== 0.6.35 * modificata instanziazione CmdParser in base all'ultimo rilascio della gemma CmdParse * Aggiunto controllo per files .shtml in respawing e attivato celluloid.thread per Listen * modifiche correttive relative all'uso di ByeBug e corretta gestione del respawn con Listen * Modifiche per gemma fssm sostituita con listen * Usato il parametro HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO nel caso di reverse_proxy con ssl-offloading * Modifiche per problemi con respawn, kill dei child_thread e trap * Corretto il redirect su login per admin * Cambiata pagina di errore con invio mail con nome comune * Aggiunto valore di default per site.tech_admin.email con errori@soluzionipa.it == 0.6.34 * modificata logica di gestione delle date in odbc * Cambiato http_url con http_s_url e corretto funzioni * modificata funzionalità riguardante alias per ordinamento in mssql * Rimesso controllo se site.ssl attivo * Adeguata https_url con action come http_url in app.rb * Modifiche su invio mail multipart per problema con comunicazioni con immagini * Aggiunto un controllo se l'elemento non blank in set_loaded_value del base_model * Controllo se gia definita la costante per non avere il warning:already initialized constant News/Contents * Aggiunta funzione to_bool alla class String * Cambiata gestione allegati in send_email del messenger_helper * controllo se campo esiste in schema * Aggiunto controllo relativo al tipo di assoc_type * modificata chiamata rufus perchè non + supportata * aggiunto controllo in creazione indice non contemplando eventuali models che sono estensioni di altri == 0.6.33 * Modifiche per problemi con accenti e chiamate json * Encode aggiunto su funzione inspect * Corretto problemi in search_table che mantiene il parametro per la ricerca * Fatta conversione per invio delle mail con dati nella scene accentati * Usato force_encoding per invio della mail su tutti i campi della scene * Settato a true il single sign out del Cas * Fatto metodo ricorsivo per convertire un oggetto ruby in utf8 e cambiato il messenger helper * Aggiunto a livello di classe Object un metodo per convertire ricorsivamente in utf8 le stringhe nell'oggetto passato * Implementato metodo logout_cas in cas_login_mixin * Modifiche per CAS, cambiato lambda con Proc.new == 0.6.32 * Correzioni per gestione transazioni e metodi per lista per mod cms * Aggiunto il force_encoding sui campi della mail per problemi con accenti * Correzione al env.rb per problemi di encoding == 0.6.31 * Forzato il logout se password sbagliata per problemi con amministratori servizi * Corretto in table.rb il controllo sugli elementi multipli per problema * Modifica per avere le tabelle del calendario eventi accessibile * Corretto problema nella widget select, come nei gruppi utenti * Aggiunto controllo per avere una core:table non paginata * Modifiche per widget form che se riceve stringhe non utf8 le converte in utf8 e accept-charset * Aggiunto bootstrap3 negli assets e come cartella * Modifiche per wait_counters che da errore in 1.9.3, mod per bsmselect, mod in encoding per 1.9.3 * Aggiunto controllo su gemma iconv che ora è deprecata dalla versione 1.9, cambiato repo di default in options == 0.6.30 * Aggiunto datatype LONGTEXT per mysql * Aggiunto controllo per rufus-scheduler > della versione 3.0 * Aggiunto controllo per riconoscere IE11 per problemi caricamento file * Aggiunta versione backend skebby per sms * Corretto utilizzo degli assets per jquery ui 1.9 con autocomplete == 0.6.29 * Sostituito metodo lambda per problemi con ruby 1.9.3 in site_map del cms * Cambiata gestione invio sms con sender_name e prefisso internazionele, mail (smpt -> smtp ) * Modifiche alla widget table per paginazione per gestione pagina di dettaglio e ritorno a pagina corrente in elenco * Corretto db_mapper per condition sugli elementi di un modello == 0.6.28 * Visualizzazione in core:table dei dati collegati, eliminazione dipendenze circolari in uow * Bugfixes == 0.6.27 * Clear caches when tmp/clear.txt touched * Bugfixes == 0.6.26 * Added --no-rollback option to app update * Routes by HTTP methods, as a main test or as :http_method option; * Refactored Controller#url and related methods * Fixed Etc.getpwuid error on Windows * Condition#initialize now accepts a Proc, which must return the argument * Fixed SASS files not being skipped in production * Removed caching of Spider.site * Jquery UI nested sortable fix * Runmode from config now always takes lowest precedence * Various minor fixes = 0.6.25 == 07 March, 2012 * Fixed error when starting irb console * Dashes in widget ids are now replaced by underscores automatically (to allow widget paths) * Fixes in app install * Fixed GetText domain setting in overrides and JavaScript = 0.6.24 == 24 February, 2012 * Use Rack instead of custom adapters for all servers * Use Pry for spider console if available * Input widgets are no longer wrapped in divs * #before and #after are no longer executed for static files * Various fixes, some api documentation = 0.6.23 == 6 February, 2012 * Config options can now have a Proc for :choices; new :fallback param to reuse other config * Added new-link, edit-link attributes to Crud * Added Twitter Bootstrap 2 to core components * Updated CKEditor * Added test folder to app blueprint * Minor fixes = 0.6.22 == 14 December, 2011 * New core admin app * Core widgets now include only minimal CSS * SASS, Compass and Less support * Added dependency on Backports gem * Branches support for app server and client * Interactive/non-interactive modes in setup * Added Model::Request.strict, which creates a Request that is not auto-expanded * Added support for aggregates in query Request; added explicit 'group by' option in Query. * Much improved Tree model mixin * DbMapper#bulk_update now allows nil conditions (whole table update) * Static requests are now logged according to log.static_extensions config option (only errors are fully logged by default, otherwise only a GET line is printed) * Added fallback routes for Controllers (with 'route nil :destination') * :do proc in Route now receives the matched part as an argument (in addition to route arguments) * Fixed error messages being printed multiple times * Each Controller's before and after methods are now executed only once when there are routes to self * Fixes for Windows and JRuby * Migrations now can refer to previous version's models through Migrations::PreviousModel * Added RenameElement migration * All form inputs are now wrapped in DIVs * Fixed error in MySQL when synching schemas that change the primary autoincrement key * Added :fixed attribute to DbSchema#set_foreign_key * Widget.parse_content_xml is now responsible for wrapping the xml to construct a document * FileInput widget now saves to var/data/uploaded_files instead of data/uploaded_files * Widget attributes now can have a dash ('-') in their name; the dash is replaced with an underscore in variables * Fixed broken app update command * An object's children are no longer added to the UnitOfWork if they are unmodified * Added template.cache.use_fssm to clear template cache on file change (faster alternative to template.cache.disable) * Various other minor fixes and enhancements = 0.6.21 == 03 November, 2011 * require 'spidefw' no longer runs Spider.init(); use require 'spiderfw/init' instead * Support for home Gettext translations * Fixed stupid memory leak * Avoid some useless queries and joins in DbMapper * Enabled home Gemfile * Ruby 1.9.3 support * Updated test for new Capybara * Fixed unescaped text in views variables * Added BaseModel#own_elements method to list non-integrated elements * Changed Controller before and after calling to avoid problems in subclassed controllers = 0.6.20 == 05 October, 2011 * Added support for aggregate functions in DB conditions * Added after_load event to Form widget to allow manipulation of the loaded object * Fixed error Table Widget when paginate attribute is set to false * Improved DB join generation = 0.6.19 == 21 September, 2011 * Fixes: DbMapper join logic, configuration editor, js files compilation, Rack set_body_io (used by SOAP) = 0.6.18 == 16 September, 2011 * Thread management (keeps track of threads to wait for when exiting) * Under Phusion Passenger, controller's 'after' is now executed when the response is sent * Table widget now accepts a link_id not in the Table's shown elements * CLDR fixes * Updater fixes = 0.6.17 == 13 September, 2011 * AppManager rewrite, with setup tasks; Migrations * Experimental SASS support * CLDR 0.1.6; added Spider::I18n.list * InlineModels can now be compared with their primary key * Various bugfixes and enhancements = 0.6.16 == 22 August, 2011 * Bugfixes = 0.6.15 == 9 August, 2011 * Various fixes and enhancements = 0.6.14 == 4 August, 2011 * Installer and Windows fixes = 0.6.13 == 3 August, 2011 * Fixed bug in configuration editor = 0.6.12 == 3 August, 2011 * Minor fixes = 0.6.11 == 2 August, 2011 * Fixed app create command = 0.6.10 == 2 August, 2011 * Bugfixes = 0.6.9 == 28 July, 2011 * App installer now uses Git gem instead of Grit for better Windows compatibility * Switched from GetText to FastGettext; text domains are now used for each app = 0.6.8 == 26 July, 2011 * Windows fix (no HUP trapping) = 0.6.7 == 26 July, 2011 * Process management and app setup enhancements = 0.6.6 == 19 July, 2011 * Fix: use SEE_OTHER as default redirect code to avoid FF 5 caching * Fix: follow symlinks in base paths * Fix: reworked resource paths, views inclusion and extension now more reliable * Tree mixin now has tree_position, ordering * DB dumping * Better process management * Added bin/spider to default home = 0.6.5 == 29 June, 2011 * Mapper fixes = 0.6.4 == 29 June, 2011 * Fixed non-interactive "spider create home" = 0.6.3 == 28 June, 2011 * Bugfixes = 0.6.2 = 10 June, 2011 * More flexible Admin widget * Fixes and enhancements = 0.6.1 == 2 May, 2011 * Bundler support * Bugfixes = 0.6.0 == 20 April, 2011 * Test support * JRuby support * Document storage * Many bugfixes = 0.5.19 == 23 December, 2010 * Made Ripl an optional dependency, since Bond can't be build on JRuby * Fixed bug in assets with compressed="true" = 0.5.18 == 23 December, 2010 * Ripl for spider console * Ruby 1.9.2 support * Bugfixes = 0.5.17 == 20 December, 2010 * Better assets compression; assets profiles * Bugfixes = 0.5.16 == 07 December, 2010 * Added app update command * Fixed templates extension for overridden templates * Added Query#only_one, BaseModel#_check_if_saved * Bugfixes = 0.5.15 == 26 November, 2010 * BaseModel.from_hash_dump, :reverse option in extend_model * Spider.http_client util * Bugfixes = 0.5.14 == 24 November, 2010 * App management, setup wizard, configuration editor * Assets compressing * IdentityMapper, UnitOfWork and versioning * Role Based Access Control * Messenger backends * HtmlArea * Master and Servant apps * Many bugfixes and new methods = 0.5.13 == 17 June, 2010 * Changed gem dipendency from json to json_pure = 0.5.12 == 17 June, 2010 * JRuby support, Oracle JDBC connector = 0.5.11 === 15 June, 2010 * Many bugfixes * Javascript api enhancements, JS plugins * Minor Visual refactoring * Autogenerated DataTypes