# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Hyperdrive::Param do before do @param = default_param end it "has a name" do @param.name.must_equal 'id' end it "has a description" do @param.description.must_equal 'Identifier' end it "returns an array of HTTP methods it's required for" do @param.required.must_equal %w(PUT PATCH DELETE) end it "returns an array if only a single HTTP method is required" do Hyperdrive::Filter.new(:param, '', required: 'GET').required.must_equal ['GET'] end it "returns true if the param is required for the given HTTP method" do @param.required?('PUT').must_equal true end it "returns false if the param is not required for the given HTTP method" do @param.required?('POST').must_equal false end it "converts itself to a hash" do constraints = { name: 'id', description: 'Identifier', type: 'String', constraints: 'Required for: PUT, PATCH, DELETE. Must be a valid BSON Object ID.' } @param.to_hash.must_equal constraints end end