require 'spec_helper' describe APP::Models::CommonsInstitutions do let(:api) {APP::Api} let(:models){APP::Models} let(:klass) {models::CommonsInstitutions} let(:fixtures){APP::Fixtures.instance} let(:fixture){fixtures.commons_institutions} subject {} context "class methods" do specify { klass.should respond_to(:defaults)} it "returns expected set of defaults" do klass.defaults.should == models::Helpers.paging_defaults end end context "initialization" do it "returns object of a proper class when photos FlickRaw::ResponseList provided" do == klass end it "raises an error when FlickRaw::Response provided" do expect {}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an error when an Array class specified" do expect {[1,3,4])}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "instance methods" do specify {subject.should respond_to(:extract_per_page)} context "#extract_per_page" do let(:method){:extract_per_page} let(:options){{}} it_behaves_like "per page hash option" end specify {subject.should respond_to(:extract_current_page)} context "#extract_current_page" do let(:method){:extract_current_page} context ":page option provided" do let(:options){{}} it_behaves_like "page hash option" end context ":current_page option" do it "returns page number when current_page given" do subject.extract_current_page(:current_page => '2').should == '2' end it "prefers :current_page to :page" do subject.extract_current_page(:current_page => '3', :page => '30').should == '3' end it "returns default page when :current_page is set to nil" do subject.extract_current_page(:current_page => nil).should == FlickrMocks::Api.default(:page) end end end specify {subject.should respond_to(:default)} context "#default" do it "should return default when proper symbol provided" do klass.defaults.keys.each do |symbol| subject.default(symbol).should == klass.defaults[symbol] end end it "should return default when proper string provided" do klass.defaults.keys.each do |symbol| subject.default(symbol.to_s).should == klass.defaults[symbol] end end it "should return nil when 'garbage' provided" do subject.default(:garbage).should == nil end end context "paging methods" do specify {subject.should respond_to(:current_page)} context "#current_page" do it "should return 1 when no current_page given at initialization" do,:per_page => 20).current_page.should == 1 end it "should return specified current_page is valid" do,:per_page => 20, :current_page => 2).current_page.should == 2 end it "should return 1 when current page is 0" do,:per_page => 20, :current_page => 0).current_page.should == 1 end it "should return max page when current_page is greater than max_page" do max_page = (fixture.size / 20.to_f).ceil,:per_page => 20, :current_page => max_page+1).current_page.should == max_page end it "should return 1 when :per_page is very large and current_page is not set" do,:per_page => 200000).current_page.should == 1 end end specify {subject.should respond_to(:per_page)} context "#per_page" do it "returns default per_page when none specified at initialization" do,:current_page => 1).per_page.should == api.default(:per_page).to_i end it "returns per_page value that was specified during initialization" do,:per_page => 33, :current_page => 1).per_page.should == 33 end it "returns 1 when per_page is set to 0" do,:per_page => 0, :current_page => 1).per_page.should == api.default(:per_page).to_i end end specify {subject.should respond_to(:total_entries)} context "#total_entries" do it "returns expected number of photos" do subject.total_entries.should == fixtures.commons_institutions.size end end specify {subject.should respond_to(:==)} context "#==" do subject{,:per_page => 20, :current_page => 1)} it "returns true when object compared to itself" do subject.should == subject end it "returns true when object compared to clone of itself" do subject.should == subject.clone end it "returns false when object is compared to object with different :per_page" do subject.should_not ==, :per_page => subject.per_page + 1, :current_page => subject.current_page) end it "returns false when object is compared to object with different :current_page" do subject.should_not ==,:per_page => subject.per_page, :current_page => subject.current_page + 1) end end end end context "metaprogramming methods" do specify{ subject.should respond_to(:delegated_instance_methods)} context "#delegated_instance_methods" do it "returns expected list of methods that are delegated to other objects" do subject.delegated_instance_methods.sort.should == (FlickrMocks::Models::Helpers.array_accessor_methods).sort end end specify { subject.should respond_to(:methods)} context "#methods" do it "should return all methods as well as array iteration methods" do subject.methods.sort.should == (subject.old_methods + subject.delegated_instance_methods).sort end end specify{ subject.should respond_to(:respond_to?)} context "#respond_to?" do it "recognizes all methods returned by #methods" do subject.methods.each do |method| subject.should respond_to(method) end end end context "iteratable methods" do let(:reference) {subject.instance_eval('@delegated_to_object')} it_behaves_like "object with delegated Array accessor helpers" end specify {subject.should respond_to(:collection)} context "#collection" do context "usable argument set to nil" do let(:subject){,:per_page => 20, :current_page => 1) } let(:reference){ :current_page => 1, :per_page => 20, :total_entries => fixture.size, :collection => subject.institutions[0,20] } it_behaves_like "object that responds to collection" end end end context "custom cloning methods" do context "#initialize_copy" do it "returns institution objects that have distinct ids from the cloned object" do other = subject.clone subject.each_index do |index| subject[index].__id__.should_not == other[index].__id__ end end end end end