.0.54 : add EvalHelper#unless_code * version 0.0.53 : add EvalHelper#if_code_after * version 0.0.52 : add EvalHelper#if_code * version 0.0.51 : add String#to_hatena_heading * version 0.0.50 : add String#to_markdown_heading * version 0.0.49 : add String#to_tab_heading * version 0.0.48 : add String#to_space4_heading * version 0.0.47 : add String#to_space2_heading * version 0.0.46 : add String#stripe * version 0.0.45 : add String#say * version 0.0.44 : add EndERB.apply * version 0.0.43 : add Array#together_slice(alias tslice). * version 0.0.42 : add MetasyntacticVariable * version 0.0.41 : add Object#guard, unless_guard * version 0.0.40 : add Kernel#aa_ancestors. * version 0.0.39 : add String#surround. * version 0.0.38 : add Array#together_shuffle(alias tshuffle). * version 0.0.37 : add Array#together_sample(alias tsample). * version 0.0.36 : add Array#together_reverse,Array#together_reverse!(alias treverse, alias treverse!). * version 0.0.35 : add Array#together_pop(alias tpop). * version 0.0.34 : add Array#together_last(alias tlast). * version 0.0.33 : add Array#together_shift(alias tshift). * version 0.0.32 : add Array#together_insert(alias tinsert). * version 0.0.31 : add Array#together_index(alias tindex). * version 0.0.30 : add Array#together_include?(alias tinclude?). * version 0.0.29 : add Array#together_first(alias tfirst). * version 0.0.28 : add Array#together_fill(alias tfill). add File.insert_bom. * version 0.0.27 : add Array#together_empty?(alias tempty?) * version 0.0.26 : add Array#together_delete_if(alias tdelete_if) * version 0.0.25 : add Array#together_delete_at(alias tdelete_at) * version 0.0.24 : add Array#together_delete(alias tdelete) * version 0.0.23 : add Array#together_map!(aliases => [tmap!, together_collect!, tcollect!]) * version 0.0.22 : add Array#together_compact. together_compact has alias :tcompact. Array#together_compact!. together_compact! has alias :tcompact!. * version 0.0.21 : add Array#together_clear. together_clear has alias :tclear * version 0.0.20 : add Array#together_at. together_at has alias :tat * version 0.0.19 : add AttributesHashable module. * version 0.0.18 : add Array#together_concat. together_concat has alias tconcat * version 0.0.17 : add Array#together_reduce(or treduce, together_inject, tinject) * version 0.0.16 : add Array#together_select(or tselect, together_find_all, tfindall) * version 0.0.15 : add Module.alias_methods * version 0.0.14 : add Array#together_map(aliases => [tmap, together_collect, tcollect]) * version 0.0.13 : add Array#together_with_index, Kernel#bulk_puts_eval * version 0.0.12 : AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_reader_init,attr_writer_init * version 0.0.11 : add Object#to_bool. * version 0.0.10 : add TemplateMethodable module. * version 0.0.9 : add TestToolbox module. add Kernel#capture_stdout, Kernel#dp_line * version 0.0.8 : add Kernel#bulk_define_methods * version 0.0.7 : add Kernel#print_eval, Kernel#puts_eval * version 0.0.6 : add Ghostable * version 0.0.5 : add Templatable * version 0.0.4 : AttributesInitializable::ClassMethods.attr_accessor_init * version 0.0.3 : add Object#any_of? * version 0.0.2 : loop all arrays by block. * version 0.0.1 : first release. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request