require "spec_helper" describe MetricFu::HotspotsGenerator do describe "analyze method" do before :each do {} File.stub(:directory?).and_return(true) @yaml = metric_data('hotspots/generator.yml') end it "should be empty on error" do hotspots = hotspots.instance_variable_set(:@analyzer, nil) result = hotspots.analyze result.should == {:files => [], :classes => [], :methods => []} end it "should put the changes into a hash" do MetricFu.result.should_receive(:result_hash).and_return(@yaml) hotspots = hotspots.analyze result = hotspots.to_h[:hotspots] expected = metric_data('hotspots/generator_analysis.yml') # ensure expected granularities expect(result.keys).to eq(expected.keys) # for each granularity's location details result.each do |granularity,location_details| # map 2d array for this granularity of [details, location] expected_result = expected.fetch(granularity).map {|ld| [ld.fetch('details'), ld.fetch('location')] } # verify all the location details for this granularity match elements of expected_result location_details.each do |location_detail| location = location_detail.fetch('location') details = location_detail.fetch('details') # get the location_detail array where the where the locations (second element) match expected_location_details = expected_result.rassoc(location) # get the details (first element) from the expected location_details array expected_details = expected_location_details[0] expect(details).to eq(expected_details) end end end # really testing the output of analyzed_problems#worst_items it "should return the worst item granularities: files, classes, methods" do hotspots = analyzer = expect(hotspots.analyze.keys).to eq([:files, :classes, :methods]) end end end