namespace :airbrake do desc <<-DESC Notify Airbrake of the deployment by running the notification on the REMOTE machine. - Run remotely so we use remote API keys, environment, etc. DESC task :deploy do # update scm state to get the repository information invoke "#{scm}:update" on roles(:all) do within release_path do # XXX: Invoking deploy:set_rails_env would set :rails_env to proper # value, but that would make us depend on capistrano-rails with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env, fetch(:stage)) do # Compose the command notify_command airbrake_env = fetch(:airbrake_env, fetch(:rails_env, fetch(:stage))) notify_command = "airbrake:deploy" notify_command << " TO=#{airbrake_env}" notify_command << " REVISION=#{fetch(:current_revision)} REPO=#{fetch(:repo_url)}" notify_command << " USER=#{local_user.strip.shellescape}" info "Notifying Airbrake of Deploy (#{notify_command})" execute :rake, notify_command info "Airbrake Notification Complete." end end end end end